Sting In Thr Tail Election Thoughts July 15, 2024
It has been ten days since the country voted to elect a really new set of Members of Parliament to govern the United Kingdom and continue to place the... [MORE]
Full House Husting Reaction June 20, 2024
A full house greeted six parliamentary candidates at Warminster's Atheneum on Wednesday evening for a lively hustings event just over two week... [MORE]
July 4th 2024 ... .UK.Independents Day Arrives May 24, 2024
In the United States of America July 4th is the day that is celebrated every year. They call it 'Independence Day'.
A Prime Minister has called a 'sn... [MORE]
'Keeping Wiltshire Safe' Election Communication Lost In The Ether April 28, 2024
Warminster and its surrounding villages share a common historic and now increasingly unique contibution to their communities. A weekly family owned ... [MORE]
Decade Too Late Appearance April 24, 2024
The belated appearance of a Member of Parliament at a place that has been awash with problems for more than a decade as housing development floods the... [MORE]
Camera Shy - No Vote April 15, 2024
There is an important election taking place next month. Poltical expedience or police experience. Police and Crime Comissioner Elections.
One... [MORE]
Let's Raise A Stinkl February 07, 2024
A report that has the word 'OBJECT' in rarely seen capital letters in a government agency report has been highlighted in the Warminster Journal
... [MORE]
Farmland Housing Idea Branded Excessive March 22, 2022
Warminster town councillors are sticking to their 14 point objection to plans to develop housing on land bordering their town alongside the Westbury... [MORE]
Decade Old Scaffolding Eyesore August 17, 2021
The centuries old Feoffees of a 13th century chapel and the future new owner of a neighbouring much complained about derelict building which is a ma... [MORE]
Village Church Tops Turnout For MP August 03, 2021
Dr Andrew Murrison MP spent last week bringing his surgery to many of the smaller communities in his South West Wiltshire constituency which saw vil... [MORE]
Footslogging Soldiers Safer With Footbridge July 27, 2021
Soldiers risking their lives crossing the lines not on a battlefield but those in the middle of a busy country road will see them doubling across a ... [MORE]
Planning Gain Town Centre Housing Hopes July 21, 2021
Applications at county hall for fourteen new town houses and flats in Warminster have gained favour with Warminster town councillors after one plannin... [MORE]
Councillors Quickly React To Dangerous Blind Spot Junction July 19, 2021
Proposals to improve road safety at a ‘near miss’ hotspot in Warminster have taken a big step forward just weeks after two newly elected... [MORE]
Go Green Community Farm Excites Councillors July 13, 2021
A presentation to find land to set up a community farm in Warminster has been given immediate backing by two town councillors.
Within days of their... [MORE]
Police Service Election Knockout Blow Choice July 10, 2021
Two local community leaders this week have taken an interest in the upcoming controversial re-run of the county Police and crime commissioner electi... [MORE]
Blooming Success Helps Church Appeal July 05, 2021
A tiny Wiltshire village with a historic church and neighbouring thatched cottage was a blooming and 'buzzing' success at the weekend.
Knook reside... [MORE]
Incinerator Heat Burning July 01, 2021
The heat is stepping up on Wiltshire Council’s Strategic Planning Committee which voted by seven votes to four to approve planning permission ... [MORE]
Slow Down! SID is watching you June 28, 2021
Warminster town council is being asked to target speeding motorists by purchasing new speed indicator devices after being without them for several y... [MORE]
Splash The Cash Council Decision June 22, 2021
Warminster is finally on course to get children safely playing in water with a new splash pad after councillors agreed to spend nearly £400,00... [MORE]
Contentious Housing Plan Record Oppostion June 15, 2021
Warminster town council has stepped up its opposition to a proposal to build houses on land neighbouring Damask Way that has attracted thousands of ... [MORE]
New Councillor Gets New Response June 15, 2021
Warminster Independent councillors are not wasting any time in taking issues raised with them by local residents and just weeks after being elected ... [MORE]
'Tyred' and Tired Out Council June 01, 2021
Potholes and bad road surfaces are a danger to all road users which Wiltshire Council always claims they are spending record sums on.
The state of ... [MORE]
Save Green Spaces Petition Applauded May 28, 2021
Warminster residents are being urged to sign a national petition that would strengthen the public saying no to building on important green fields.Wi... [MORE]
MP Covid Heroes Recognition Idea May 27, 2021
Tomorrow, Friday 28th May sees local MP Dr. Andrew Murrison launch an invite for nominations of volunteers, key workers, businesses, schools or othe... [MORE]
Parish Council Plans For The Future May 26, 2021
Heytesbury, Knook and Imber Parish Council have reacted to an allocation of 22 new dwellings in their village by the unitary authority at council ha... [MORE]
Putting Green Saved For Next Generation May 25, 2021
A popularity contest discussed at a meeting of the Warminster town council about what is best for the future of an increasingly unique feature of a ... [MORE]
'Sting in the tail' challenge to town council May 22, 2021
A forum hosted by Warminster town council was dominated by climate change, the ecology, and making local democracy vibrant with a blunt ‘screw... [MORE]
Damask Eco Damage Back on the Agenda May 21, 2021
The most controversial planning application for years now at Damask Way is once again on the agenda at a public meeting in the Civic Centre in Warmi... [MORE]
Knock Out Blow to Town Council Hopes May 18, 2021
Every four years the Mayor making is a bit different at Warminster town council as it has to await the election results waiting to see if the pre-ar... [MORE]
Should Top Of The Poll Mean Top Seat May 13, 2021
The town council election results are now in and attention is turning to who puts their bottoms on which chairs causing unrest in the council chambe... [MORE]
Droves Cause Shock Town Council Result May 11, 2021
There were shock results in the town council elections counted on Sunday as a former Mayor lost his seat and a last minute Independent candidate top... [MORE]
Not a Council Meeting But The Important Meeting May 08, 2021
The Annual Town Meeting is not a council meeting but it is a meeting of the Town electors taking place between 1st March and 1st June and can play a... [MORE]
Nailbiting Times For Local Election Candidates May 07, 2021
Residents in Warminster, including some passionate voters who came forward to help the Independent candidates, will have a lot of nailbiting hours w... [MORE]
Local Candidate Reveals Top Issues That Need Answers May 05, 2021
The local council elections have seen almost no public appearances by candidates but one hopeful standing in Warminster East has been on the streets... [MORE]
Golden Opportunity Not To Be Missed May 04, 2021
Voters will have a golden opportunity at Thursday's council elections to show that they demand better treatment for Warminster.
More thought, more ... [MORE]
Utilise and Re-invent The Wheel? April 28, 2021
Three Warminster town councillors who represent the east were contacted by a resident who lives there about the move by them to resurrect a failed t... [MORE]
Council 'Put Your House in Order' Call April 27, 2021
Warminster Town Council held an extraordinary full council virtual meeting last Thursday which has led to a call for them to 'put their house in ord... [MORE]
Wake Up Again Warminster Message April 21, 2021
Warminster Town Coucncil are holding an extraordinary new meeting outside those that are normally held that a former councillor feels should be chal... [MORE]
Well Recognised Resident Challenge April 18, 2021
The Town and County council elections in Warminster East Ward will not be a foregone conclusion as a well recognised local resident has thrown his h... [MORE]
Can You Wait To Cast Your Vote? April 16, 2021
The local council elections in Warminster will involve an unprecedented number of postal votes.
Independent candidates are taking the unprecedented... [MORE]
Veteran Councillor Return Is Needed April 14, 2021
The local elections in Warminster produced a big surprise with the name of John Syme that has appeared on the ballot papers to challenge the Tory st... [MORE]
Saving Warminster Can Be A Role Model April 13, 2021
The Conservative party in Warminster nearly saw off all opposition until at the last moment a few independent minded very green residents decided to... [MORE]
Voters Choice Assured At The Last MInute April 10, 2021
Conservative domination of Warminster Town Council will be challenged in May as independent minded campaigners target wards all currently monopolise... [MORE]
Floodgates of objections Opened by Incineration Plan September 16, 2020
Warminster Town Council have added their voice to the chorus of objections from the MP, local town and parish councils,and nearly 300 residents form... [MORE]
'Wild West' Planning Will Hit Sustainability September 14, 2020
The government, led by the Prime Minister Boris Johnson struggling with the Covid crisis, are ramming through so many emergency measures many of whi... [MORE]
Westbury didn’t lose one smoke stack only to get another says MP September 12, 2020
The burning issue in Wesbury is heating up as a decision deadline rapidly approaches with the local MP Dr. Andrew Murrison strongly speaking out aga... [MORE]
Be Positive Message From MP September 02, 2020
On the day that Parliament resumed its duties at Westminster the local Member of Parliament for the constituency that includes Warminster, Dr. Andre... [MORE]
Librarian Thrilled By Response September 01, 2020
The custodian of the town library is thrilled at the success of emerging from the pandemic opening its doors safely last week.
Scores upon scores o... [MORE]
Village Octagenarian Green Fingers August 28, 2020
An octogenarian villager who freely gives his time using his ‘green fingers’ provided a lot of Covid-19 lockdown colour and cheer to the... [MORE]
Futuristic Looking Library Re-opens August 26, 2020
Scores upon scores of traditional bookworms and modern internet users joined by others accessing information flocked to the first day of the re-open... [MORE]
Local Council Income Tops a Million August 24, 2020
Well over a record £1 million pounds of income that Warminster Town Council receives is currently open for their electors to take a look and s... [MORE]
Council Balances its Pandemic Books August 16, 2020
The pandemic saw so many local households carefully nursing their pursestrings with new words like furlough and lockdown disrupting their spending a... [MORE]
Poundland Days Are Not Numbered August 14, 2020
A popular Warminster store doomed to closure by the economic effects of the Covid pandemic just a couple of weeks ago will now stay open.
“Po... [MORE]
Gasification Rallying Call Answer Tonight August 10, 2020
A rallying call that had been made by the local Conservative MP, Dr Andrew Murrison, after being 'fed a load of old nonsense’ by the owners of... [MORE]
Village Dancing Pandemic Folklore August 05, 2020
The resilience of local communities both large and small have been tested to the limit over many pandemic months this year with many residents findi... [MORE]
Poundland Numbers Do Not Stack Up August 04, 2020
The market town of Warminster has borne the impact of the Covid-19 economic challenge to its commercial enterprises with shops, both small and indep... [MORE]
Hallow-een Carnival Day Is On August 04, 2020
The streets of Warminster, traditionally closed on the last Saturday of October for the annual carnival that rounds off the appearance of brilliantl... [MORE]
Pound for Pound is Poundland Worth the Effort July 30, 2020
A once ‘Cinderella’ Warminster has borne the impact of the Covid-19 economic challenge to its commercial enterprises with shops, both sm... [MORE]
Bats Love Warminster Habitat July 28, 2020
Dusk at the town park in Warminster will soon have a new way of enjoying a natural daily event that matches the sight of wildfowl during the day.
T... [MORE]
Charity Assistance Landmark Reached July 27, 2020
A local charity has reached a milestone in its efforts to support local residents in need of help with a wide variety of financial and social issues... [MORE]
Still on the Books Library Civic Storm Brewing July 24, 2020
A civic storm is brewing if a plan to make a commercial profit from land that Wiltshire Council owns in Warminster is being dusted off as part of th... [MORE]
Upbeat 'Beat' Report Carries Warning July 22, 2020
A ‘small snapshot report’ from the police to town councillors on Monday has revealed a bigger picture that fears that were emerging from... [MORE]
Councillor pitches up for rough sleeper July 21, 2020
A Warminster town councillor has reacted strongly to the threat that a civil eviction is on the cards against a rough sleeper surviving under a natu... [MORE]
Electric Boost for those in Need July 20, 2020
Help is on hand for Warminster residents reliant on pre-payment meters finfing themselves placed in a financial hard place by the continual problems... [MORE]
Council Commits to being Greener July 20, 2020
Warminster Town Council took a step forward tonight after declaring a Climate Change emergency at their meeting in January but over six months later... [MORE]
Busy Bees Week of Activity July 17, 2020
A Warminster ecologist is joined by a swarm of conservationists buzzing around the country this week to save endangered bumblebees in England from e... [MORE]
Snapping out of Lockdown July 14, 2020
A Warminster resident literally ‘snapped’ out of lockdown and kept a very safe social distance taking full advantage of her home town lo... [MORE]
'Bee' Busy and 'Bug' Councils Greener Plea July 09, 2020
A Warminster resident with a science phd is urging councillors and the public to make the town greener in the way it looks at doing more to help nat... [MORE]
Fitness Open Air Treasure July 08, 2020
Warminster joggers and fitness fans are ahead of Prime Minister Boris Johnson who announced this week that he hopes to re-open indoor gyms within we... [MORE]
The Library and Books are So Important July 07, 2020
The Warminster Journal front page lead story last week about the future of the town library has seen retired schoolteacher and lifelong user Terry C... [MORE]
Major Supermarket Looks To Warminster July 05, 2020
A major supermarket is hoping to build new stores and Warminster is a town that is on its radar as a possible location if conditions are right.
Ald... [MORE]
Church Emerges from Lockdown With A Lot of Handwashing July 02, 2020
The traditional sight of fathers walking the bride down the church aisle is to remain banned for the foreseeable future but the oldest church is War... [MORE]
Doing The Covid 2020 Walk June 30, 2020
A Warminster sexagenarian at the highest risk of death if exposed to the coronavirus during the current pandemic is walking to Land End on his own a... [MORE]
Wildlife volunteers Look to the Future June 23, 2020
The Grovelands Countryside and Wildlife Park group volunteer efforts are currently on hold due to restrictions on working during the Covid-19 lockdo... [MORE]
Town Councillors Sitting on their Hands Challenge June 20, 2020
An unintended increased lockdown saw Warminster Town Council forced by technical problems that shut down their website to have no public access to t... [MORE]
MP 'Load of old nonsense' Rallying Call June 19, 2020
A rallying call has been made by the local MP after being 'fed a load of old nonsense’ by the owners of the controversial gasification plant j... [MORE]
Community should step up to the mark to help schools June 18, 2020
Let the Warminster community help get the education of school pupils closer to normal and provide a boost to the efforts of teachers as they try to ... [MORE]
Blue Hearts Re-wilding Campaign Launched June 17, 2020
An ecologically friendly movement that began six years ago in the market town of Chipping Sodbury is coming to Warminster in a positive way as the t... [MORE]
Coronavirus 'Bubble' Joy Arrives in Warminster June 16, 2020
Family and friends ‘bubbles’ are a real step forward for many residents in Warminster as grandparents can now visit their grandchildren ... [MORE]
Town Centre Fly-tipping Forces Action June 15, 2020
Very public town centre unsightly and messy fly-tipping caused by bags and bags of rubbish being left on a Warminster street pavement has forced Wil... [MORE]
Hedgehogs through to Alzheimers Sufferers Help June 12, 2020
Warminster Town Council have given out over £19,000 in grants to back community groups in the town that provide support or opportunities to lo... [MORE]
Business Grant Sting in the Tail June 10, 2020
Many small businesses in Warminster have waited up to three months since the government forced them to close for help to deal with the financial dis... [MORE]
Get on your Bikes Call June 08, 2020
The town’s annual cycling ‘Wobble’ event is now a favourite among two-wheelers all over Wiltshire and Dorset, according to former ... [MORE]
Tons and Tons of Support June 05, 2020
Over four tons of food from a local independent charity run solely by volunteers has doubled its efforts last month supporting those in need during ... [MORE]
Shameful Wiltshire Council Decision June 02, 2020
A former Warminster Town Councillor has reacted with disbelief a decision to re-introduce car parking charges in the market town which was strugglin... [MORE]
Fitness for Purpose Question Posed May 27, 2020
All day long the pavements of Warminster and some of the country lanes and escape routes from the town are being pounded by running feet as fresh ai... [MORE]
Grant Applications Need More Time May 25, 2020
Warminster Town Council give out annual grants and a former councillor is concerned that new local good causes that have emerged in the current coro... [MORE]
Planning Decisions Pending Call May 24, 2020
In this time of crisis new planning legislation has been introduced by the government to allow the rapid building of hospitals to be built. The viru... [MORE]
'Game of Homes' Appeal to Householders May 08, 2019
Wiltshire Police are waging war on opportunist burglars and asking members of the public to play the Game of Homes in an innovative way getting loca... [MORE]
Knife Crime Ignored March 20, 2019
Nationally ignored Warminster has suffered another knife crime last weekend at the Esso filling station adding to one just weeks ago at the One-Stop... [MORE]
Winter Crisis Highlights Call to Alms for Historic Building January 08, 2019
A financial crisis has hit a Warminster church that has stood the test of time for over 150 years as a result of criminal activity adding to three y... [MORE]
Westbury Incinerator Plan 'Feel the Heat' January 06, 2019
Warminster Town Council is feeling the heat about a plan to build a controversial waste incinerator plant near the busy Westbury railway station and... [MORE]
Reward offered for return of much loved bike taken from outside Warminster library on Wednesday August 09, 2018
A DISTINCTIVE blue bike was stolen from outside Warminster library between 4pm and 8.15pm on Wednesday afternoon. (8 August)
The bike, a GT aggress... [MORE]
Goodbye Waitrose and thanks for all the coffee - ANPR sucks March 08, 2018
By Steve Dancey
(retired editor The Andover Advertiser)
WAITROSE in Warminster has applied to install Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) c... [MORE]
Parking Penny Pinching Gone Mad February 17, 2018
Conservative Wiltshire Council has added a 'double whammy' to those who use car parks across the county adding to problems in streets around the tow... [MORE]
Warminster Should Remember the Fallen of WW1 in a Special Way February 07, 2018
The 2018 Remembrance Day parade should have a brand new approach with an extra special effort to mark the end of the First World War is the call of ... [MORE]
Is the Milkman the green answer to plastic pollution? January 30, 2018
Can the milkman be a major green answer to the problems being caused by plastic throwaway bottles is the question being asked by a Warminster town c... [MORE]
Controversial Damask 'on the Cusp' Plan Rejected Locally January 29, 2018
Controversial plans to build 34 houses on a field on the 'cusp' of the Smallbrook Nature Reserve in Warminster have been unanimously opposed by the ... [MORE]
Blues being urged to turn Green to back Prime Minister January 27, 2018
Warminster Town Council is urged to take up a strong role in being a community that works with the Prime Minister to meet her aims stated this month... [MORE]
Newly elected tory town council votes for 32 per cent tax hike as County Hall services crumble January 25, 2018
By Steve Dancey (retired editor - The Andover Advertiser)
WARMINSTER council tax bills will cause a much heavier thud on the mat when they ... [MORE]
Council Green Light to Controversial Development January 24, 2018
Controversial plans for a development on a buffer zone between the Grovelands Way estate and the future massive West Urban extension in Warminster t... [MORE]
Save Police Officers Jobs Call January 22, 2018
A Warminster town councillor is backing a proposed increase in the policing part of council tax during a consultation that closes on the last day of... [MORE]
Mourinho Style 'Parking Your Bus' Fails Test January 15, 2018
Warminster Town Councillor Paul Macdonald believes the town should carry the battle to Wiltshire Council about the excessive demands it is making on... [MORE]
Big crowd forces Warminster board to confront homeless issue January 05, 2018
A PLACARD waving crowd of more than 100 people, unhappy about Wiltshire Council’s perceived attitude towards homeless people, forced Warminste... [MORE]
Rowboating Mayor Ambushes Council May 15, 2017
Newly elected Warminster Conservative Town Mayor Rob Fryer ambushed the 13 strong council announcing the return of the controversial costly civic re... [MORE]
Latest leaflet highlights local issues May 03, 2017
On the eve of poll the latest Independent leaflet delivered highlights some of the local issues that they will take up immediately upon election.
