(November 20, 2009)THE land
surrounding Warminster is a special area after the work of two former
councillors ensured that special consideration is taken about its
Today a small area
is of farmland is blighted on the southern approach to town and an idea
has emerged to turn the farmland into an employment area that
contributes to the modern calls for sustainable

"I think the ideas
sent to me in a letter need serious consideration," said former
councillor Paul Macdonald who was closely involved in creating the
rural buffer zone.
"This is an existing area of activity that could benefit from use provided all and any concerns are addressed.
"I welcome the opportunity that those who are interested in taking on the site have offered to local people to meet them."
Bore Hill Farm is
currently attracting the interest of Malaby Biogas who claim to be an
environmentally positive development company.
They want to redevelop the farmstead to provide a recycling plant for waste powering an area that will provide workshops.
Rural job creation
projects are becoming well-established in villages. This idea brings
the chance to one of the last smaller farms within a touching distance
of an urban environment.
"I have had a look at the area," said Paul who spent four years on the district council planning committee.
"My initial concern
is for the residents of the homes overlooking the area, the speed limit
past the site, and the precedent that may be set.
"We all have to take an open look at this provided it is considered as an update on the current use."

Steve Dancey recalls when there was an application to develop a filling station and hotel in this area more than 20 years ago.
"I'm genuinely
looking at this with a completely open mind as I can see and number of
positive and negative aspects to this application," he said.
"As with all
applications it is a question of balancing the pros and cons and I will
be interested in seeing what the professional planning officers advise
as this is a sensitive location."