A... [MORE]
Residents abandoned by Wiltshire Council cuts April 28, 2017
Independent county council candidate Paul Macdonald for the East ward worked hard to deal with the dog fouling issue.
He came up with an innovative... [MORE]
Vital Bus Service to Salisbury Cut April 28, 2017
Boreham resident and Independent council candidate Paul Macdonald is 'shocked' by the severity of the Conservatiev cuts to bus services from a loc... [MORE]
Bus Services Left in Limbo April 28, 2017
The Independent candidate for Warminster East Paul Macdonald challenges for an explanation after his local bus stop revealed that bus services to Sa... [MORE]
Tory Leaflet Angers Observant Resident April 27, 2017
During elections Independent candidate Paul Macdonald always enjoy some of the observations from our residents as he goes around campaigning.
"How... [MORE]
Tory support laments poor quality of local Conservatives April 26, 2017
A LIFELONG Conservative supporter and website blogger says he has already voted for Independents because of the poor quality of local Tories.
... [MORE]
Is Warminster a 'Cinderella Town' Challenge April 22, 2017
Support a fresh approach for 'Cinderella Warminster' is a message of a leading Independent councillor to take a seat at Wiltshire Council in the loc... [MORE]
Town in need of makeover April 20, 2017
An Independent town councillor who is standing again explains what the four years he has served so far has taught him.
"Warminster is in need of a ... [MORE]
Why Vote Independent? April 19, 2017
For the Conservative candidates in the local council elections the appearance of a strong challenge of candidates by Independents will prove a real ... [MORE]
Strong Team Of Independents April 18, 2017
Warminster local council elections are in the past a contest between two or three political parties and more recently only one political party has p... [MORE]
Time to stand and deliver March 24, 2017
A long-serving former Warminster councillor says the failure of the county council to enforce the removal of scaffolding in the High Street reflects... [MORE]
Six Tory Councillors rubber stamp £50,000 gift to radio station March 21, 2017
Warminster Town Council voted narrowly to back proposals to gift £50,000 to radio station WCR over the next five years.
Six Conservative... [MORE]
Experienced Councillor objects to farmland housing December 28, 2016
CLLR STEVE DANCEY'S objection to the latest Home Farm application
'I object to this proposal for a variety of reasons - most importantly because it... [MORE]
Town Council Tory Patronage December 21, 2016
Warminster Town Council agreed in October that its Neighbourhood Plan Working Group had completed its task after three years' work and closed it dow... [MORE]
Warminster Town Council town clerk post - APPLICANTS BEWARE December 12, 2016
ANYONE thinking of taking on the demanding role of Warminster Town Council clerk should be warned that the post could disappear after next May... [MORE]
Local Tories' arrogance, bad manners and immaturity December 12, 2016
WARMINSTER Conservative councillors plumbed new depths of arrogance and bad manners at a planning meeting this evening when the Home Farm planning a... [MORE]
Nag's Head to open as a curry house December 08, 2016
A CLOSED public house in Warminster is to re-open its doors by Easter following a transformation into a curry house.
The Nags Head in Portway has b... [MORE]
Public is urged to attend Home Farm planning application meeting on Monday 12 December December 02, 2016
A Plan to build 135 dwellings on farmland near the edge of the town will be considered by Warminster's planning advisory committee on Monday 12 Dece... [MORE]
Nitpicking Delays Megabucks Challenge June 28, 2016
Warminster Independent councillors against the principle of supporting the day to day running costs of local charities and trusts in 'mega-bucks' ag... [MORE]
Warminster's Brexit bonus - the hobbling of large developers June 25, 2016
FRIDAY'S Brexit decision could provide an unexpected bonus for Warminster and save some of the green fields around the town from development.
On Fr... [MORE]
Why Leave are winning so much support from ordinary folk June 17, 2016
A brilliant reply on The Guardian website reveals exactly why so many voters are turning their backs on the views of the newspaper's well- meaning b... [MORE]
'Shy Tories' and their £50,000 support to WCR June 16, 2016
CONSERVATIVE Councillors sitting on Warminster Town Council are usually very keen for the staff to send out press releases giving them publicit... [MORE]
Brexit the Movie reviewed in Warminster June 11, 2016
BREXIT the Movie was the free offering at The Athenaeum in Warminster on Friday evening and it delighted the audience. But it was an audience of die... [MORE]
Spurt Mead rejection subject to appeal June 09, 2016
THOSE who want to build a housing estate on the banks of the River Wylye on the most important entrance to the town at Spurt Mead have refloated the... [MORE]
WCR - Call for further funding June 08, 2016
THE agreement struck between the old town council and Warminster Community Radio (WCR) to enter into a 'service level agreement' with funding of &po... [MORE]
Should ash trees Leave or Remain ? June 04, 2016
A PROPOSAL to remove a large ash tree on land near the Civic Centre in Warminster will be considered by the town council's finance and assets comm... [MORE]
It's official the Warminster expansion zone will have 1403 homes May 31, 2016
ONE of Wiltshire Council's senior mandarins has confirmed at a public meeting in 'The Ath' this evening that the West Warminster Urban extension wil... [MORE]
EU Referendum declaration times revealed May 28, 2016
EU Referendum declaration times revealed to press
COUNTING in the EU referendum will continue overnight on 24 June with the first results expected ... [MORE]
The Strange Death of Labour England 2016 - 2025 May 22, 2016
By Steve Dancey
BY leaving working class people in the lurch over the EU referendum the Labour Party has set in stone its 2020 General Election def... [MORE]
River Wylye Homes Plan Refused April 07, 2016
Wiltshire Councillors have turned down by seven votes to four a controversial plan to build 35 homes by the River Wylye.The outline application for ... [MORE]
Warminster Town Council opposes Spurt Mead - but you can't speak up at vital meeting April 04, 2016
WARMINSTER Town Council is officially opposed to the development of housing on the Warminster flood plain at Spurt Mead next... [MORE]
Ten Grand A Year Eyesore March 24, 2016
The Warminster 'blot on the landscape' auction this week of a listed High Street building thought so structurally unsound that it needs permanent sc... [MORE]
Go behind a tree for a pee? March 24, 2016
Residents and visitors to Warminster face months of inconvenience as Wiltshire Council have carried on its relentless slashing of services which thi... [MORE]
Former education committee member voiced concerns over master plan March 18, 2016
THE master plan submitted by developers for the Western Urban Expansion has implications for the whole of Warminster - particularly in the area... [MORE]
Warminster Masterplan Fourteen Points of Concern March 15, 2016
Warminster town council have issued a fourteen point challenge to the draft West Urban Extension 'masterplan' drawn up by developers and submitted t... [MORE]
Queensway Play Area Improvements Boost March 01, 2016
Queensway play are will be a safer place to play after Warminster Town Council agreed this week to pay for an improvement which will fence in the la... [MORE]
Town Councillor Speaks Up For The Hopper February 29, 2016
Warminster Town Council is now in reverse gear for the RUH Hopper bus service as a lone councillor battled against last minute procedure tonight.
C... [MORE]
Daniel Hannan lauches Warminster's Leave campaign in Warminster February 26, 2016
WILTSHIRE'S Vote Leave campaign was launched in Warminster on Thursday evening with a sparkling mix of euro scepticism and humour at a packed Athena... [MORE]
Baroness Scott says 'very important to keep town councils informed February 23, 2016
WILTSHIRE Council leader Jane Scott has agreed that town and parish councillors should be kept better informed if major developers ma... [MORE]
Why I'm backing BREXIT February 20, 2016
AFTER months of desperate frantic effort the Prime Minister has achieved almost nothing by his negotiations with the EU.
Crucially the minor c... [MORE]
Joined Up Thinking Consultations Demand February 19, 2016
The residents of Warminster are being given more time to comment on a major planning document that took over two years to prepare chaired by a forme... [MORE]
Hopper Bus MP Response To Councillor February 18, 2016
South West Wiltshire MP Dr. Andrew Murrison is going to ask the Wiltshire NHS to justify the decision 'that beggars belief' not to support the RUH H... [MORE]
Masterplan revealed to the public February 17, 2016
The highly contentious future expansion of Warminster to give houses towards government dictated targets goes public tomorrow.
"Our planning author... [MORE]
Co-op out Vets4Pets In Proposal February 16, 2016
Promised convenience store shopping with planning permission for a large housing estate that has grown in recent years is no longer on the drawing b... [MORE]
Where Everybody Mutters February 16, 2016
WILTSHIRE Council's strapline 'Where Everybody Matters' was lampooned as 'Where Everybody Mutters' by Lib Dem councillor Trevor Carbin when it was u... [MORE]
Wheels Stop Turning For Batchelors February 14, 2016
The wheels have stopped turning after a market town business that has for decade after decade stretching back to the days of Queen Victoria survived... [MORE]
River Wylye Houses Plan Turned Down February 12, 2016
Plans to build two houses in a conservation area and on the River Wylye floodplain have been rejected by Wiltshire Council planners.
The idea to bu... [MORE]
Is Wiltshire Council Now Wiltingshire? February 11, 2016
Wiltshire Council services in key areas of civic pride are wilting under the political pressure to carry out the Conservative Party cabinet led aust... [MORE]
Wiltshire Council backs bid for Bath Road gypsy pitches by 5 votes to 4 February 10, 2016
WILTSHIRE Council's strategic planning committee has approved plans for four gypsy pitches and associated buildings along Warminster's Bath Road - d... [MORE]
Former Mayor Speaks Out About Hopper February 07, 2016
A former Mayor of Warminster has urged Wiltshire Councillors to reverse their decision to end the Connect 2 mini-bus service to the Royal United Hos... [MORE]
Paul Puts Dukes Up To MP February 06, 2016
Members of Parliament including Andrew Murrison representing South West Wiltshire where licences are now issued are arguing that unconventional oil ... [MORE]
Warminster Residents Backing Frack No Banner February 05, 2016
The leading local newspaper in Warminster today published a report on the national Fracking Solidarity Sunday rally held at the highly symbolic West... [MORE]
Hopper Campaign Goes Ahead on Two Fronts February 04, 2016
The campaign to save the Connect 2 'Hopper' bus service to the Royal United Hospital in Bath goes ahead on two fronts.
The Independent county counc... [MORE]
Severed head left in grit bin near school February 02, 2016
THE rotting head of a pig carcase has been dumped in a council grit bin just yards from the entrance to a busy Warminster primary school.
Despit... [MORE]
D-Day for Romani Warminster Homes February 01, 2016
A controversial Gypsy homes decision day has been announced by Wiltshire Council for the plan by Jim Barney to getting planning permission along the... [MORE]
Fracking Film Underway Needs More Balance January 28, 2016
Independent film maker Angus MacFadyean is working on a project that he describes as a 'sense of your journey' about the issue of unconventional coa... [MORE]
Tory MPs Push Matched By Locals January 26, 2016
The national headlong rush led by the Prime Minster, the Chancellor, and local MPs Murrison and Perry to push through the unconventional extraction ... [MORE]
River Wylye Houses Plan Rejected January 25, 2016
A plan to build two houses in a conservation area along the River Wylye failed to gain any support from town councillors.Two members of the public s... [MORE]
Close Call: Warminster business owner cleans up after another Wiltshire Council failure January 23, 2016
WARMINSTER businessman Pete Bartley was so concerned at Wiltshire Council's failure to clear dangerous, slippery leaves from a busy town centre... [MORE]
New Chance To Save Hopper Bus January 22, 2016
Warminster town councillor Paul Macdonald continues his save the RUH Hopper bus campaign despite the announcement this week that negotiations betwee... [MORE]
Centre of Civic Pride New Owner Chance January 21, 2016
A Town Hall that takes pride of place in the market town of Warminster donated to the people by the Lord Bath family is on the books of a commercial... [MORE]
Streamlining or Stream Lining Waste Concerns January 20, 2016
Wiltshire Council having in recent years changed the opening hours twice for the household recycling centre in Warminster as a cost cutting move are... [MORE]
BBC Apologises To Warminster January 19, 2016
The BBC was forced to apologise to the town of Warminster today when a video of still pictures they posted on the Wiltshire Sound facebook page wron... [MORE]
Fracking Assurances are not Set in Stone or Even Shale Rock January 18, 2016
Warminster Town Council have unanimously backed a motion calling on Wiltshire Council to take more action to prepare itself for the onslaught of unc... [MORE]
Fiver to Save Town from County Cuts January 17, 2016
A council tax increase by Warminster Town Council is close to being agreed seeing the middle band payers pay under just five pounds extra each year ... [MORE]
'Fight On' Hopper Bus Call January 15, 2016
A Warminster town councillor is urging everyone to fight on to save the RUH Hopper bus after county hall revealed that as things stand the service i... [MORE]
Hopper Bus Fails To Appear January 13, 2016
The RUH Hopper bus campaign has not appeared on the agenda of an important Wiltshire Council meeting as one Warminster town councillor expresses fea... [MORE]
Devastating effect on OAPs January 12, 2016
A Warminster councillor is calling on local people not to miss the bus as another service faces the axe at the hands of Wiltshire Council.
"The uni... [MORE]
Last Orders For Iconic Tea Hut January 10, 2016
A Warminster town councillor has launched a last ditch attempt to rally fellow members to give a reprieve to the tea hut that generations have enjoy... [MORE]
Fire service safety campaign undermined by county council policies January 09, 2016
AN IMPORTANT fire brigade campaign being waged to improve public safety is being undermined in Warminster - and probably elsewhere in Wiltshire - ... [MORE]
How Robust is the Warminster Flood Strategy? January 08, 2016
A Warminster town councillor gained the unanimous support of all five local Wiltshire unitary (county) councillors when he asked if the flood strate... [MORE]
Fracking Back on Council Agenda January 07, 2016
Members of the Keep Wiltshire Frack Free group meeting in Warminster last night were the first to hear the latest initiative by local town councillo... [MORE]
New fire brigade after 67 years from 1 April January 07, 2016
WARMINSTER'S five county councillors were given the opportunity of asking the boss of the new combined fire brigade some searching questions in pu... [MORE]
Fracking Petition Needs 100,000 Signatures January 06, 2016
Local councillor Paul Macdonald is urging residents to sign a national on-line petition that not only calls on the government to stop the use of hyd... [MORE]
Make Fracking Decisions Public Call December 30, 2015
Councillors at county hall are being challenged to ensure that all future planning applications for test drilling or hydraulic fracturing go to the ... [MORE]
NHS Will Not Get on Board The Hopper Bus December 30, 2015
Independent Wiltshire Councillors have revealed that one of the avenues that could save the RUH hopper bus has become a cul-de-sac.
It has provoke... [MORE]
Town Council votes against Spurt Mead application December 22, 2015
WARMINSTER Town Council has formally objected to the plans to build 35 dwellings at Spurt Mead near Boreham Mill on the banks of the River Wylye.
T... [MORE]
Campaigners Christmas Cheer December 22, 2015
The last town council meeting of the year gave residents a bit of Christmas cheer as it voted against the Spurt Mead custom build plan for Boreham R... [MORE]
Burglars don't like the dark, says councillor November 05, 2015
A WARMINSTER man who tackled Wiltshire Councillors about their decision to turn off the town's street lights at night was told that burglars don't l... [MORE]
Spurt Mead permission quashed by High Court judge following judicial review October 10, 2015
A HIGH Court judge has decided that the planning permission granted for Spurt Mead in WarminsTer should be overturned.
The decision follows an expe... [MORE]
New town clerk for Westbury - up to 41k October 05, 2015
IF you ever fancied running a parish council but couldn't be bothered then think again as Westbury needs a new town clerk. The post pays over £... [MORE]
Town council backs anti-fracking motion September 22, 2015
WARMINSTER Town Council has voiced its opposition to fracking by backing the motion submitted by Vision for Warminster's Steve Dancey and Paul Macdo... [MORE]
Problems for Warminster recyclers July 20, 2015
HUNDREDS of people a day are being inconvenienced by Wiltshire Council's decision to close recycling centres.
The changes, which came in last ... [MORE]
David Cameron says Warminster should have free parking July 09, 2015
PRIME minister David Cameron has called for free parking to be brought back in Warminster - and in other Wiltshire market towns.
During the prime m... [MORE]
Huge jump in the number of Warminster based police officers June 30, 2015
THE number of police officers based in Warminster will jump from just two at present to 25 from 14 September.
The move is part of a 10 week pilot p... [MORE]
Blowing trumpets at taxpayers' expense June 30, 2015
CONSERVATIVE councillors have once again decided they should dip into council tax payers' pockets and produce a town council news sheet for the... [MORE]
Xmas lights secured for three years - but volunteers still needed June 09, 2015
Town council press release....
At the Town Council’s Finance and Assets Committee meeting on Monday 8 June, Councillors discussed the te... [MORE]
High Street scaffolding: Wiltshire Council's latest position June 01, 2015
WILTSHIRE Council has responded to Mike Heaton's on line petition asking for action on the High Street scaffold scandal with the following lengthy s... [MORE]
Rubbish service by Wiltshire Council Claim May 31, 2015
The sight of waste after waste bin overflowing as a community campaigner, town councillor, and champion of civic pride, does a regular local litter ... [MORE]
Big Draw to 'Hidden Talent' Trail May 27, 2015
Art and craft in the market town of Warminster and the Wylye Valley is once again a big hit with devotees as locals, and those from far and wide, fl... [MORE]
Last call for cuckoo at Home Farm? May 24, 2015
AFTER a gap of at least 10 years VFW's Steve Dancey has heard a cuckoo in Warminster - and it should give planners some food for thought.
Steve sai... [MORE]
Committee members fail to acknowledge disabled people's needs and give takeaway thumbs-up May 22, 2015
(this story will be included in the next Visionforwarminster leaflet in July)
WARMINSTER East's three independent councillors were disappointed tha... [MORE]
High Street Eyesore May 13, 2015
Will Petition see the 'Blindfold' to Scaffold taken off?
Another local community champion in the market town of Warminster with different letters a... [MORE]
Hopper Bus Campaign Wheels Are Turning May 12, 2015
Warminster town council last night added their voice to the outcry caused by a county hall decision to withdraw funding from the RUH Hopper bus serv... [MORE]
One churchman's view of the election May 12, 2015
Warminster East Independent councillor Nick Dombkowski has highlighted one churchman's view of the election. It is well worthy of more exposure.
D... [MORE]
Mayor fails to confront Nicklin for speaking out of turn May 11, 2015
NEWLY appointed Warminster mayor Sue Fraser disappointed Independent councillors during her first appearance in the chair of the town cou... [MORE]
Limit the Gypsy site numbers? May 10, 2015
Another group of residents in Warminster once again face defeat this week as opposition to building on wetland this time by a romany gypsy proposal ... [MORE]
New Zebra Crossing at St George's May 09, 2015
Eighteen months after a petition was collected by concerned parents of schoolchildren and local residents a zebra crossing has taken another step fo... [MORE]
Beer flowing again at Warminster's Bell and Crown May 06, 2015
AFTER months of uncertainty the future of one of Warminster's oldest public houses has been secured following its sale to local businessman... [MORE]
Town Councillor Points The Finger May 04, 2015
Pressure is mounting on town councillors to explain why the survival of the Warminster Information Centre opened by a Princess Royal is now in quest... [MORE]
Hustings Coalition 'Flagship' Policy Sunk May 03, 2015
Warminster hosted the last hustings for the five general election candidates in the SW Wiltshire race to the line on Thursday.
Queensway resident R... [MORE]
Would be Tory MP's link with Warminster housing developers May 03, 2015
THE Conservative candidate for a neighbouring seat has business links with the companies seeking to develop thousands of homes on the west of Warmin... [MORE]
Andrew Murrison tells a fairy story on local radio May 02, 2015
TORY candidate Andrew Murrison did himself and his party no favours today when he shared a platform with four other candidates in Warminster.
... [MORE]
Ward and Council Forums Way Forward April 30, 2015
Warminster Town Council could see a revolution in the way it listens to the voice of its townsfolk after taking a battering at its meetings all year... [MORE]
Gypsy Yes or No in a fortnight April 29, 2015
The 'Coldharbour' gypsy homes plan countdown has two weeks left to run as the romany community, the MP seeking re-election, nearby residents a... [MORE]
Two fingers or Thumbs Up to Hopper Bus April 28, 2015
A Wiltshire market town council over 20 miles away from their general hospital is set to challenge the county council decision to take the axe to th... [MORE]
Walk the Walk Avenue Again Demand April 26, 2015
Ask most Warminster residents about the idea to flatten a route through to the Avenue School to build a major road and most would be stoppe... [MORE]
UKIP man backs town campaigners in The Avenue April 24, 2015
Is this the Avenue to getting the plan right?
A PARLIAMENTARY candidate joined several town councillors in a cross-party broadly-based c... [MORE]
Day of Action against 'sneaky' plan April 22, 2015
Tracy Scott is one of the least likely of local residents to start a protest movement in the market town of Warminster until a leaflet from three In... [MORE]
Talk of the Town meeting April 21, 2015
A Warminster council meeting that is becoming the talk of the town as news spreads by word of mouth about what went on has led to a call from one co... [MORE]
Hopper Bus Petition 2,000 Strong April 17, 2015
RUH Hopper Bus petition latest
An anti-austerity petition being gathered opposing the Conservative plans at county hall to axe their support for th... [MORE]
We will have a 'Master Plan' April 14, 2015
Wiltshire Council with the town council in Warminster are now gearing up their efforts to deal with the latest move to build on a large area of agri... [MORE]
Localism versus Austerity April 12, 2015
A conflict between Wiltshire Council and the town council is emerging as a conflicting agenda drive both forward towards their own goals of austerit... [MORE]
Town Council 'Extremely Cooncerned' Unitary Response April 08, 2015
'Extremely Concerned' Town Council Letter
The Warminster town clerk has written a letter to Wiltshire Council using the words 'extremely concerned'... [MORE]
Who Pays for This? March 23, 2015
The market town of Warminster faces an uncertain future that could last months if not years as the work by various groups of civic leaders leave res... [MORE]
Is Warminster's hospital future safe? March 20, 2015
The closure of Westbury hospital and the transfer of its ownership to the coalition government's NHS Property Services Ltd resulted from a plan that... [MORE]
Can the last officer to leave Warminster police station please turn out the blue light March 18, 2015
THE massive cuts facing the police service are now hitting close to home as it was revealed on Monday evening that the town's last remaining senior ... [MORE]
Steve's letter to the Wiltshire Times last Friday March 09, 2015
I was alarmed to read in last week's edition that Wiltshire Council enforcers are using section 215 powers in the courts to attack an unobtrusive gr... [MORE]
read the letter the Journal refused to print March 09, 2015
Last month three elected councillors from Warminster wrote this letter to the town newspaper - The Warminster Journal. They waited for two weeks but... [MORE]
Open Government plea falls on deaf ears March 05, 2015
Warminster Town Council's policy on keeping the work of its most important working group solely available to its members was in disarray last night ... [MORE]
Legal action over Spurt Mead looms February 28, 2015
THE unloved and unwanted development at Spurt Mead could be stopped in its tracks by legal action.
Opponents of the scheme have now instructed soli... [MORE]
Shame on the Spurt Mead FIVE January 24, 2015
Make the most of this view of Boreham Mill. It will soon be lost to development and never seen by future generations thanks to the acti... [MORE]
Gipsy Lane approval recommended - but bats' interests are safeguarded January 05, 2015
SELWOOD Housing looks likely to gain permission for an unpopular housing development in Warminster - opposed by visionforwarminster and local r... [MORE]
Warminster's DSG sold to Babcock for £140million December 19, 2014
WARMINSTER'S Defence Support Group (DSG) has been sold to UK firm Babcock for £140 million.
While government spin doctors have praised the de... [MORE]
Market Place upgrade 5 years on - road too dangerous so cyclists use the pavement December 11, 2014
WARMINSTER'S Georgian High Street was praised by the horseback traveller William Cobbett in the early 19th Century.
But what would the famous gentl... [MORE]
Grovelands Way site not the right place for 175 homes December 08, 2014
TOWN councillors have agreed to oppose a planning application to build 175 dwellings on land off Grovelands Way in Warminster. The unanimous vote to... [MORE]
Town's mall may be locked up at night shock. December 07, 2014
NEW River Retail, the latest owners of Warminster's Three Horseshoe's Mall, have said they are looking at the possibility closing off the area at ni... [MORE]
Wilts Council unwilling or unable to tackle High Street scaffolding November 26, 2014
WILTSHIRE Council has confirmed in a letter to the Warminster and Villages Community Partnership that it has no powers available to do anything... [MORE]
Short termist George Osborne to sell off Warminster's Defence Support Group against the national interest - and the local interest November 20, 2014
THE Government has announced today that it will press on with the sale of the Defence Support Group (DSG) - against the best interests of defe... [MORE]
Latest Insight - Face Your Public in sight November 19, 2014
Warminster Town Council meetings have been beset with a series of complaints from the public about being able to hear what councillors are say... [MORE]
£1 million pound first bid for future money November 19, 2014
The ruling group of town councillors consistently lined up steadfastly against several Independents at their Warminster &n... [MORE]
Trevor back as Lib Dem Candidate November 18, 2014
One of the Coalition partners the Liberal Democrats have chosen councillor Trevor Carbin as their prospective candidate for the May ... [MORE]
Warminster Town Council 'Paradigm' speech Insights November 18, 2014
Warminster Town Council was not just treated to one diatribe from their 'ruling group' members but a second and then a third on Monda... [MORE]
Conservative councillors unite as group to exclude independents from a meeting in which they have a material interest as ward councillors November 17, 2014
CONSERVATIVES on Warminster town council showed just how politically motivated they are by voting as a solid group to exclude the three independent ... [MORE]
? What is the Neighbourhood plan working group up to - now we know November 14, 2014
WE should all thank Conservative Councillor Rob Fryer for at last flushing out what the Neighbourhood Planning Group is up to. It is plan... [MORE]
Wiltshire Council's tinkering with parking charges will do nothing to aid fading town centres November 11, 2014
WILTSHIRE Council's proposed changes to parking charges show those in charge of policy in this area have little feeling for the county's market town... [MORE]
Co-op shop set to transform Victoria Road eyesore November 11, 2014
CO-OP shopping could be returning to Warminster. The mutual organisation's agents Topoffer have submitted a plan to revitalise the former car dealer... [MORE]
Faiirview 'Fair View' Approach Needed November 10, 2014
A galvanised local community in Warminster living within a stone's throw of a former TB hospital seeing more of its land facing development for high... [MORE]
Complaints Deluge No Confidence Vote November 07, 2014
Warminster Town Council in Wiltshire will debate taking on what is described as a 'billion pound business' run from county ... [MORE]
Salisbury Royal British Legion Steps Forward November 03, 2014
Warminster's annual Remembrance Day parade this Sunday is led by town crier Phil Seddon and the Salisbury city band of the Royal British Legion... [MORE]
UKIP unveils Matthew Brown as parliamentary candidate for S W Wilts October 29, 2014
VISION For Warminster doesn't contest parliamentary elections but we do try to take note of what the party politicians are... [MORE]
Steve ends his long career in journalism with a party October 21, 2014
VISION for Warminster co-author and town councillor Steve Dancey has announced that he is leaving journalism after almost a quarter of a cent... [MORE]
Last Post for the Band October 17, 2014
The town of Warminster and its surrounding villages in Wiltshire on the edge of Salisbury Plain has a strong military connection but this ... [MORE]
'Stand United' Rallying Call October 15, 2014
Stand together as a Council and Townsfolk
A 'stand united' rallying call was loudly proclaimed by Councillor Paul Macdonald on Tuesday nigh... [MORE]
Steve's thoughts on the settlement boundary meeting October 15, 2014
THE building of nearly two thousand homes around Warminster in the years between 2006 and 2026 will have a big impact on the town - but th... [MORE]
A36 Tragedies Action Imminent October 14, 2014
A major trunk oad through Wiltshire
... [MORE]
Humans may be helping the pigeons October 09, 2014
MONDAY evening saw the issue of Warminster's pesky pigeons aired once again at the town council.
Councillor Paul Batchelor said that the number of ... [MORE]
The Shambles September 23, 2014
Warminster Town Council has to 'shake itself up' say several Independent councillors or it will add to the contempt that residents in the town ... [MORE]
Flooding Crisis September 23, 2014
Flooding Crisis Imim
... [MORE]
Wiltshire Council Whitewash September 17, 2014
DECISION NOTICE: No further action
Reference WC – 38/14
Subject Member
Councillor Magnus MacDonald &nd... [MORE]
Town's skilled workforce up for sale August 22, 2014
MOD sources have informed VFW that one of Warminster’s biggest employers is being put up for sale in an attempt to bolster the Government&rsqu... [MORE]
Local Soldiers Sacrifice Remembered August 15, 2014
AFTER ELEVEN SECONDS after the eleventh call for silence the throng gathered for the official opening quietly waited for a minute for the spee... [MORE]
Drug shock for councillor during town centre litter-pick August 14, 2014
WARMINSTER councillor Steve Dancey collected more than he bargained for on a recent litter-pick in the centre of the town.
Steve, who has undertake... [MORE]
Planning objections agreed at council meeting July 29, 2014
WARMINSTER EAST councillor Steve Dancey spoke to the town's planning advisory committee on Monday evening. As he is not a member of the plann... [MORE]
Fair view for Fair View Lane Call July 28, 2014
The crushing prospect of a housing development reducing a redundant small care home has seen the unanimous call of town councillors and local ... [MORE]
Carpet fitter to Councillor to Road Sweep July 19, 2014
All three emergency services sped to the scene of a two car-collision in Warminster that caused alarm when smoke was seen coming from one of ... [MORE]
Hot snippets - World War One - Dog fouling - West Ward July 15, 2014
'Whole-hearted' Australian High Commission
Australia House in London have given a positive and 'whole-hearted response' to an approach from Indepen... [MORE]
Dog Fouling Lead July 08, 2014
A new era of co-operation has started between the two town councils in Warminster and Westbury as they agree that they need to work together to tack... [MORE]
Hot Snippets - Petition Poser - Green and Clean - Warminster Needs A Boost July 07, 2014
Petition Poser for Councillor
Comment by Paul Macdonald
We have heard a lot from the county hall public relations machine in our first year as new... [MORE]
Letters to the Journal - You Say June 28, 2014
"I wonder if more of our townsfolk would like to comment writing to the local papers," said Cllr. Paul Macdonald.
"We do not have to work too har... [MORE]
Hot Snippets -Gullies Rain Check - Portway Flooding - Humphries 'Humph' June 27, 2014
Rain Check taken on Gullies Issue
Glastonbury and Wimbledon so the rain returns as it always does to give newspaper sub-editors a field day in head... [MORE]
Tree-hugging Council By-election candidate June 26, 2014
Electors in the Warminster West ward by-election to fill a vacancy caused by the sudden resignation of a Tory town councillor will have a choice thi... [MORE]
Two Grand or Too Grand Town Grants? June 25, 2014
The Town Council aim of supporting local good causes with grants could cause a major dilemma on Monday night as the amount being asked for over... [MORE]
Local Dog Warden Idea Welcomed June 24, 2014
An initiative to tackle dog fouling through a locally run dog warden service took a big step forward last night as Warminster town council agreed ov... [MORE]
Hot Snippets - Speak Up! - Jollies - Fire & Rescue June 24, 2014
Speak Up or Cough Up?
There are some councillors who do not speak up on parochial issues and there are others who do but nearly £15,000 could... [MORE]
Squueze on funding now targets Green Bins June 24, 2014
WILTSHIRE COUNCIL finance bosses have now turned their attention to an environmental service that has been free to Warminster residents after i... [MORE]
Will this all lead to a Spurt Mead Judicial Review? June 22, 2014
A Warminster Town Council record of their Planning Advisory Committee at which the first planning application by HPH and Hab for housing on a... [MORE]
Hurdles Tory does not have to jump June 21, 2014
The Warminster West town council by-election is harder work if you are independent of party politics than that of being an official political party ... [MORE]
'My Wiltshire' Simply Not Good Enough June 19, 2014
Day to day issues that Wiltshire Council now faces are coming under increasing scrutiny not only from the public but town councillors as well.
"I w... [MORE]
Will ouncil house renaissance come to Warminster? June 17, 2014
Council houses renaissance applauded
The Wiltshire Council announcement that it is to spen millions of pounds building and then managing hou... [MORE]
Fouling Initiative Goes Forward June 17, 2014
The call for action to be taken to tackle the problems of dog fouling on the streets has taken a step forward as Westbury Town are being aske... [MORE]
Planning is now a total Cock-up June 14, 2014
Thoughts by Paul Macdonald
The first twelve months of being a councillor sitting on the town council planning advisory committee combined with my f... [MORE]
Some thoughts from Steve Dancey on the Boreham Mill application June 13, 2014
Thoughts by Steve Dancey
THERE'S no doubt that the community has been badly let down by the planning officers at Wiltshire Council and also b... [MORE]
Goodbye Chalk Streams June 10, 2014
A planning committee meeting will decide on the future of a treasured area of water meadow that protects the River Wylye and its habitat. Please hig... [MORE]
Boreham Mill application - gagged - not enough space June 10, 2014
INDEPENDENT COUNCILLOR Steve Dancey will not be able to speak on the Boreham application on Wednesday as all slots have been taken up. Here's what h... [MORE]
Councillor calls for more action on dog fouling June 10, 2014
A Warminster Town Councillor wants more to be done to tackle dog fouling after witnessing an increase in the problem in the last few mont... [MORE]
Snippets - World Cup-Policing - By-election June 09, 2014
Fly the flag for the World Cup
The St.George's flag could be taking to the streets of Warminster very soon as a town councillor asks that the Engla... [MORE]
Wiltshire Council fails the town yet again - this time at Boreham Crossroads site June 03, 2014
THE NUTTERS at County Hall have struck twice in two days as they agree housing development on one of the last gaps between Warminster and Bishopstro... [MORE]
Wetherspoons - wither the food! May 23, 2014
OUR new wonderful Wetherspoons has been open for a whole month now and is seemingly doing very good business.
Good luck to it - but VFW's Steve Dan... [MORE]
Welling goes - Time for Tony Award? May 14, 2014
VOTERS in Warminster west ward are likely to be going to the polls in the summer after the resignation of a Tory town councillor Stev... [MORE]
Annual chance to quiz the council in public April 10, 2014
RESIDENTS who are on the Warminster electoral roll get their annual opportunity to quiz councillors on Monday evening. (14/4)
The annual town meeti... [MORE]
Redrow - reasons for refusal March 07, 2014
Agent Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Helmont House Churchill Way Cardiff CF10 2HE Applicant Redrow Homes c/o Agent
... [MORE]
MP Faces Serious Questions March 01, 2014
The residents of Warminster are used to flocking, as any shopper will now remember to the town hall. It did not boast such an event for a decades or... [MORE]
Youth Service or Youth 'dissed'? February 27, 2014
Positive Spin on Bad News for Youngsters
VFW Commentary
Do we need to re-think our approach to the spending of local taxation on providing ... [MORE]
Foodbank First For Councillor February 26, 2014
Food for Thought Thirst and Hunger
The Mayor of a market town in Wiltshire has the Warminster Food Bank which supports the increasing number... [MORE]
Fouling Parking and Planning 'outrage' Day February 25, 2014
Scoop and Poop Left to Others
The town of Warminster is seeing an increase in unpleasant dog excrements appearing on well-use... [MORE]
Sunday Snippets - Crossing Safety Issues February 16, 2014
Woodcock Road Dangers 'Take Two'
A group of residents, parents and teachers have once again demanded action along a stretch of Woodcock Road... [MORE]
MP 'unprecedented soggy' words February 15, 2014
Community campaigners in Warminster have taken heart from comments by their MP this week after feeling betrayed by their town councillors abo... [MORE]
The controversial link to good causes February 14, 2014
Warminster councillor Pip Ridout has walked the fine line between being a leading member of the Conservative run unitary Wiltshire Council an... [MORE]
Hot snippets February 14, 2014
Threatened Warminster Link Scheme
Two Independent Wiltshire councillors will launch a last-ditch attempt at county hall today as the bu... [MORE]
Trampling on the past February 04, 2014
Small groups of community campaigners are becoming a regular sight at an 183-year-old landmark in the market town of Warminster which sits on the Ri... [MORE]
Hot Snippets - Market Place - February 03, 2014
Throwing light on the Market Place
The planning advisory committee of Warminster Town Council meet for just over twenty minutes last night an... [MORE]
Fair play call from resident's leader February 02, 2014
NIck Parker has issued a plea to Wiltshire Council planners for fairness about a controversial an application to build houses on a water meadow... [MORE]
Paul gives sound reasons for refusal February 01, 2014
Councillor Paul Macdonald who represents the East Ward where a controversial planning application has been lodged for a water meadow has written to ... [MORE]
Cllr Dancey's letter of objection to the Boreham plans January 30, 2014
Dear Sirs,
I would like to add my objection to the proposal to develop land close to Boreham Crossroads.
The application does not cohere w... [MORE]
Celebrity Kevin McCloud and Channel Four - Warminster Docu? January 15, 2014
UNPOPULAR activities of councillors in the market town of Warminster now have TV celebrity and Channel Four' Kevin McCloud to thank for catcalls and... [MORE]
Holdaway good name is at risk - apply when the core strategy has been adopted January 14, 2014
MONDAY evening's planning advisory committee demonstrated some rather strange thinking on the part of those councillors in favour of developing a la... [MORE]
Do Not Take Your Eye Off The Ball December 02, 2013
A veteran community campaigner has demanded extra civic vigilance during the period of good will towards all people as experiences from the p... [MORE]
Heckling At Town Council November 20, 2013
Warminster Town council have rejected the request from two Indpendent members that a former mayor be held back from being appointed to an influ... [MORE]
Well-deserved award for Chris March November 20, 2013
Warminster’s councillors had great pleasure in presenting this year’s Civic Award to ex-councillor Chris March at the full counci... [MORE]
Hot snippets - Town Hall - Bronze Statue November 19, 2013
Town Hall
Warminster town councilllor Paul Macdonald has unanimously won the support from town councillors to back efforts t... [MORE]
No Wild West Here November 12, 2013
A town councillor battling against the 'wild west' planning culture that has grown up has been unanimously backed at their planning meeting by the s... [MORE]
Objection to the Redrow development at The Minster Church November 11, 2013
Cllr Steve Dancey has lodged his objection to the Redrow development behind the Minster Church.
As Follow
Ward member's Objection to planning... [MORE]
Tony Nickin back in through the out door - a clear case of the unelected in full support of the unelectable October 07, 2013
FORMER mayor Tony Nicklin is back as a member of Warminster Town Council as a co-opted non-voting member after three Tory councillors railroaded thr... [MORE]
Reasons to object to unpopular Boreham Road Housing Scheme September 29, 2013
The team of councillors would like you to read this.
Dear Councillor,
Below are our objections to the proposal ... [MORE]
Core Strategy changes likely to water down protection of the River Wylye - WHY? August 31, 2013
PLANNERS are seemingly trying to water down the protection of the River Wylye near Warminster in last minute changes to the 'Core Strategy'.
P... [MORE]
Green light for Portway Lane Housing schemes August 27, 2013
TWO proposed housing schemes in the Portway Lane area of Warminster are set to be approved by Wiltshire Council.
Planning officials have recom... [MORE]
Former county council member wants a farm worker' cottage - complete with orangery August 27, 2013
FORMER Wiltshire councillor John Robins has raised hackles at the local AONB caucus by asking for a new agricultural worker's cottage at his fa... [MORE]
New Warminster bus service ups charges by 85 per cent overnight August 18, 2013
A NEW bus service welcomed by Wiltshire Council has led to an 85 per cent overnight increase for people commuting to Salisbury by bus.
Until 29 Jul... [MORE]
Fracking Up The Rural Agenda August 14, 2013
Fracking Up the Rural Agenda
The 'fracking' reverberations that the oil company drilling last week looking for rural sites suitable fo... [MORE]
'Shame on You' Councillor Expenses July 26, 2013
The shock factor of the amount of money that Wiltshrie councillors get as allowances and expenses will be examined again this summer as their ... [MORE]
Glass Water and Toddlers Do Not Mix July 25, 2013
Town councillors in Warminster were first on the scene from their mid-day sojourn at the town park refreshment hut on Saturday to deal with a... [MORE]
How council meets town hall owner July 19, 2013
This week a letter to the editor of the Warminster Journal from Cllr. Paul Macdonald has been published.
Pa... [MORE]
Youthful Council Is In Motion July 11, 2013
One of the flagship policies of the visionforwarminster website has taken a big step forward this week as 'youthful' Independent councillor J... [MORE]
Home Farm Home Truths July 10, 2013
The Warminster campaigners battling the desire of housing developers looking down on all the green open spaces within or without the current ... [MORE]
Maternity Unit Pregnant Period Worries July 04, 2013
Fears that pregnant mums in difficulty may have to be rushed twenty miles to Bath instead of ten miles to Trowbridge are sti... [MORE]
Two Grand or Two Grand July 02, 2013
Town Councillors put in quite an innings as they batted away some applications for grant aid with a financial boundary which meant ... [MORE]
Friday Market Sweet Success June 21, 2013
The Friday market in Warminster is in the running to be nationally recognised as a stallholder who specialises in selling old fashioned ... [MORE]
NDO victory for common sense - Tales from the river bank June 12, 2013
THERE was a rare piece of good news for those fighting the advance of concrete and asphalt in Warminster when, on Monday evening, the town council's... [MORE]
'King of Dirt' Wobbles June 07, 2013
The 'King of Dirt' is just one new attraction that will add to the Warminster Wobble this year as it gears up for its weekend event... [MORE]
School Caned by Ofsted June 06, 2013
The Avenue School has slumped from good to the lowest grade of inadequate in an Ofsted report published today.
The pri... [MORE]
MP backs community bid for Town Hall June 04, 2013
THERE was some good news on the Town Hall last week from an unexpected quarter - our local MP Dr. Murrison.
For years we have been used to mos... [MORE]
Some thoughts on the planning proposals - Top down & so much for localism May 27, 2013
Warminster East town councillor Steve Dancey with some Wiltshire Council 'Core Strategy' thoughts
Dorothy Walk Poem May 24, 2013
The Save Dorothy Walk Protest Song and Poem - ‘Paradise Lost’?
Sung to the tune – Oh what a beautiful morning
There&rs... [MORE]
Car Free Not Care Free May 20, 2013
There may dancing in the streets of Warminster as a town councillor has accepted the challenge of proposing a 'car free' day to add ... [MORE]
Redrow's Minster plans must be derailed May 11, 2013
PLANS by national housing developer Redrow to build a new access road and scores of new homes would ruin the historic setting of the Minster Churc... [MORE]
People Power Rallying Call May 10, 2013
Another national property developer has been told in no uncertain terms that are not wanted in the town of Warminster as they tried to exhibi... [MORE]
Steve Dancey with a few thoughts on the 2 May vote May 03, 2013
THE elections results in Warminster are excellent news for all those who believe in democracy, openness and transparancy.
Sadly Paul fell a few vot... [MORE]
Fools prevail if voters do nothing April 27, 2013
East ward resident David Smith writes: -
I wrote to the WJ at the weekend, a copy of the letter sent following, and this letter, in part, wa... [MORE]
Our attacks are not personal - but voters have a right to be told what you earn from 'public service' April 24, 2013
THE Conservative candidate for Warminster Broadway has accused us of 'descended into the realms of personal attacks ' on his election website.... [MORE]
Comet Humphries is back!!! April 22, 2013
COMET Humphries has appeared once again on the web.Every four years this comet seems to revisit our screens although it never shines very brightly a... [MORE]
Town Council at it again April 14, 2013
A FINAL jaw dropping piece of arrogance by the outgoing town council throws into sharp relief the choice facing voters on 2nd May in War... [MORE]
Community Orchard Digging In April 13, 2013
Community Orchard campaigner Colin French was joined by a dozen helpers at a field along the Boreham Road to plant trees on a miserable Satur... [MORE]
Positive Attitude To Warminster April 03, 2013
Letters to the Papers
So how many of us have written to the newspapers as we watch what is going on with growing concern.
A handfu... [MORE]
Up and Coming Community Collective March 31, 2013
Warminster residents are being encouraged to join a 'community collective' of independent campaigners to give an alternative to the entrenche... [MORE]
Independent is the Way Forward February 28, 2013
The LibDem party's most senior figure in Warminster is to dump their political party label in May after unsuccessfully representing them at th... [MORE]
Queensway Rec - The 'Rock of Ages Saga - February 23, 2013
Six Months Later
Safety matting should be an uplifting sight to parents as their children play at Queensway Rec but the only uplifting sight has be... [MORE]
Hot Topic - Rallying Call February 06, 2013
STEVE Dancey, the former county councillor for Warminster West, writing to the Warminster Journal, has issued a rallying call for&nbs... [MORE]
Iconic Feature under Threat November 19, 2012
A Warminster town councillor has expressed his outrage at the condition of several long-standing favourites in the town park which could ... [MORE]
Voting with their Feet - Council Budget November 16, 2012
Locals Vote With Their Feet
Conservative Angus Macpherson became the first police and crime commissioner for Wiltshire in an election lacking... [MORE]
Back Paul Batchelor in his Poll Push November 14, 2012
Warminster electors have the chance to vote for a Wiltshire Police Commissioner, responsible for the policies, priorities and budget the ... [MORE]
Police Commissioner Election Failing Voters November 13, 2012
Two days to go to the opening of the doors at polling stations across Wiltshire in an election that is now widely predicted to be a flop.... [MORE]
Respects to those who made the Sacrifice November 11, 2012
They may be gone but so many here in Warminster remember them.
... [MORE]
No Thanks to 'Greed Not Need' November 10, 2012
The 'greed not need' battle lines are clearly being drawn between a land developer who is fighting a rearguard action with council plann... [MORE]
Pixie Fireworks Party Surprise November 09, 2012
The welcome home party for troops in Warminster back from Afghanistan had an extra special finale as local residents opened th... [MORE]
Hot Snippets - Garages to Go - Phantom Sales November 08, 2012
Homes Garage Swop
A plan to demolish garages in Warminster to provide two homes to rent to those on the council waiting list are be... [MORE]
Will Town Councillors Listen? November 07, 2012
The EBRAG campaign by Warminster residents to save land from development will be a major talking point at the next town council planning advis... [MORE]
PCC Election - Fatal Road Junction - Robust Campaign Promise November 06, 2012
Police Commissioner none-election
The election of a Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire has to be one of the lowest key polls ev... [MORE]
Scrutiny Focus on Cameras November 05, 2012
SHOCKING levels of poor scrutiny were on display at a finance meeting of Warminster Town Council this evening when councillors agreed to spend... [MORE]
'Wall' Street Crash Fears Re-awakened November 04, 2012
Residents campaigning to keep their cul-de-sac are once again anxiously waiting on news from a council about the future of a wall that a ... [MORE]
Chris Holmes - An Appreciation November 03, 2012
ONE of Warminster's best-known individuals has died suddenly just weeks after marking his 50th birthday.
Chris Holmes was found dead at... [MORE]
Be Prepared But Be Positive November 03, 2012
Warminster could face another winter of discontent as a land management company has put the fear of overdevelopment into the minds of a close-knit c... [MORE]
Freedom of the Town November 01, 2012
Freedom of the Town
(3 Yorks pictured above in March 2012).
From the spectacular fireworks that will illuminate the town tomorrow ni... [MORE]
Hot Snippets - Civic Xmas Fayre - Regency Flat - Two Crosses to bear October 31, 2012
Civic Christmas Fayre
Warminster Town Council is hosting a seasonal market in their new home exactly 31 days before Christmas Day ... [MORE]
Hot Snippets - Poundland Signs In - The Wall October 30, 2012
Poundland...The Wall
Poundland... The midlands based Poundland stores group has seen Wiltshire Council planners rubber stamp their... [MORE]
The Wall October 26, 2012
A court battle with a difference by a small community in the town centre of Warminster that thought it had its backs to the wall have won thei... [MORE]
Hot Topics Extra - Three Horseshoes - Policing teamwork works - Surf or Swim? October 24, 2012
Stockland Plan Thumbs-up
Stockland, owners of the Three Horseshoes shopping centre in Warminster, have been given the seal of approval b... [MORE]
Rock Lane morale is Rock Bottom October 23, 2012
Residents of a lane in Warminster whose only way out on to a busy main road is a life-threatening and nerve wracking experience at c... [MORE]
Hot Snippets of Hillside, Ridgeway Court, Poll Cards Prompt October 19, 2012
Boreham Hillside Activity
The financial pursestrings have finally been loosened allowing work to begin on demolishing a former council p... [MORE]
Bedroom Tax Today's Window Tax? October 18, 2012
Warminster housing association tenants need to start planning for the big hit to the money in their pockets as the 'double whammy' of th... [MORE]
Great Bustards Great Effort October 16, 2012
The Great Bustards of Warminster community art project which has put the town on the international map has now been completed.
"All tha... [MORE]
Who is watching those watching you? October 15, 2012
Town councillors are being asked to explain to the public why the committee responsible for CCTV cameras has stopped meeting after its last mi... [MORE]
Burt Paul - An Inspiration October 14, 2012
I have just heard that Burt Paul has passed away writes Paul Macdonald. He served the town of Warminster in so many ways and at the age of 8... [MORE]
Warminster Festival Writers Competition October 13, 2012
'Writers in Residence' Victoria Coombes (left) and Val Hewitt (right) were given their secret locations as The Magpie (which doubles as the Festival... [MORE]
Dispute Over The Wall October 12, 2012
A tiny Warminster community have united in reaction to a request to Wiltshire planners to demolish a wall that was insisted on four years ago ... [MORE]
Weekday Film Premiere Success October 11, 2012
The showing of the film about the pro-democracy Nobel peace prize winner Aung Suu Suu Kyi has delighted her Warminster family and friends.
&n... [MORE]
Festival Film Premiere Interview October 10, 2012
Aung San Suu Kyi is known first and foremost as the political opposition leader whose pro-democracy work earned her the Nobel peace prize... [MORE]
Target The Young Job Fair October 09, 2012
A town council initiative that sees ten work placements being funded was just part of the first ever Job Fair aimed at helping young people in... [MORE]
Festival Boost October 07, 2012
Wearing an anorak was not needed on a sunny Sunday as Warminster attracted a huge turnout to the annual Vintage Bus Running Day.
This... [MORE]
Obituary: Mrs Joyce Dancey 18/1/1932 - 25/8/2012 August 25, 2012
STEVE Dancey and family are sad to announce that Mrs Joyce Dancey died peacefully at the Royal United Hospital in Bath at around 9.45am on Saturday ... [MORE]
Wetherspoons paid just £350,000 for the Bath Arms August 17, 2012
REGULAR visitors will recall that we were the first to reveal that J D Wetherspoon had bought the Bath Arms in the Market Place.
Now we c... [MORE]
VFW now has 1,700+ unique users each month August 01, 2012
VFW is pleased to announce new record figures - despite the paucity of new material being added.
There is a huge database of information on here ... [MORE]
HOT SNIPPTZ - WCR, Warminster Festival and Just who is behind the other Warminster Websites? July 29, 2012
WCR in Warminster gives a new meaning to the acronym IT that usually means Information technology. Warminster Community Radio has go... [MORE]
Rock (Lane) of Ages - still waiting for the painting!! July 28, 2012
A local campaign that
got off to a flying start two years ago has now become a marathon after
the hurdles that have to be jumped have ... [MORE]
Parliamentary committee should be a wake-up call for Highways chiefs July 23, 2012
The first annual increase
in road fatalities since 2003 has this week prompted a call for much
stronger leadership on road safety by the t... [MORE]
Core Strategy - more like Cor blimey strategy, says Paul Macdonald July 14, 2012
Over 300 sixth form students
in Warminster will have to battle their way through their studies in
very cramped conditions while the county c... [MORE]
A36 t- the toll of death July 08, 2012
THE Government has no hope
of convincing two local campaigners that departmental criteria now stand
up as the death toll mounts on a tiny eleve... [MORE]
Time for Action on A36 is NOW June 29, 2012
The A36 three-strong-death toll to one of the smallest communities in Wiltshire so far this year leads to a call 'to pull out all the stops' as a disa... [MORE]
A36 Death Valley - Action needed NOW June 27, 2012
The series of handbrake turns executed by
the government of the day about the A36 that has led to death and misery
over decade after decade... [MORE]
Grisly toll of death on the A36 means it is time for action June 25, 2012
A BUSY Friday earlier this month saw yet another fatal accident on the short stretch of highway between Knook and Codford.
The victim wa... [MORE]
Paul recalls his meeting Aung Sang Suu Kyi in Warminster in 1987 June 17, 2012
Twenty five years ago a hopeful local politician met
a future Nobel prize winner who this weekend brought a tear to his eye
as S... [MORE]
Warminster's Fox and Hounds is top of the pubs June 04, 2012
WARMINSTER'S most popular public house has taken the prize of best pub in the Bath area after Campaign for Real Ale members voted it top of the pubs... [MORE]
A tribute to Mrs Main May 24, 2012
NEWS of the death of Mrs Dorothea Joan Main will sadden many people in Warminster.
Mrs Main, originally from British Colombia in Canada, ... [MORE]
Civic Centre seven held in contempt Sine Die May 21, 2012
A TRIO OF BUSINESSMEN who purchased Warminster Town Hall from convicted offender Pater Caldwell last year plan to use the grand upper floor as a Chi... [MORE]
Damaging planning application threatens nature reserve and river system May 20, 2012
A MAJOR planning application in Warminster threatens to damage a river system of acknowledged importance and overshadow an important nature reserve,... [MORE]
Sutton Veny NIMBYS fight chicken plan May 10, 2012
HYSTERICAL Nimbys in Sutton Veny have claimed that a proposed
agricultural development will generate 30 traffic movements a night at
Deverill ... [MORE]
Tottenham rap artist to highlight Wiltshire's torch event - council leader is 'delighted' May 07, 2012
A MAJOR County Council arranged event designed to highlight Wiltshire to the world when the Olympic torch visits is to be headlined by a rap artis... [MORE]
Resident's challenge to Wiltshire Council on off-street parking fiasco April 15, 2012
Time for Wiltshire
Motorists to make a stand - from Warminster resident Nick Domkowski ..
" It's
high time, we as motorists make a ... [MORE]
Waitrose Warminster - great shop but small car park March 28, 2012
VISION for Warminster was given a sneak preview of Warminster's exciting
new store on Wednesday evening and can give it the thumbs up - but the
... [MORE]
Wiltshire's Core Strategy - some thoughts. March 28, 2012
I see in the column of the Warminster Journal that the consultation on Wiltshire Council's core strategy has been leading to some debate.
Tra... [MORE]
Social cycling - Warminster style March 14, 2012
The Flat Hill Cycling Group had its first ride on 12 March , from Warminster to Wylye
and back, with Colin French, Gordon Davies and Adrian She... [MORE]
Widened pavements tempt motorists March 06, 2012
An Athenaeum
'walk-on' part set the scene for a 'Brief Encounter' between a motorist
on the 'Road to Perdition' and a police officer drawn away ... [MORE]
Ruby's - A new name in the town centre March 04, 2012
A NEW name has appeared on an old establishment on Town Hall Hill in the centre of Warminster.
The restaurant formerly known as Jacqueline's and... [MORE]
100 people have asked Paul to stand February 29, 2012
MORE than 100 people have approached VFW's Paul Macdonald asking him to contest the town council's west ward in a by-election.
... [MORE]
Has there been an electoral boob? February 16, 2012
It could be party political red faces all
round in a market town as one political candidate flying the blue
flag in his exuberanc... [MORE]
Some positive signals from Town Hall's new owners February 14, 2012
THERE have been a few encouraging signs that the new owners of Warminster Town Hall are serious about doing something positive with the building.
... [MORE]
Two hours a week isn't enough says John Syme - we agree February 12, 2012
THE amount of time and effort put in by our individual town councillors is being questioned in the local newspaper, The Warminster Journal.
... [MORE]
By-election expected on 29 March February 11, 2012
VOTERS in the Western half of Warminster are expected to be able to vote in a town council by-election on 29 March.
Whoever wins, if it is contested,... [MORE]
HM The Queen dragged into Assembly Rooms fiasco February 01, 2012
WARMINSTER Town Council is so desperate to gain some kind of recognition for its historic blunder at Tirana House (the Civic Centre) that it has enl... [MORE]
Warminster West by-election anybody? January 22, 2012
TOWNSFOLK in Warminster are under notice that a town by-election could be called following the death of councillor Martin Baker.
... [MORE]
Town could have bought back the Town Hall for just £155k January 20, 2012
... [MORE]
April 21 is Democracy Day in Warminster December 15, 2011
WARMINSTER will have its own 'Democracy Day' next year as its local councils
face their worst 'lack of confidence' in living memory among town ... [MORE]
The Incredibles' new home December 10, 2011
Welcome to Tirana Hall
Inspired by Albania
... [MORE]
Town centre mast plan should be refused December 09, 2011
A CLEAR signal is being sent to council planners and a
mobile phone giant that they should tune into the wishes by getting
together to listen to... [MORE]
Seven hills explored in new book December 08, 2011
Warminster’s hills are a rich source of fascination for UFO spotters, orchid enthusiasts, walkers, archaeologists and butterfly fans alike.
... [MORE]
New association to be created December 06, 2011
THE market town of
Warminster will have a new stall set up in the New Year. On offer will
be a new concern that reflects the hundreds that voted... [MORE]
Frome wins after Warminster Council's biased boob December 04, 2011
WARMINSTER has missed out on a grant in the Nat West Community Awards 2011 after the money went to Frome. (see the winning project below)
It wa... [MORE]
Warminster Kingdown students to smarten up December 04, 2011
MORE than two years ago Vision for Warminster called for local school students to smarten up with a new uniform and now it seems it is going to happ... [MORE]
Late boost for Paul's election campaign November 24, 2011
PAUL Macdonald's election campaign was given a late boost from an unexpected quarter on Thursd... [MORE]
Election result November 24, 2011
RESULT Warminster East
... [MORE]
Election campaign on wheels! November 22, 2011
... [MORE]
Conservative candidate spills the beans on her party's strong arm tactics in her leaflet November 20, 2011
CONSERVATIVE candidate Kate Fryer has spilled the beans in her election leaflet about what goes on in the local Conservative Party behind the scenes... [MORE]
xx November 18, 2011
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, ... [MORE]
rr November 18, 2011
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, ... [MORE]
Bustards to flock up for Olympics November 12, 2011
All sorts of people can be found on facebook and so many
re-introductions have been made since its launch so the re-introduction
of the Bustard ... [MORE]
Are they Dim? November 09, 2011
... [MORE]
zzzzzzzzz November 06, 2011
... [MORE]
Spare a thought, and some loose change, for charity workers November 05, 2011
My name is Dexter and I was found straying in Warminster and I need a home is
one of those stories that immediately challenges us to remember that... [MORE]
Record viewing for vfw November 01, 2011
THE number of readers of VFM has jumped by 30 per cent in just one month with 1,592 unique users logging on in October compared to 1,203 in September ... [MORE]
Paul Macdonald takes local issues to MP' October 29, 2011
A community campaigner feels encouraged after
attending a 'doctor's' surgery on Friday afternoon asking for help with
th... [MORE]
VFW - Vote for Warminster Day is start of a new era October 25, 2011
WHEN Warminster voters get the chance to vote for a
new town councillor for the first time in over four years much more
will be at stake than ju... [MORE]
Local websites reflecting true localism - not out of touch councillors October 24, 2011
AN ever-increasing
readership of community websites clicking on,
and others, and now [MORE]
Why isn't the town council promoting its 40p parking scheme to help traders? October 22, 2011
THE car
parking charges fiasco goes on and on as the town council which should
be earning praise for its 'cashback' initiative has failed t... [MORE]
Local MP asked to head review into prosthetics by PM October 21, 2011
announcement of the Murrison Review into prosthetic provision for
veterans, undertaken on behalf of the Prime Minister by Dr Andrew
Murris... [MORE]
Paul to stand in town byelection October 21, 2011
TOWN Hall campaigner Paul Macdonald has been nominated by residents in
Warminster, his consent to stand on their behalf has been witnessed by
an... [MORE]
Wc on WCs October 16, 2011
Wiltshire Council must meet ... [MORE]
Better use of our hospital would take the strain off hard-pressed ambulance service October 14, 2011
Great Western Ambulance Service has been named as struggling for
survival exactly one year after co-author Paul
... [MORE]
Don't blame us for market towns' downfall, say council October 12, 2011
of thousands of shopping trips to Wiltshire towns have not taken place
since the imposition of higher parking charges, a county council... [MORE]
Maasai warrior in Warminster October 12, 2011
ACCORDING to the Bard of Boreham this should be a show worth seeing and in a very worthy cause.
... [MORE]
Big Bucks councillors could earn their keep as volunteers October 09, 2011
WILTSHIRE Council believes that volunteers will
keep their services running but who better than their own well-paid
elected councillors ent... [MORE]
Town council promoting The Ath ahead of other causes October 03, 2011
Voting is under way in Warminster and there are three worthy candidates visionforwarminster has discovered.
Portway based W... [MORE]
TOWN COUNCILLORS: Letwin tells you to take notice of town referendums September 25, 2011
BIG Society and localism are both part of David Cameron's big idea and this week they have been endorsed in the Blackmore Vale magazine by former sh... [MORE]
Town stifled by hidden unemployment September 24, 2011
needs a major co-operation between local commerce, the military and the local councils
to promise a brighter future as so many reside... [MORE]
Assembly rooms project kills Christmas fair? September 24, 2011
VFW understands that the annual Christmas lights switch on will no longer be accompanied by a Christmas fair before the event.
No ... [MORE]
Bohanna letter - something more from the 'Bard of Boreham' Bohanna The Birdie Song September 18, 2011
Earlier this year the famous 'Bard of Boreham' sent us a piece about the Assembly Rooms. He has cast his eyes upwards again and sent us this piece i... [MORE]
Councillors should 'stand by your plan' September 18, 2011
all the knee-jerk negative rejections that Town Hall campaigners have
suffered one of them is still offering a council ... [MORE]
Chief executive axed after car parks fiasco September 17, 2011
NEWS that the county council is to get rid of its chief executive little
more than a year after he took up the highly paid post has sent out a
f... [MORE]
Town hall owner needs careful watching September 16, 2011
NEWS that Warminster Town Hall has a new owner is not necessarily reason to put out the bunting and shout 'hurrah'.
Previous sour experience has... [MORE]
Train plan just isn't the ticket September 07, 2011
NEWS that Warminster station's ticket office is one of those recommended for closure in the McNulty report needs to set a... [MORE]
Steve Wheeler - The man who never Was ... Going to resign September 04, 2011
... [MORE]
August was a record month! September 02, 2011
VISION for Warminster enjoyed another record month in August as more people clicked on to our refreshingly different website.
Last month there were... [MORE]
European Man of the Year awards September 02, 2011
WE can reveal the winners of the European Man of The Year awards.
There must be some contenders in Warminster
... [MORE]
Rare engine type passes through August 31, 2011
Apologies for a technical problem with this page
THE futuristic steam engine 'Dominion of New Zealand' passed through Warminster today - but if ... [MORE]
Warminster Town Council: The Incredibles, a shambolic resignation! August 28, 2011
THE credibility of Warminster Town Council has been thrown into
further doubt after the shambles of a resignation of one of its
councillors who ha... [MORE]
Town hall buyer emerge from the woodwork? August 26, 2011
NEWS in The Warminster Journal that two rival buyers for the
Town Hall have come out of the woodwork just as the bid from Warminster
Preservation ... [MORE]
INQUEST: Lethal pigeon mess exposes failing council and greedy Allied Irish Bank August 19, 2011
AN INQUEST in Southampton has revealed just how big a threat the pigeon droppings outside Warminster Town Hall are to public health.
... [MORE]
Tesco reveal drive through supermarket - just 42 miles away August 12, 2011
First ‘drive-through’
supermarket for Southampton
Tesco has
opened its first drive-through supermarket in S... [MORE]
Fruit and veg shop opens for business August 07, 2011
DAY fresh produce sold in a way that people want is how Warminster's newest retailer hopes to win
against supermarket competition.
... [MORE]
Crazy parking meter for just four places!!! August 06, 2011
AFTER Two years of Wiltshire Council VFW's Paul Macdonald is asking why do they keep getting things so wrong in Warmnster.
... [MORE]
Time for the two-hatted duo to quit? August 06, 2011
FEARS that the ill-fortunes of Warminster are being
made worse by those most locally charged by their residents to look
after their interests... [MORE]
Councillors and guests enjoyed Assemly Rooms civic slap up August 03, 2011
YOUR elected councillors made good use of the benighted Assembly Rooms in Warminster before it closed by holding a civic slap up on the rates last S... [MORE]
10 pin bowling heading for FOCUS site August 02, 2011
READERS may recall that when Woolworth's became vacant a couple of years ago there was a suggestion that it might become a 10-pin bowling alley.
H... [MORE]
Record viewing figures for VFW August 01, 2011
VISION for Warminster is pleased to announce a new record viewing figure in July.
The month saw 1,228 sites log on to the website - around 1... [MORE]
TOWN HALL - some thoughts on what needs to happen now July 30, 2011
Steve attended the town hall auction at Bristol Zoo where the auctioneer withdrew the lot with no bids at 100K. He reflects on the current position.... [MORE]
No money to buy Town Hall - all been spent on Assembly Rooms, trust informed July 26, 2011
WARMINSTER'S town councillors have decided not to help the town's preservation trust acquire the Town Hall at auction at Bristol Zoo tomorrow.
... [MORE]
Cash literally rolls in - but should town councillors cheque out? July 22, 2011
CASH by the beep of the horn is the latest sight in Warminster as motorists pass the 'A-board' outside the
blighted and pige... [MORE]
Wilts Council - parking U-turn ahead after panic and fiasco of new charges July 17, 2011
tWILTSHIRE Council is in a panic and about to do a major policy U-turn on car parking charges.
The cause of the panic is twofold.
... [MORE]
Subsidy for denominational transport facing the axe this week July 17, 2011
A REPORT to councillors published this week recommends the abolition of discretionary subsidised denominational transport in Wiltshire from Septembe... [MORE]
Shussshhh!!!!! town council books are open for inspection until 22 July July 11, 2011
EACH year local authorities are duty bound to throw open their books for inspection by taxpayers for a few days before they are officially audited.
... [MORE]
So called 'businessmen' purchasers ofthe Town Hall will face Fathers for Justice style protests July 10, 2011
ANY new owner of the Town Hall in Warminster may well be targeted with personal protests along the lines of those employed by Fathers for Justice if... [MORE]
Look out for town hall tin shakers July 07, 2011
say that a few significant last minute donations could make all the
difference between succes... [MORE]
Currys quits town after decades on the high street June 25, 2011
Currys leaves Warminster
ELECTRICAL firm Currys has left Warminster Market Place - ending a half century association with the town.
... [MORE]
Heyesbury man's Salisbury booksigning June 24, 2011
Local author Chris Piechowski
will be signing copies of his book “Poles Apart” at Waterstone’s
Salisbury on Saturday 2nd
July from 11am.... [MORE]
Proud to be British? June 16, 2011
A STRAWBERRY sweet firm has surveyed the public and come up with a list of what makes us proud to be British. What an odd list.
... [MORE]
New survey reveals the need for our vision June 07, 2011
Rates, rents and big retailers are killing our High Streets say
consumers - we would add our council to this list.
Shabby, poor choice... [MORE]
Parking: Scheme starts but why the wait? June 02, 2011
THE discount parking scheme has been brought in in Warminster, in a
bid to beat the effect of increased car parking charges on trade - but wh... [MORE]
Assembly Rooms: farce turns to fiasco June 01, 2011
JUST as it was thought that the town council's financial plight couldn't get any worse it now appears (according to warminster Web) that additional ... [MORE]
More resources for Warminster Hospital May 15, 2011
THERE'S some good news for Warminster Hospital at last - though there's no cause to get too over excited about what is happening.
It seems that h... [MORE]
Beer experts boost Warminster pub May 07, 2011
EXPERT beer quaffers from the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) have decided that a Warminster pub sells the best kept beer for miles around.
... [MORE]
No link between bus services and parking charges May 07, 2011
ONE excuse trotted out by some of our highly paid council officers and councillors is that the new car parking charges are needed to support bus ser... [MORE]
Queensway and Princess Gardens celebrate Royal Wedding April 18, 2011
ON the last Friday of April residents of the aptly named
Queensway and Princess Gardens area of Warminster will be holding a
street party cel... [MORE]
No money to be made from Town Hall April 17, 2011
“Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it.''
That statement rings as true today as when first made by Ed... [MORE]
Parking charges - An April fool? April 02, 2011
It was a 'fool's errand' on April Fool's Day as a local
resident went in search of twenty pence pieces to pay for the parking
... [MORE]
Threatened farmhouse saved March 30, 2011
IT now appears that Albion House, the threatened farmhouse on Victoria Road, has been saved from immediate
destruction following VFW's 'don't buy h... [MORE]
Reply still awaited from County Hall March 28, 2011
VFW is still waiting for a response from County Hall about our request for a free re-run of the parish poll - or a complaint to an ... [MORE]
Hopes rising over Victoria Fields shop March 23, 2011
HOPES are rising that a local
convenience store will appear at the controversial
Persimmon Wessex development at Victoria Fields in Warminste... [MORE]
ASSEMBLY ROOMS BLUEPRINT: The council's dodgy dossier March 19, 2011
THE Blueprint for the future of the Assembly Rooms has been released by
the town council in the form of a draft business plan for the building.
... [MORE]
Developing homes but not a community March 15, 2011
has proof that Sainsbury's are interested in coming to the western side
of Warminster - but is the development being frustrated by the anti... [MORE]
A Bustard on every street corner March 13, 2011
Local artist Lesley Fudge has seen her fledgling idea to make the
Bustard the centre of an arts project in Warminster spread its winds to
now enth... [MORE]
Fat Cat councillors reject town hall bid at area board March 10, 2011
TWO Fat Cat councillors appear to stand in the way of Warminster people
rescuing the town hall from oblivion despite an impassioned plea from a
me... [MORE]
Having a spring clear-out? March 09, 2011
A simple minute taken in a busy life has led to £37.70 being
raised to help the work of the British Heart Foundation and a gift aid
commitme... [MORE]
Queensway play area on track at last March 06, 2011
IT MAY have been a 'swings and roundabouts' politically but at
last the 'i's and 't's can be finally be dotted this Wednesday at a
parish hall mee... [MORE]
MP joins chorus demanding Albion House should stay March 03, 2011
PERSIMMON Homes is now battling with a Member of Parliament as well as the townspeople of Warminster over
plans to destroy Albion House.
 ... [MORE]
Request to County Hall to amend for their unfairness re last year's Parish Poll March 03, 2011
The following letter has been sent to County Hall asking for them to make amends for their poor treatment of the town in last year's parish poll. Ou... [MORE]
Councils' slipping standards cause a niggle February 25, 2011
Why is a former councillor now 'niggled' by the activity of the
local town and unitary councils? Is it their 'mega-loan' spending? Is
it even the ... [MORE]
'Who's the Snitch' - Nicklin annoyed that the public knows something February 24, 2011
ACCORDING to the local website Warminster Web the fact that the public is being allowed to know a few unpleasant truths about our less than delightf... [MORE]
Persimmon promises but doesn't deliver February 18, 2011
MOST people in Warminster who heard Persimmon Homes boast that they will build 10,000 homes in 400 prime locations are
outraged as another ch... [MORE]
Town Council and its cronies out of step with the community February 15, 2011
THE Warminster Journal has seen its letters column
dominated time after time for two years by positive comments about the
actions of two wi... [MORE]
Our High Street on Death Row as County Hall opts to finish them off February 13, 2011
SPECIALISTS in measuring the 'footfall' across 600 town centres in the
UK paint a bleak picture as it seems that people are deserting our high
str... [MORE]
PERSIMMON site will have LOTS of social housing February 11, 2011
THE financial interests of a major house-builder are being called
into question as it has emerged that a local housing association
will gain ... [MORE]
Borehan Road's Yeates' Field safe for now February 07, 2011
TOWN councillors were at least listening to the public this evening
when they decided not to go down a road that would ultimately have
changed the... [MORE]
Warminster Town Councillors miss the bus - again February 07, 2011
OUR town council never ceases to amaze and appears to have missed the bus when it comes to the provision of bus shelters.
They have at least ... [MORE]
Beware Persimmon - Perfidious Persimmon not Albion February 05, 2011
Homes will no longer be forced to honour their pledges and promises is
the clear message to local communities as councillors old and new... [MORE]
ENGAGE: Town council still puffing themselves up with Pravda February 01, 2011
THE public unrest in Warminster at the actions of their town
council is unlikely to be satisfied by the latest 'outdated propaganda'
as the commun... [MORE]
'Bullied' councillors fear attacks on 'vanity website' - poor dears! January 29, 2011
WARMINSTER councillors who feel they
are suffering a 'form of bullying' have launched an astonishing attack on free speech.
&n... [MORE]
Minister's warning to town councils over glossy leaflets January 29, 2011
A GOVERNMENT minister has slammed councils like Warminster Town Council
which have published regular glossy magazines to tell you how good they
ar... [MORE]
Town councillors' double standards over Town Hall plea January 26, 2011
THE public effort in Warminster to rescue the Town Hall and return
it to public use received a boost and a cautious welcome to the latest
new... [MORE]
'Cinderella town' tag back as youth jobless totals climb January 23, 2011
THE news that one-in-five young people aged 16-to-24-years-old is jobless has
come as no surprise to a campaigner who now believes that
his com... [MORE]
Big news for bustards as EU coughs up two million euros January 19, 2011
A HIGH profile Wiltshire project to return the world’s heaviest flying bird to
the UK has been given a considerable lift from the European Union.... [MORE]
Challenge - Big Society, localism prove that it's not all cobblers January 18, 2011
A week ago Cllr. Scott as Tory leader of Wiltshire Council with the
PM David Cameron issued a press release having 'discussed' ... [MORE]
Warminster Council - stripped of dignity and legitimacy, clinging to power January 16, 2011
The co-author of one of the most popular websites in Warminster is
to warn townsfolk that the growing crisis in confidence in the town
council&nbs... [MORE]
A town council at war with its own population January 15, 2011
Shortly after 7pm on Monday an increasingly unpopular town council
will told by their town clerk that the ''mega-loan' refurbishment of
the A... [MORE]
SCHOOLS' £170k cash windfall - but is it value for money? January 14, 2011
SCHOOLS in Warminster are to benefit from a cash windfall of £170,000 in the next financial year thanks to two new premium payments brou... [MORE]
Leader meets Prime Minister - time for action not words. January 11, 2011
NEWS that Wiltshire council leader Jane Scott met with Prime Minister David Cameron and discussed the Government's proposal to give local ... [MORE]
Area board - the tail still wagging the dog January 09, 2011
ONCE again those who might like the chance to see one of Wiltshire's flagship policies in action can do so on Thursday - if they can travel to a vil... [MORE]
Wiltshire's money-grabbing cabinet told to rethink parking December 20, 2010
Wiltshire Council political leaders are being told to think again as
a backbench car parking rebellion gathers pace after a public outcry.
... [MORE]
Arctic shorts win postie Clare's stamp of approval - no contest December 20, 2010
ENGLAND may have its chilliest December night on record this week with
teeth-chattering temperatures according to weather forecasters but one
... [MORE]
Don't forget to write December 18, 2010
WARMINSTER'S megaloan being negotiated by the town council could face much greater government scrutiny if the Department for Communities and Local G... [MORE]
Warminster 'a wheel turn closer to becoming more cyclist friendly' December 13, 2010
A LONG established Warminster firm is backing plans to improve facilities and routes for cyclists and supporting the team behind the 'Warminster Wob... [MORE]
Christmas car parking - 'the facts' acording to the town council December 10, 2010
A town council in control of a cash-guzzling Assembly Hall 'white
elephant' must be more vigilant in protecting its local shopkeepers says the... [MORE]
The attack on democracy - town council spokesman says TC will move December 09, 2010
LIKE many Warminster people we have been amazed and disgusted at the way some of our town councillors have tried to ignore the democratic town poll ... [MORE]
Two Tory councillors voice opposition to spending megabucks December 03, 2010
Two Conservative councillors have come out of the shadows to take
up the challenge to Warminster town council that wants to
spend 'megab... [MORE]
Free parking every which way but here! November 30, 2010
ANOTHER rival shopping centre will benefit from the festive offer of
free car parking as Mendip District Council relaxes its tax on the motorist for
... [MORE]
MP asks for explanation over Longleat veterans' sacking November 24, 2010
LOCAL MP Andrew Murrison has written to the Longleat Estate to request an explanation about the sacking of all of its veteran workers.
In an... [MORE]
Listen to the public urges Paul Macdonald November 22, 2010
At centre of a year-long invigoration of local interest in their
plans that has backed few of their decisions a council still has no... [MORE]
Steve's Speech to the town council's decisive meeting November 22, 2010
Councillors voted 6 - 0 with two abstentions (cllrs Fryer and March) to arrange to borrow up to half a million pounds from the Public Works Loans Bo... [MORE]
Refreshed call for town appraisal as Monday Blues strike November 20, 2010
The 'Monday Blues' could become a by-word in Warminster as it faces yet more disastrous financial local and county
"It is g... [MORE]
Barmy Wilts Council want parking charges here to subsidise Salisbury November 18, 2010
A FREEDOM of Information request from the BBC has discovered that every journey to Salisbury by a park and ride passenger is being subsidised by... [MORE]
Shoppers induced to Salisbury by free park and ride - by our own council November 17, 2010
FREE park and ride is being offered in Salisbury every Saturday in
the lead up to Christmas in a further unwelcome blow to Warmins... [MORE]
Trowbridge shopping centre set to rub it in over free parking November 12, 2010
THE expected announcement of free parking for Christmas shoppers
by the owners of a major shopping area in Trowbridge will further challenge
count... [MORE]
You pay £4,000.a year to maintain the town council's quality status November 11, 2010
WARMINSTER Town Council likes to promote itself in public through a glossy propaganda sheet called Engage.
At Monday’s meeting of the fin... [MORE]
Car parking charges and the charge of the two hatted-brigade November 10, 2010
OUR unitary councillors will soon have to decide whether to stand up for their increasingly hard-pressed community over car parking charges or back ... [MORE]
Steve addresses the town council over it budget plans November 08, 2010
The text of his speech.....
'I spend a great deal of my time looking at the affairs of local authorities – ranging from the country’s s... [MORE]
Last orders at the Yew Tree? Pub in darkness November 07, 2010
Twice as many pubs this year are going out of business compared
with last year according to the industry and Warminster is the latest
le... [MORE]
Super hero Batman visits the Town Hall (with gorillaman) November 07, 2010
EVEN comic book superheroes are coming to the aid of Warminster Town
Hall in its hour of need - though a slight
mistake led to the grea... [MORE]
Town Council's strategy - Bore 'em to death' November 07, 2010
WARMINSTER Town Council is holding another important meeting on Monday evening - but they're hardly trying to attract the crowds in to hear about th... [MORE]
Town council wanted £600 to stage ex-mayor's 6oth birthday bash November 06, 2010
Warminster town com.confused was one public reaction
today as the townsfolk react to the latest about the future of the
Assembly Hall.... [MORE]
cycle group reveals proposal for new routes in Warminster November 06, 2010
The quietest form of getting about Warminster is quietly going
about asking the public for their ideas about how to improve the lot of
fans of two... [MORE]
Hot snippets - DSG - Play area - Pink dog dirt November 05, 2010
DSG (ABRO) When the government announced its
strategic defence review it did not realise that visionforwarminster
would be closely scrutinising it... [MORE]
Chief constable axes Wiltshire divisions to save officers November 02, 2010
VISION for Warminster can reveal how Wiltshire Constabulary - and probably most other English police forces - is going to cope with the huge budget ... [MORE]
Bard of Boreham brings forth some poetry in motions October 31, 2010
Ye Olde Hall of Assembling (and dissembling!)
In Guerminstre of Wiltonshire
Was a stately pleasure dome decreed
She... [MORE]
Octogenarian accused councillors of arrogance over massive debt October 28, 2010
A real eye-opener at an official 'extraordinary' meeting of a
public body was the sight of an octogenarian battling to protect future
generations ... [MORE]
Town council to face judicial review after VAT bungle October 28, 2010
BUNGLING Warminster Town Council will almost certainly face the threat of a judicial review if it continues its current course over the Assembly Roo... [MORE]
'Amazed they have got things this wrong' says Paul October 28, 2010
'BUNGLING Warminster
Town Council will almost certainly face the threat of a judicial review
if it continues its current course over the Assembly ... [MORE]
New group mirrors VFW's Civic Pride agenda October 26, 2010
Fairy tales sometimes start in the most unusual places as the
co-authors of visinforwarminster have now discovered after they w... [MORE]
Dare we hope that Queensway play area will come about? October 23, 2010
THE Government's plans to cut public spending that placed a fledging play
area scheme has been rescued by local community campaigner Paul
Macdonal... [MORE]
New owners for Warminster's Woodcock Road dairy October 23, 2010
CONSOLIDATION in the milk distribution business has continued this week
with the news that our local Planks Dairy has been sold to Pensworth
dairi... [MORE]
DSG up for sale say US defence experts October 22, 2010
ONE of the town's largest and longest established employers of skilled workers is up for sale as a result of the Strategic Defence Review - so says ... [MORE]
SPENDING REVIEW - we told you what was in it 10 months ago!! October 21, 2010
YESTERDAY'S comprehensive spending review and its accompanying cuts in
spending would not have come as too much of a surprise to
Visionforwarminst... [MORE]
VFM to meet with local MP on Friday October 19, 2010
Dr. Andrew Murrison MP is to meet visionforwarminster co-author
Paul Macdonald two days after the comprehensive spending review is
announced by th... [MORE]
Danger junction - forget it while we shuffle the paperwork! October 17, 2010
THE time always comes when a resident says enough is enough and
that time is coming soon for a community campaigner who has... [MORE]
Positive outcome to Civic Trust's town hall meeting October 16, 2010
A MEETING in Warminster's Assembly Hall where those on the platform
really listened to the views of the floor actually took place on
Friday evenin... [MORE]
recycling not just a paper and glass issue October 14, 2010
who have seen their need for a mini-recycling centre closer to home
championed by two community campaigners have less than a week to ... [MORE]
New venue for crunch Assembly Hall decision meeting October 12, 2010
A dispute that is increasingly pitting a beleaguered town council
against its residents took another twist with the battleground being
moved to a ... [MORE]
Town council is getting ever more extraordinary October 11, 2010
WARMINSTER Town Council has apparently backed down after planning to
hold an important meeting on a Thursday in a room that can accommodate just a ... [MORE]
Last greengrocer shuts up shop October 07, 2010
WHILE many will be licking their wealthy lips at the arrival of
Waitrose in Warminster many of the town's older and poorer inhabitants
will be anx... [MORE]
Megaloan to be decided in microhall as cllrs cram out public October 05, 2010
Only a tiny minority of those who voted in the very first parish
poll to be held in Warminster will be able to sit in and listen to the
town counc... [MORE]
Double the fun as Warminster carnival gets film star treatment October 03, 2010
WARMINSTER will join the 'big boys' of the
autumn carnival circuit as a film crew that covers the prestigious
Bridgwater illuminated pageant will ... [MORE]
Greedy builders trying to win permission to destroy farmhouse October 03, 2010
WE understand that Persimmon have appealed for permission to destroy
part of Warminster's heritage by pulling down Albion farmhouse in
Victoria Ro... [MORE]
Civic Trust members support outline proposals for Town Hall September 25, 2010
registered charity is definitely 'inspiring the future' of Warminster
as the town's Civic Trust gets a big 'thumbs-up' for their efforts - while... [MORE]
What does the future hold for local radio station September 19, 2010
Andrew Murrison MP has entered the the Assembly Rooms controversy
by signalling an interest which will prick the ears of town
councillor... [MORE]
County Hall's rescue bid as megaloan angers townsfolk September 18, 2010
A 'rescue bid' is being discussed on Monday evening by Warminster town
councillors as their controversial plans to apply for a megaloan is
still o... [MORE]
Town council's twisted and loaded questionnaire goes public September 14, 2010
The biggest ever public consultation by Warminster Town Council is
under way as 1,500 questionnaires about the 'Assembly Rooms question'
are rando... [MORE]
Local people flock back to their town hall September 11, 2010
ALMOST 1,000 people came through the doors of Warminster's Town Hall on
Friday and Saturday to see for themselves what all the fuss has been
about... [MORE]
Assembly Rooms consultation - risible rather than credible September 08, 2010
COMMENT ON Town Council's Consultation by SD
The latest news from the town council regarding their consultation is somewhat perplexing to... [MORE]
Town Hall is open to the public for first time in many years September 07, 2010
WARMINSTER Town Hall is open for public viewing as part of the coming heritage weekend.
It can be entered without appointment on Friday and Satu... [MORE]
Area board: Lack of interest mirrors lack of enterprise from cllrs September 05, 2010
WILTSHIRE'S area board system has deservedly won plaudits from a number
of quarters but those who run the things will be hoping any judges
steer c... [MORE]
Inside the Town Hall - lots of work but it will work! August 22, 2010
ONLY those who are aged 60 and over can recall Warminster Town Hall in its full splendour but strong echos of its grandeur still resonate in almos... [MORE]
ASSEMBLY HALL: Town council adopts EU style of democracy August 17, 2010
Steve Dancey's thoughts on the Monday meeting
WHEN more than 100 members of the public decide to attend a meeting of
a town counci... [MORE]
ANGER at seesawing fortunes of play area August 14, 2010
Warminster children face the 'cruellest cut of all' as the
coalition government is set to force the local council to axe a £50,000
... [MORE]
Read Steve's letter to the Warminster Journal August 13, 2010
Dear Editors,
readers who voted in the parish poll earlier this year may be
interested to hear that an extraordinary full town council meeti... [MORE]
Seagulls living la dulce vita in Sambourne Gardens August 09, 2010
SAMBOURNE Gardens in Warminster has recently become a Mecca for seagulls
who have been dropping into the residential area for early morning
feeds.... [MORE]
Carnival circuit to celebrate silver jubilee with a Warminster DVD August 08, 2010
WARMINSTER Carnival is to feature in a special film recording to mark 25 years of the Wessex Carnival Circuit.
circuit was set up to inject fr... [MORE]
Rock Lane: Will photos prompt action? August 07, 2010
A FEW weeks after highlighting a potential motoring accident blackspot
former councillor Paul Macdonald is sending photographs to Wil... [MORE]
There's a new TARA in town August 05, 2010
FAMILIES in the Boreham area of town are being
offered the chance to join a residents' association at a... [MORE]
Dog dirt worries prompt toolkit for Wiltshire? August 04, 2010
COUNCILLORS in Warminster who have a pet hate have convinced a
senior Wiltshire Council member to set-up a task group making the town
a pilot... [MORE]
Budget probe exposes huge bill for flowers August 03, 2010
VISION for Warminster's investigation into the finances at the Town Council has revealed a huge sum spent on flowers.
When we were ... [MORE]
Town council spends your money on its spin July 31, 2010
WARMINSTER Town Council is spending huge sums of public money on publicity trying to tell people what a good job it is doing.
... [MORE]
New charity and public meeting on town hall planned for 15 October July 28, 2010
A NEW charity is to be set up to look after the interests of Warminster's Town Hall.
The Friends of Warminster Town Hall wi... [MORE]
Arrested face a trip to Salisbury in future July 25, 2010
PEOPLE who fall foul of the law and are arrested in Warminster are to
be taken to the custody suite in Salisbury rather than Melksham in
future, t... [MORE]
French group to weigh up town's tubby tots July 23, 2010
WARMINSTER'S very smallest inhabitants are to be the subject of a pilot study led by the Danone - Nutricia group.
Cllr Keith Humphrie... [MORE]
More than 200 pieces of litter near so called 'community school' July 23, 2010
KINGDOWN pupils celebrated
breaking up from school for the summer holidays by leaving a paper and
litter trail much worse than usual.
Alo... [MORE]
Town will not lose swimming pool promises cabinet member July 22, 2010
DESPITE rumours to the contrary there is no prospect of Warminster
being left without a swimming pool in the foreseeable future, said a
leading Wa... [MORE]
Megaloan still an option even though Assembly Hall is a wreck July 19, 2010
Warminster Councillors heard that the Assembly Hall building is almost
a complete wreck inside and out - yet some are still contemplating
putting ... [MORE]
Minor injuries unit should reopen in 2013 - see live debate on Wilts July 13, 2010
The future of healthcare in Wiltshire was debated in Westminster Hall today after the Devizes MP Claire Perry organised an adjournment debate.
... [MORE]
Octogenarian drummer sets the pace for band July 12, 2010
It is in the eighties under the afternoon sun and the drummer is
in his eighties as the noisy and fun climax to the Lakeside Pleasure
Grounds fina... [MORE]
Town centre problem area tackled by WETS July 11, 2010
IT may have been hot and bone dry in Warminster but it was still a WET
weekend for half a dozen volunteers who took part in the town centre
tidy o... [MORE]
Queen is saved but a Belgian takes the prize - town criers' competition July 04, 2010
THE Queen is on an official visit to Canada at the moment but she kept being saved in Warminster on Saturday afternoon.
... [MORE]
Time to say yes to biogas plan - if assurances are in place July 03, 2010
A BIOGAS plan on the southern outskirts of the town should be given
permission say local strategic planners who have weighed up the pros
and cons of... [MORE]
Heritage saved as developers Persimmon sent packing June 24, 2010
Warminster locals with nine minutes standing up to a nationally
known developer have tonight won the support of more councillors ... [MORE]
Some free parking retained after face-to-face meeting June 24, 2010
Warminster Town Council
members and Wiltshire Council held a meeting on Friday 11 June to discuss the thorny question of parking... [MORE]
Waste harmony plans a bit of a curate's egg. June 22, 2010
PLANS to harminise waste collection have been announced by Wiltshire Council and broadly speaking they involve switching two areas over to fortnight... [MORE]
Today's budget - we told you the size of the cuts on 21 Dec 2009 June 22, 2010
TODAY'S emergency budget has more than confirmed some news we broke exactly six month ago concerning the magnitude of the cuts we could expect to face... [MORE]
Resident calls in Paul after councillors fail again at The Rock June 20, 2010
A community campaigner has been called into action again as
residents of a hidden lane in Warminster fear the worst when they try
to drive from th... [MORE]
First mention of Christmas and its only June June 19, 2010
"Oyez!, Oyez! The friends of Cancer Research UK are holding
pre-Christmas sale, I say, a pre-Christmas sale at the Red Cross Hut
today. Everybod... [MORE]
Tree planting shows VFW ideas are taking root June 18, 2010
A RETURN to the days when the approach roads to the town centre of Warminster were tree-lined took another step forward today.
Two cherr... [MORE]
Town twirlers on top form June 16, 2010
A troupe of Warminster baton twirlers won silverware and returned
with five rosettes as they took on the some of the finest troupes in
the region ... [MORE]
Persimmon wants to destroy old stone farmhouse in Warminster June 16, 2010
HOUSING Firm Persimmon is intent on destroying a piece of the town's
Edwardian history by demolishing Albion House in Victoria Road and
replacing ... [MORE]
WETS volunteers undergo jungle training in Warminster June 15, 2010
(click image to enlarge)
A TEAM of volunteers led by George Jolley cleared the jungle that had become of footpaths to the L... [MORE]
Carnival fun day in the park 13 June June 14, 2010
IT was fun day Sunday at the Lake Pleasure Grounds as it became a
'theme park' complete with fun fair, a touch of 'its a knockout', a
... [MORE]
Charity fundraisier tackles highest African peak June 12, 2010
GLOBE-trotting fundraiser Barbara Dodd from Masefield Road is planning
another epic journey in aid of charity - but this is her... [MORE]
County Hall quids in but poor worker out of pocket June 11, 2010
Warminster people can now see in black and white the true impact
of the impending car parking charges.
A public notice in the War... [MORE]
Warminster Wobble adds in extra features June 09, 2010
Warminster Wobble this year has added a new challenge for the more
energetic cyclists to take a unique advantage of the oppo... [MORE]
September 2011 opening for Waitrose? June 08, 2010
HOPES are rising that Warminster's much talked about Waitrose store could open its door by September 2011.
Town councillors were briefed by de... [MORE]
Complaint to Ombudman under consideration over car parking June 04, 2010
VFW's Steve Dancey is currently looking at the option of making a
complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman about Wiltshire Council.
The com... [MORE]
Free fun in the field at Boreham (PICTURES) June 04, 2010
A free family fun day enjoyed perfect weather today as scores of
delighted children literally bounced with joy with plenty 'in store' at
S... [MORE]
Viewing figures running at record level in May June 01, 2010
UNLIKE most websites we are completely open about our viewing figures and are pleased to announce a new record in May 2010.
The number of peopl... [MORE]
Website reveals huge slump in Warminster property values May 31, 2010
THE house price crash of recent years means that there are no longer any homes in Warminster worth anything like £1,000,000.
... [MORE]
Regressive parking charges run counter to green agenda in small towns May 30, 2010
WILTSHIRE Council needs to bring in county-wide parking charges to fill
a huge gap in its budget next year - but in doing so in sma... [MORE]
Wiltshire Council - LEECHES OR BLACKMAILERS? May 25, 2010
WILTSHIRE Council comes across more as a bullying, blackmailing leech rather than a respected and caring provider of local services - the hallmark o... [MORE]
Town council should take legal advice says former district councillor May 25, 2010
FORMER District councillor Paul Macdonald was unable to attend Tuesday's extraordinary meeting but would have offered this advice....
... [MORE]
New website on line at May 23, 2010
WARMINSTER'S 'all singing all dancing' new website is now on line and can be accessed via the address above.
It represents a vast improvem... [MORE]
Time to appraise community needs and think again on megaloan May 22, 2010
WITH more than 90 per cent of Warminster's population against the town council's megaloan policymakers must think again, says community campaigner P... [MORE]
Mayor's pledge to accept democratic process was recorded May 13, 2010
THE mayor of Warminster Tony Nicklin has claimed that he has
been unfairly quoted about a pledge at a public meeting at the Assembly... [MORE]
Town shopkeepers face extinction because of useless new council May 12, 2010
WARMINSTER'S Independent traders look set to make their last stand at
the area board meeting on 20 May when they need to convince Wiltshire
cabine... [MORE]
Parking charges - We told you about it in January , REMEMBER May 09, 2010
We welcome the fact that the Town Council is belatedly fighting the town's corner when it comes to Wiltshire Council's new parking charges.
... [MORE]
Progress on the Town Hall - Civic Trust to secure building's future May 08, 2010
THE 'stain on the town's heart' in Warminster is set to be
restored as the well respected and experienced Civic Trust and the
Preservation Trust j... [MORE]
Today is Polling Day - how will you vote? May 06, 2010
There are five candidates in the new look South West Wiltshire
constituency and with hours to go there are still a large number of
electors n... [MORE]
Who ate all the ties? May 05, 2010
OPENING the pages of my Wiltshire Times a couple of weeks ago I not... [MORE]
Paul's letter to the Warminster Journal May 03, 2010
The Warminster Journal has this week published a letter from
community campaigner Paul Macdonald calling for fair play for the town
after the Asse... [MORE]
Too young to vote but not too young to campaign - for UKIP May 02, 2010
IT was the most unusual sight of the general election campaign in
Warminster so far and it fell to one of the youngest political parties
to pr... [MORE]
OXFAM wins in St George's shop window competition May 01, 2010
A WARMINSTER SHOP window competition with a St George's Day theme has been won by Oxfam.
"I liked the idea of a classical w... [MORE]
Read parish poll proposers' press release April 28, 2010
Press Release
from the Parish Poll proposers.
THE result of the Parish Poll held in Warminster
last week can have left little doub... [MORE]
Community calls for improved recycling facilities April 26, 2010
A community campaigner and a community leader have put their heads
together to ask for further improvements to recycling opportunities in
Warmin... [MORE]
Seniors quiz (potential) junior minister at Henord House April 25, 2010
A general election hopeful took 90 minutes today to listen to
the views of 20 residents of a care home in Warminster and may have
found ... [MORE]
Is Phil Seddon really a pirate? April 25, 2010
WE'VE long had our suspicions about the town crier's
little secret but his cover was blown in The Avenue on Friday before the St George's Day p... [MORE]
Solid opposition to WC's car parking hike April 21, 2010
THE time and venue of a special Town Council meeting called in
response to the public furore about car parking charges being radically
changed in ... [MORE]
Surgery's first ever open day April 19, 2010
IT was a case of an 'open day surgery' for the doctors, nurses and
support staff in Warminster on Saturday morning which was joined by
others who ... [MORE]
Dr Murrison's (Warminster) casebook April 18, 2010
GENERAL election campaigning arrived in the centre of Warminster
on Saturday and it was blue rosetted candidate Andrew Murrison who glad-handing&nb... [MORE]
Warminster 'kicked hard' by unitary authority says Mayor April 17, 2010
The Mayor of Warminster is promising not to 'lie down' or take a
'hard kick' from the unitary authority without doing something in the
last few da... [MORE]
Just seven days to decide on the Assembly Rooms April 16, 2010
THE people of Warminster can look forward to little public debate about plans to drag the town into debt in order to salvage a white elephant b... [MORE]
Memories of Sir Robert Grimston - from The Guardian April 13, 2010
Ferdinand Mount
The Conservative party fête was held at
Chitterne Lodge by kind permission of Mrs Payne. As our MP, Mr
Grimston, got up to spe... [MORE]
History on the move - historic vehicles in the town April 13, 2010
THE clock was turned back up to 75 years on Sunday in Warminster
as the sight of the main car park full of nostalgic... [MORE]
WETS discover town's litter hell hole (PHOTOS) April 12, 2010
THE regular Sunday morning outing of the Warminster Environment Team Services (WETS) saw the group tackle the pathway at the side of Alworths ... [MORE]
Newspaper shake-up will hit the streets on Monday April 10, 2010
READERS of our much valued regional newspaper will see a significant
change on Monday as the shake up of the group begins to hit the news
st... [MORE]
What does a new Waitrose store look like? April 08, 2010
NEWS that the deal to bring a Waitrose store to the town looks like becoming a reality has been welcomed by most.
But while most of us ... [MORE]
Official minutes of the Parish Poll meeting are here. April 03, 2010
The clerk of the town council has kindly provided the following minutes of the meeting on Wednesday night.
on... [MORE]
Some thoughts on Wednesday evening's Poll meeting April 03, 2010
Now that the air has cleared after the historic meeting on Wednesday night Steve Dancey reviews the occasion.
When it was an... [MORE]
Interest in our content hits new highs as people click on to VFW April 01, 2010
UNLIKE most websites and almost all of those with political content we make no secret of our viewing figures.
This is mainly because we believe... [MORE]
Public will have an officially organised vote on Assembly rooms March 31, 2010
WEDNESDAY evening's parish meeting decided to back visionforwarminster so a parish poll will now be held on the question of the town council moving ... [MORE]
Longleat's new dark secret March 27, 2010
LONGLEAT has long been famous for its wildlife park but in one way it is now outdoing the Tower of London as an attraction.
The tower, ... [MORE]
Confidence in local councillors is steadily ebbing away March 26, 2010
WARMINSTER is to be asked to have its say in a
'vote of confidence' about their local councillors as yet another
crisis hits the the futur... [MORE]
Parking charges will kill off trade and cause dangerous on-road parking March 22, 2010
ANOTHER nail will be driven into the coffin of local trade in Warminster by Wiltshire Council when the increasingly unpopular and unrepresentative b... [MORE]
TWO new 1100l bins added after VFW's Carboard City pressure March 22, 2010
CAMPAIGNER Paul Macdonald has found that hitting the right buttons
can show it is not a waste of time contacting Wiltshire Council about
hot topic... [MORE]
Warminster's danger roads claimed 22 victims in 2008 March 21, 2010
ONE worrying statistic where the Warminster community area does badly
in the NHS produced Joint Strategic Health Assessment is in traffic accidents... [MORE]
Positive assessment for Warminster from NHS healthcheck March 19, 2010
A SERIES of new statistics compiled in a ground-breaking study paints a comparatively rosy picture of life in the Warminster area.
... [MORE]
Parish Poll meeting will take place on 31 March March 16, 2010
This communication from the town council has been received by VFW
This is to give you notice that a parish meeting has been convened by the... [MORE]
Another community celebrates its historic town hall March 16, 2010
ANOTHER small community not a million miles from Warminster will celebrate saving its town hall on Friday after a 300,000 pound refurbishment paid f... [MORE]
At last, some common sense in the counil chamber over town hall March 15, 2010
WARMINSTER town council
is being asked to think 'holistic' about its 'megaloan' bailing out of
their Assembly Rooms and take heed of what... [MORE]
Lack of bins leads to weekend cardboard city syndrome (PHOTO) March 14, 2010
CAMPAIGNER Paul Macdonald says repeated requests for more recycling
bins in the town centre have been ignored - and leads to this unholy
mess ever... [MORE]
Town will find out date of meeting 'early next week' March 12, 2010
THE town will find out 'early next week' when the special parish meeting will take place to call for the parish poll on the future of the Assembly R... [MORE]
Councillos and mayor at war with their own townsfolk March 12, 2010
THE Mayor of Warminster has been stung into action directing his
venom at campaigners who are questioning the right of the town council
to change ... [MORE]
Move Morgan memorial to outside the Ath? Why not March 10, 2010
The new street scene in Warminster created after year after year
of disruption at a huge cost has caused a new disruption to offend
passers-by and... [MORE]
BBC survey confirms what we revealed on 21 December March 07, 2010
ON 21 December we made public the details of some sensitive documents we had seen revealing that five per cent year on year cuts to government grant... [MORE]
A prestige building needed for a quality town - not an ugly 1960s shack March 07, 2010
MEMBERS of the Visionforwarminster team have considerable experience of how some other local communities organise their affairs - and we should all ... [MORE]
Area board dominated by out of towners March 06, 2010
THURSDAY evening's Warminster Area Board was a depressing event - partly because it revealed, as expected, how erudite and well-connected peop... [MORE]
Where Everybody Flatters? March 06, 2010
Wiltshire Council 'where everybody matters' is entering the publicity race big time with their latest county wide publication.
 ... [MORE]
Poll meeting request handed to mayor on Friday morning March 05, 2010
A DEMAND from more than 140 members of the Warminster public was presented to the town council at 9.30am today (Friday).
Mayor of Warminster To... [MORE]
Bore Hill Farm plans submitted to planners March 04, 2010
VFW has been in receipt of this statement from Developers Malaby Biogas re their application for Bore Hill Farm Warminster. Pdf of the document ment... [MORE]
Anti social parking a new priority for town police March 04, 2010
TOWN police have added a new priority to their current
crackdown on troublesome youngsters misbehaving in public officially
described as ASB ... [MORE]
Chronology re the Town Hall, Assembly Rooms & Dewey House March 03, 2010
ON Saturday visitors to the assembly rooms were encouraged to fill
out a 'Mayor's Questionnaire' about their ideas for the future of the
Town Hall... [MORE]
Better youth transport planned? March 02, 2010
Extra money is being made available by the local authority via its Warminster area board to provide better opportunities for young people.
An... [MORE]
Digital coming - but what about poor reception? February 28, 2010
TECHNOLOGY never seems to stand still for long and for those of us who are old enough to recall the switch from television's 405 lines to 625 lines ... [MORE]
Parish poll a step nearer as dozens sign up February 27, 2010
THE decision to display plans to spend £1.7million refurbishing
the Assembly Rooms at the Mayor's Community Day brought protesters to
those ... [MORE]
Speed watch coming to Boreham Road........ February 24, 2010
COMMUNITY Speed Watch is coming to a road near
you after a police officer has given evidence to local councillors that
there is a problem... [MORE]
Debate stimulated after VFW issues first ever press release February 23, 2010
Campaigners Challenge Council loan' is the front page lead of the
Warminster Journal this week as pressure builds up on the town council
over its de... [MORE]
COUNCIL Tax bills in Warminster are to soar by more than £30 in April at a time when many people are on short hours, have suffered pay cuts or... [MORE]
HOT SNIPPETS wobble/Community Day/Mindless vandalism February 21, 2010
THE cycling festival known as Warminster Wobble have announce that the dates for the 2010 Wobble will be Saturday 19 June and Sunday 20 June... [MORE]
ATH to host a world premiere performance February 21, 2010
WARMINSTER'S Athenaeum Centre will host a world premiere performance at 7.30pm on Saturday 6 March.
The Erato Piano Trio comprised of Yuri Kalnits... [MORE]
HOUSING PLANS FOLLOW VFW'S LEAD - what about the old? February 18, 2010
NEWS that Wiltshire is to build 50+ new council houses to be run by the council is a vindication of a policy put forward by Visionforwarminster more... [MORE]
Warminster pub lauches loyalty card February 17, 2010
IF you are someone that occasionally goes 'one over the eight' then the Rose and Crown is probably the best place to be.
Landlady... [MORE]
Planning application slipped in just before Christmas break February 17, 2010
THE controversial scheme by Warminster town council to commit its population
to a seven figure sum to move its centre of operation a few hundr... [MORE]
Olympic flame to pass through Warminster? It could happen. February 15, 2010
THE London Olympics are just over two years away and there seems a real possibility that the Olympic flame will pass through Warminster on its trave... [MORE]
Just a minute took months to discover February 15, 2010
IT is called 'Just a Minute' but it has taken one commentator on Warminster civic and council affairs months to discover.
"Eight ... [MORE]
Team tackles warminster litter hotspots (PHOTOS) February 14, 2010
SOME of Warminster's worst litter hotspots have been tackled this weekend - by volunteers.
On Saturday VisionforWarm... [MORE]
Another crash - MP needs to take action on A36 February 13, 2010
A SIX vehicle crash on the A36 near Warminster yesterday saw a
young child seriously injured highlighting another decade of tragedy,
pain and... [MORE]
Planners to decide on coach firm's car park February 12, 2010
ONE of Warminster's more successful home-grown businesses in recent
years has been R&R Coaches of Bishopstrow, commonly called Beeline.
... [MORE]
Batteries are included February 08, 2010
A LITTLE known European initiative means that another ingredient that is
currently part of the concoction of waste that is put into landfill c... [MORE]
Youth Council edges nearer February 07, 2010
ONE of the projects highlighted in the VisionforWarminster document is the need for a youth council in Warminster.
The idea is catching one ... [MORE]
Council tax going up again by more in Wilts - where's the savings? February 05, 2010
COUNCIL taxes in Wiltshire are set to rise faster than neighbouring counties despite the so-called savings brought about over the last year.
''Many o... [MORE]
No councillors quoted in press release - very unusual February 04, 2010
A DECISION to splash 'megabucks' on a move of a few hundreds
yards to a spacious home for Warminster Town Council is seeing more ... [MORE]
Town council's statement on Assembly Rooms 'megaloan' February 02, 2010
2 February 2010
Dewey House and As... [MORE]
Backtracking on a bad idea? February 01, 2010
A Warminster councillor set to be at the eye of the civic storm
brewing around his colleagues spending spree on moving their home now
claims ... [MORE]
Our formal objection to the town council's megaloan February 01, 2010
VFW's formal objection to the town council's loan application has been sent to the Wiltshire Association of Local Councils, the Government Office... [MORE]
Spin doctors needed to revive dead in the water Assembly Rooms idea January 29, 2010
Warminster councillors who
having outraged their community with a crazy plan for the Assembly Rooms may now have to bring in professional... [MORE]
From khaki to cosy - High Street wine bar plans January 27, 2010
Glasses could soon be raised to toast the removal of another
blight on the High Street in Warminster as a local resident plans to
open a wine bar ... [MORE]
Golf Club price tag shows bargains are there for the taking January 26, 2010
TOP estates agents Strutt and Parker have revealed that the asking price of the Thoulstone Park Golf Club, land and facilities has been slashed.
... [MORE]
Opposition growing on all sides to Assembly Rooms plan January 26, 2010
AN angry reaction to local taxpayers being asked to fork out a
seven figure sum to move Warminster Town Council a few hundred yards
is g... [MORE]
Why I voted against - cllr Paul Batchelor January 25, 2010
THE only town councillor to vote
against the proposal to commit Warminster to a loan application that
will cost over £1.5million has explain... [MORE]
Waitrose comes out as top of the shops January 23, 2010
WAITROSE - Warminster's first choice for a new supermarket - has come out
top of the shops in the most prestigious survey of its kind in the UK.
... [MORE]
Town Council must assist Warminster Town FC again January 23, 2010
AS it is a case of more in the red than the black a former
councillor is calling on the council to do their part to start the ball
rolli... [MORE]
Town council wasting golden opportunity as well as money January 22, 2010
WARMINSTER'S Town councillors seem intent on wasting good opportunities
for finding value for money - as well as up to £2million as they pres... [MORE]
Lone Lib-Dem councillor blasts Assembly Hall plan January 21, 2010
AFTER a former deputy mayor was the first to reveal the full
financial consequences a town council could soon be at war with itself
and ... [MORE]
Stonehenge idea bad news for Warminster January 21, 2010
WILTSHIRE Council's strategic planning committee met at Antrobus House
in Amesbury on Wednesday and their key decision could have a negative knock-... [MORE]
Town council big spenders will account in parish poll January 20, 2010
A local council appears determined to abandon its rent free home at a cost of nearly £1.75 million which will take 25 years to repay.
&nb... [MORE]
Meeting snowed off despite chairman's qualms - lack of respect January 15, 2010
AN important local meeting was abandoned this week against the
wishes of its chairman in order that a press announcement could be
straightfor... [MORE]
Area board meeting snowed off January 14, 2010
THE meeting of the Warminster area board, which was scheduled to take place in Christchurch hall on Monday 14 January, was cancelled.
The reason give... [MORE]
New parking charges in town will mirror those in Frome January 06, 2010
AFTER two and a half years of disruptive road works our county council is hatching another cunning plan
likely to poleaxe trade in Warminster.
... [MORE]
Savage cuts to spending are being drawn up December 21, 2009
SAVAGE cuts to many important local services could be in the offing
from 2011 - the news has emerged after VisionforWarminster was given access to ... [MORE]
HOT SNIPPETS enough grit?/lorry yard/ new shop December 18, 2009
Has grit warning been heeded?
AS much of Wiltshire braces itself for an early dose of winter snow
there are still worries that we might run ... [MORE]
HOT SNIPPETS tC back on line/town accidents/ soldier safety December 15, 2009
Ether of Else
WARMINSTER Town Council have rejoined the internet after more than a week lost somewhere in the ether.
The web... [MORE]
HOT SNIPPETS last post/ no more cash/ houses December 11, 2009
Last Post
A which sought to be the 'Daily
Bugle' giving news of what their team of councillo... [MORE]
HOT SNIPPETS lights/town hall /google December 09, 2009
Running Commentary
The streets in the centre of Warminster have taken on one of the
best festive looks for miles with their Christm... [MORE]
HOT SNIPPETS/ election boost/crash/ The Chantry December 07, 2009
THE town council can look forward to a more
prosperous New Year after a decision by Wiltshire to bear the
costs of all&nb... [MORE]
Another fine mess cleared up by Paul - where were our 32k a year councillors? December 06, 2009
FAIRFIELD Road was once again the scene of huge
tracts of water in the road last week after days of rain and it lead to a former councillor u... [MORE]
VFW website enjoys surge in popularity in November December 06, 2009
UNLIKE other websites we are not at all coy about publishing our readership statistics. This is because we are not an advertising based site so it doe... [MORE]
Another Vision for Warminster objective becoming reality soon? December 05, 2009
WARMINSTER is promised a new impetus by an organisation that has
been quietly beavering away as they look to leaving financial
uncertainty be... [MORE]
HOT SNIPPETS shopping/development plan December 04, 2009
Christmas shopping is an art?
success of the Wylye Valley Art Trail during the summer is likely to be
repeated as they launch... [MORE]
Teen shelter reflects our vision's priority December 03, 2009
ONE of VISIONFORWARMINSTER'S main proposal - a teen shelter - has moved a step closer to reality this week.
slightly older ... [MORE]
Road still unsafe six months on November 29, 2009
A major road safety issue has been put back on the agenda by the
local authority after a former councillor reminded the public that the
publi... [MORE]
Missing inaction, the Conservative cllrs' election site November 28, 2009
WARMINSTER has become a much more interesting place to visit on the internet with more and more well run sites appearing, but mystery still surround... [MORE]
Green day - not green but expensive environmentally unfriendly November 28, 2009
IT is Friday in a residential area of Warminster and a familiar
sound outside did not last very long today as the dustcart searched for
gree... [MORE]
A recipe for a sore throat November 28, 2009
'Oyez'! Oyez! and yet more 'Oyez! Oyez!' was in full cry today in
Warminster as all that is good about the town saw the town crier 'hang
on for gr... [MORE]
Quarter of a million should be paid to help us recover Town Hall November 26, 2009
Hall will be the centre of some major horsetrading in the weeks to come
as politicians argue about how to allocate a 2.8 million windfall
... [MORE]
Threshers closure - some saved but is ours a victim of the roadworks? November 26, 2009
JOBS will be lost and another outlet will disappear as Threshers
becomes the latest business to put up the regularly appearing
'every... [MORE]
No progress made in tackling Fairfield water hazard November 24, 2009
FAIRFIELD Road pedestrians and cyclis once again face a drenching despite the sharp braking of motorists who
spot the deep water at the last ... [MORE]
SPEEDING traffic in residential and village communities has been a problem for police for years.
Huge demands on police resources hav... [MORE]
INTERMEET - three wise men frank good sense and mirth November 22, 2009
THE driving forces behind Warminster's two dynamic and positive internet
sites chatted for a
hour face to face over breakfast about the way ... [MORE]
Alworths - brave new world of retailing or is it revamped Woolies? November 22, 2009
IT isn't often that Warminster leads the way when it comes to shopping but the town's new Alworths store is
the first of its k... [MORE]
HOT SNIPPETS greenwaste/ foreign visits/ former mayor November 21, 2009
THE end of wasteful green waste collection
PLANS to harmonise the collection of waste services across Wiltshire
will result in the end of ... [MORE]
Town's all singing all dancing website er... for 35 grand????? November 21, 2009
WARMINSTER town councillors are looking at three different options
of spending thousands of pounds on updating or replacing their website
on Monda... [MORE]
WARMINSTER town centre is expected to come alive at the weekend in a way not seen for many years.
This year's Christmas Market and lights switch-o... [MORE]
Christmas light put other towns in the shade again November 21, 2009
THE real start of the Christmas season has always
been controversial but for one Warminster resident it is the sight of
the volunteer te... [MORE]
HOT SNIPPETS -poll/speeding/community day November 17, 2009
THOSE attending the next Warminster area board meeting of Wiltshire Council at Kingdown School on 26 November will be handed polling cards enabling ... [MORE]
Out of towners to push through discredited plan? November 16, 2009
ONE of the most important meetings about the future of Warminster
for a decade or more will be held in Trowbridge on Wednesday night
starting... [MORE]
HOT SNIPPETS - town council/radio/planning November 15, 2009
Town Council.... A civic leader who was widely
applauded for her two terms of office as Mayor of Warminster and is
well known locally for her... [MORE]
MOTORISTS and especially motorcyclists are being asked to be extra
careful by a former councillor when travelling along a busy road in
Warminster.... [MORE]
Councillors' gravy train still on track November 13, 2009
LOCAL councillors will start to pocket the first part of a
massive 23 per cent pay hike in April - despite spin doctored headlines
suggestin... [MORE]
WC's 'Post-it' plans in the age of the Internet November 11, 2009
WILTSHIRE Council set out a blueprint at the Assembly
Rooms today to tackle government demands for a plan to take Warminster
forward for two decad... [MORE]
Journal alerted to Stockland plan - too late though November 11, 2009
THE shock news that a massive
upheaval to Warminster town centre is being supported by planning officers has
prompted one former councillo... [MORE]
Gridlock awaits town centre? November 10, 2009
AS suggested by this website alterations continue to be
made to the town centre improvement scheme to ensure pedestrian safety
and deal with illeg... [MORE]
Town councillors boot out supermarket plan November 09, 2009
REVISED plans for a supermarket development on part of Warminster's central car park have given Australian property company, Stockland, a second bit... [MORE]
Supermarket plans back on agenda November 08, 2009
The owners Warminster Three Horsehoe's Mall have once again
returned from the drawing board to submit their ideas for expanding
their investment.
... [MORE]
Lord Lt Mr John Bush attends Remembrance Day November 08, 2009
CLICK on image to enlarge
WITH almost weekly reports of British soldiers losing their lives in Afghanistan it was no surprise that th... [MORE]
More good news on the high street on shops November 07, 2009
WARMINSTER'S largest remaining empty shop will soon be filled by a new business - adding a positive feel
to the lead up to this Christmas.
&... [MORE]
Mega rise planned in councillors' allowances November 04, 2009
WILTSHIRE councillors are meeting on Tuesday at County Hall and the first subject on their agenda will be their own remuneration.
I... [MORE]
Visionforwarminster striking a chord with the public November 03, 2009
LATEST traffic figures show that interest in the visionforwarminster website is continuing to grow after a dip following the election.
In t... [MORE]
Warminster's got baton twirling talent November 01, 2009
A YOUNG local would be star of the future took the plunge and
performed with hundreds of others from across the region in front of
scouts for one ... [MORE]
'Son of Woolies' to open in Warminster October 29, 2009
NEWS that a large store group intends to move into the empty Woolies store in the centre of the town will bring a big boost to business confidence f... [MORE]
Hospital closure will hit many Warminster people October 28, 2009
WARMINSTER hospital celebrated its 80th birthday last week with a visit by the Marquis of Bath - grandson of the fifth marquis who laid the foundati... [MORE]
Warminster's modern convenience - a pissoir October 24, 2009
A MODERN piece of street furniture is certainly proving itself to be a 'convenience' to late
night revellers.
The Ma... [MORE]
Bollards arrive - our commonsense solution October 23, 2009
ANOTHER minor victory for commonsense has been won by as town centre improvement workers return to
the centre of Wa... [MORE]
Two staff punched in face at Morrisons October 22, 2009
TWO members of staff were attacked at Morrisons this evening (Thursday) and police were called to the store at around 7.30pm.
The staff, one youn... [MORE]
Personal tribute to Sir Ludovic Kennedy October 21, 2009
NEWS that Sir Ludovic Kennedy had died at the age of 89 caused me to
pause and reflect - not just on the passing of one of our truly great
broadca... [MORE]
Core strategy consultation just weeks away October 20, 2009
THE core strategy that the local authority have to produce to
plan future development for more than a decade will be open to public
comment from W... [MORE]
butterflies galore October 18, 2009
summer has been poor - damp, cloudy and windy for the most part - but
there has been one bright spot, the beautiful painted lady butterfly.
... [MORE]
Public transport - where everybody matters - we'll see October 17, 2009
PUBLIC transport is a key concern of the elderly and the recent changes in local government could see OAPs lose a subsidy.
The new... [MORE]
A fiasco topped off by a carbuncle October 11, 2009
traffic is promised to return on Monday to the Market Place in
Warminster after the third and final phase of the town centre
improvement ... [MORE]
Two councillors' whopping £7,000+ since election October 10, 2009
TWO councillors representing Warminster seats have claimed more than £7,000 in expenses and allowances since June's elections.
... [MORE]
Town Hall - we are still stimulating the debate October 08, 2009
ALMOST a year after Visionforwarminster called for the Town Hall to be brought back under public control the plans to do just that seem to be taki... [MORE]
Area boards destined for the scrap heap? October 07, 2009
THE Tories are now totally in charge of the new unitary Wiltshire Council which can grab all the money previously available to the scrap... [MORE]
INTERNET Ukraine v England - Warminster v Recession. October 07, 2009
THIS weekend's England football international will be broadcast exclusively live over the internet for the first time.
"This reinfor... [MORE]
Wobble throws up a graduate opportunity October 05, 2009
AFTER the success of the Warminster Wobble featured on the visionforwarminster website 'what comes next' was discussed over a cup of coffee at the... [MORE]
Glitch hits town council website - here's an agenda October 04, 2009
UPDATE - Access to the site has resumed.
Access to the town council's website has been hit by a technical glitch just... [MORE]
Councillors' expenses - FoE request sent to county October 04, 2009
WHEN VisionforWarminster put up two candidates for election at the unitary council elections in June we promised that we would be open and honest... [MORE]
Infusion of cash into area boards October 01, 2009
THOSE who champion a favourite local Warminster cause should quickly turn to the Wiltshire Council as nearly half of a performance ... [MORE]
What went on behind closed doors on Monday? September 27, 2009
WARMINSTER Town Council held a discussion behind closed doors for which no minutes are available to the public, a former councillor has disco... [MORE]
Industrial unit should be out of bounds for church September 27, 2009
PLANS by an evangelical church group to take over an industrial unit and use it as a church building have been condemned by former county council... [MORE]
Some more positive thinking - in the Journal September 26, 2009
A FORMER councillor has written to the Warminster Journal to to 'talk up' the positive opportunities that exist in the town and to suggest an... [MORE]
Eden Project's bulb gift to Warminster September 26, 2009
A BULB planting programme backed by the world famous Eden Project in Cornwall has sent Warminster a gift to brighten up the town in the spring.
... [MORE]
Public gagged at area bored - everybody mutters September 23, 2009
A LOCAL council initiative that should be the exciting leading edge of the new unitary authority 'where Wiltshire matters' could soon become ... [MORE]
Town Hall future back on the agenda September 19, 2009
THE true extent of the damage that has been done to a cherished Warminster landmark listed building is set to be revealed to councillor... [MORE]
Scratching around for an allotment site September 19, 2009
TOWN councillors are digging around to find an answer for green fingered residents as the search for new allotment land in or around Warminster go... [MORE]
Cold shoulder for town's global warming sceptics September 16, 2009
THE heat is now on two Warminster councillors after they attempted to discredit scientists warning of man-made climate change writes former counci... [MORE]
Warminster Rugby Club - new clubhouse September 13, 2009
THREE months' hard work were summed up by the words 'for the club, built by the club' proudly spoken at the ribbon cutting... [MORE]
CCTV upgrade on the way? September 11, 2009
WARMINSTER is set to join the digital revolution in crime fighting if councillors agree to spend thousands of pounds upgrading and addin... [MORE]
GVT takes our advice over the housing market September 11, 2009
OUR analysis of the housing market and issues published in the vision for Warminster revealed a dire need for Government action to stimulate the h... [MORE]
WCR 'not a flash in the pan' - friends needed September 10, 2009
The future of a community run charity that that took to the air waves in Warminster under a restricted government 28 day licence has embarked on a... [MORE]
Two councillors don't believe in global warming! September 09, 2009
WILTSHIRE could find itself out of step with the rest of the civilised world if it takes the advice of two of Warminster’s unitary councillors a... [MORE]
Up the workers - wherever they are September 08, 2009
FRIDAY is supposedly the busiest morning of the week for Warminster where the Market Place should be full of activity .
Not... [MORE]
Assembly rooms a money pit??? September 05, 2009
TOWN councillors are being asked to plough yet more money into the Warminster assembly rooms that they took over from the former cash strapped dis... [MORE]
Buses return to Imber after 66 years PHOTO September 05, 2009
WHAT now connects the Royal Albert Hall with the 'ghost' village of Imber? A red double decker bus recognised the world over. writes Paul Macdonal... [MORE]
Pigeons will soon get the point at the Town Hall September 02, 2009
THE latest delay in dealing with the 'luxury pigeon loft' in the centre of Warminster has been averted as it has admitted that the town hall ... [MORE]
Last leg for scheme - and some shops? September 01, 2009
PATIENCE is a virtue it is claimed and yet more of it is going to be needed in Warminster as yet another one-way system appears to enable the snai... [MORE]
Empire building by WC in Warminster August 31, 2009
THE empire building by Wiltshire Council is continuing with the news that the new council wants to take over a shop in a prime location in Warmin... [MORE]
Town Hall to get spiked August 23, 2009
VISIONFORWARMINSTER has discovered that the town hall could be fitted with spikes to defeat the pigeon problem.
Previously when we had voiced... [MORE]
Vandalism spree before carnival capers August 16, 2009
WARMINSTER carnival’s summer jamboree in the town park required a little more thought this year as there was a scarecrow competition to entice ... [MORE]
Rowdy behaviour as teen 'moons' at Paul August 14, 2009
A low response rate to a survey into anti-social behaviour in the predominantly Selwood Housing Society area to the east of Warminster leaves... [MORE]
Election pledge flouted already August 10, 2009
IT might not have been the most important election pledge of the recent unitary elections but to two campaigners leading the debate about the way ... [MORE]
Some thoughts on the Dents application August 06, 2009
YESTERDAY’S vote to approve the Waitrose/Dents application in Warminster was of course very welcome news and will bring huge benefits when it c... [MORE]
MORE than 70 Warminster people travelled to Trowbridge on Wednesday evening to see local planners unanimously approve the dramatic redevelopment ... [MORE]
Ten out-of-towners will decide town's future July 30, 2009
AN ALL male group of 10 county councillors, who all reside outside Warminster, will decide whether or not the town goes forwa... [MORE]
Two unique users of VFW since 15 March July 30, 2009
Is Two Thousand and Nine anything to get excited about a Prime Minister might be asking but for two residents of a Wiltshire town provid... [MORE]
WCR - Have you tuned in yet? July 28, 2009
'Have you tuned in yet?' could be the catchphrase of the week as fans of the work of a town's community radio station enjoy listening to their fav... [MORE]
WARMINSTER Town Hall has new owner shock July 26, 2009
VISIONFORWARMINSTER has been reliably informed that the Town Hall is under new ownership.
The new owners are believed to be a financial insti... [MORE]
WETS wages war on weeds July 19, 2009
MEMBERS of George Jolley’s WETS environmental team tackled their biggest job to date - Primrose Lane.
The footpath links Weymouth Street an... [MORE]
New pavings are cracking under the strain July 19, 2009
ANOTHER stage in the long-running highway work in the middle of the town is now well under way - but there are now already some problems surfacin... [MORE]
More than two million pounds lost to Iceland banks July 18, 2009
OFFICIALS at County Hall have revealed that they will be getting back about £10.2 million of the £12 million at risk in Icelandic ban... [MORE]
The unpalatable truth about Morrisons July 10, 2009
SITTING down for a Sunday lunch is still a tradition in many British homes but in Warminster it isn’t without its pitfalls.
The problem is ... [MORE]
Town stakes a claim on cyberspace June 29, 2009
A NEW website designed to draw together the strands of everything happening in Warminster is being planned, it has emerged.
The news seeped out at ... [MORE]
Wets to get wet on Sunday June 28, 2009
THIS Sunday’s morning of activity by Goerge Jolley’s WETS team concentrated on the Avenue - an area where Vision for Warminster has carried out ... [MORE]
The zebra that lost its lights (sorry Kipling) June 25, 2009
IT might be the time of year when people can go to work in the light and it still be light when they return home but former Warminster councillor... [MORE]
More recycling capacity needed in town centre June 22, 2009
This is the regular Monday morning scene in Warminster that greets those keen on doing their best to help the environment by recycling waste that is n... [MORE]
Warminster's wealth of artistic talent at WVAT June 19, 2009
PAUL Macdonald also planned to get round the Wylye Valley Art Trail the Sunday before to make a video but a rather adventurous daughter saw him spend ... [MORE]
Interest in this site intensifies after election June 18, 2009
The popularity and interest in a website launched to encourage debate and discussion about the future of Warminster nine months ago is now v... [MORE]
Warminster history for sale on ebay June 17, 2009
A piece of Warminster history dating from the reign of William IV is for sale on ebay.
The historic gold watch is a Warminster fusee ver... [MORE]
Decision time for town shopping plan June 17, 2009
On Monday evening Warminster Town Council will decide whether or not to back the Stockland plan to develop part of the town centre around th... [MORE]
Warminster two in the new County Hall cabinet June 16, 2009
TWO people representing ‘Warminster’ divisions have been selected by the Conservative administration to be members of the Wiltshire cabinet at C... [MORE]
Builders' lobby group backs our view on housing June 16, 2009
A LEADING grouping of British builders has come to the same opinion as Vision for Warminster about the best way to solve the housing crisis and kick... [MORE]
No titbits - by request June 15, 2009
THE sign 'do not feed the animals' is most often found at a zoo or is positively encouraged at the 'Farmer Giles' tourist attraction a few miles ... [MORE]
Daft sign exposes council's lack of local knowledge June 13, 2009
ALL over Warminster there are signs prohibiting ball games but the new Wiltshire Council appears to have found the solution in one of the most unexpec... [MORE]
Dog fouling issue still in play June 12, 2009
A councillor who promised to tackle local issues with local action has been asked to live up to his pledges by residents concerned for the safety... [MORE]
Where have you bin? June 11, 2009
THERE has been a feature missing for many months from the Market Place and High Street in a Wiltshire town as a result of the widening... [MORE]
When excellent is rubbish - when you are old! June 11, 2009
ALMOST two thirds of local councils rated as providing ‘excellent’ care at home are failing to provide any care at all to many older people who ca... [MORE]
Hot snippets - update - Age Concern June 10, 2009
The teenager who sparked a major rescue operation drawing in specialist crews from Trowbridge and Chippenham is now home after an hour long operation ... [MORE]
election result June 10, 2009
Here are the results. Congratulations to the successful candidates,
Warminster Broadway
Paul Batchelor (LIB-DEM) &nbs... [MORE]
Hot snippets - radio - huge interest - wobble June 09, 2009
A co-author of has been invited to an interview on the local community radio station on Sunday this week.
... [MORE]
Candidate's daughter rescued after accident June 07, 2009
A MAJOR rescue effort was needed by the emergency services to get a teenager to hospital after injuring herself while enjoying a carefree ti... [MORE]
Can you help George at the Town Hall? June 06, 2009
GEORGE Jolly and his team of Warminster environment volunteers will be tackling the problem of dirt and pigeon poo at the Town Hall on Sunday mornin... [MORE]
Vision spread far and wide June 04, 2009
THE news that Warminster has a 'vision' website has spread far and wide internationally but is also bringing a more local response.
A Fr... [MORE]
Thumbs up for composters in back gardens June 04, 2009
Green voters should havevote for the Independent candidates in the local elections today according to a resident who lives in a cul-de-sac off Boreham... [MORE]
Taxi sign in safe hand June 04, 2009
A PIECE of memorabilia that was saved by the quick action of a Warminster business after responding to the work of a co-author of a loc... [MORE]
Great bustard news a good omen for county? June 03, 2009
THERE’S been some wonderful nature news this week after it has been confirmed that the symbol of Wiltshire, the great bustard, has bred in the cou... [MORE]
What's your pet subject? June 03, 2009
IT is the eve of poll for the local elections in Warminster and the Independent candidate for the East ward has spoken to many more electors... [MORE]
Japanese knotweet causing problems in town June 02, 2009
NOT everyone has heard about Japanese knotweed – but it's serious and a threat in Warminster.Steve Dancey was told about the invasive plant’s fora... [MORE]
Listen to public urges community activist June 02, 2009
A SIMPLE request for a widely expected safety measure has led to a call for a consultation by a community activist who is putting his name forwar... [MORE]
Mammoth task completed - with a little help June 01, 2009
TWO thousand election address leaflets in five days have been delivered to the Warminster East ward by the only non-party political candidate Paul Mac... [MORE]
Candidates hit the art trail as campaign hots up May 31, 2009
TWO indpendent candidates took time off from the election trail in Warminster to hit the Wylye Valley Art Trail.
Smallbr... [MORE]
Tories say 'Time for Change' - yes it is May 31, 2009
WE are hoping that many people will take note of the large poster outside the town’s Conservative Club which asks people to ‘Vote for Change’.... [MORE]
Opponents could be stuck at third man May 31, 2009
Two Independents who have gone out to bat on behalf of their community in the latest test matching them against the spin of others have notched anothe... [MORE]
Confusion over footpath ownership at Ruskin Drive May 30, 2009
ONE reason put forward by those favouring the creation of the unitary Wiltshire Council has been that it will reduce confusion among the public.
Th... [MORE]
Library demolition plan submitted to council May 30, 2009
NOTIFICATION of an application to redevelop land in the centre of Warminster has been posted on telegraph poles near the site.
Two applications a... [MORE]
Temperatures in the 70s hit deliverers in their 50s May 29, 2009
WITH less than a week left until polling day the last big session of leafleting has been taking place with the biggest problem being risk of sunstro... [MORE]
Lack of help for silver surfers - voter feedback May 29, 2009
THE local election campaign is being enlivened more and more by two Independent candidates who are not only exciting voters by their legwork deliverin... [MORE]
Former mayor rushed to Bristol hospital May 28, 2009
A FORMER mayor of Warminster who is standing for election next week in the Wiltshire Council poll was rushed to hospital after collapsing on Tuesday.
... [MORE]
Town invaded by painted ladies on Thursday May 28, 2009
WARMINSTER has been in the grip of a gentle and most welcome invasion this week as hundreds of spectacular butterflies have been sighted in the town... [MORE]
Portway petition raised for sensible polling station May 28, 2009
VISIONFORWARMINSTER has had a good response to its petition asking for a more suitable polling station for people living on the Portway Estate.
Tra... [MORE]
Shoes take a pounding - as do the candidates May 28, 2009
A PAIR of shoes may have given up the ghost but Independent candidate on Thursday 4 June for the Warminster East division is still put... [MORE]
Zimbabwe style polling station mayhem expected May 25, 2009
WILTSHIRE Council has failed miserably in one of its first tasks - that of organising its own election.
All 3,700 electors in the Warminster West d... [MORE]
Still very positive as attention moves east May 25, 2009
A FEW more hours of foot-slogging with election addresses
has resulted in around 96 per cent of the Warminster West electoral division b... [MORE]
Frome's Raves from the Grave to open town store May 25, 2009
AMID all the doom and gloom there’s a rare piece of good news on the retail front in Warminster.
One of Frome’s best loved shops will be settin... [MORE]
Eng Dems have a point but miss the big problem May 24, 2009
LOOKING at the glossy material posted through my letter box by the English Democrats (printed in Essex) it seems at first sight that they... [MORE]
In pole position after a weekend of slog May 24, 2009
TWO Independent candidates in Warminster are showing the professionally organised political parties a thing or two when it comes to campaigning as the... [MORE]
Another busy day for some very sore feet May 24, 2009
ANOTHER blistering day of election address delivery has resulted in around 82 per cent of the Warminster West electoral division being suppl... [MORE]
Action stations at Town Hall on 7 June May 23, 2009
AFTER months of stalemate it seems that there is a realistic chance of something positive being done about the town hall.
The initiative has come n... [MORE]
Did workers risk public health ? - UPDATE May 23, 2009
We have now had a reply from the council... see below
COUNCIL workers engaged on cleaning up pigeon poo outside the Town Hall in the early hour... [MORE]
Young people don't connect with democracy May 22, 2009
THE latest stint of campaigning by Independent candidate Paul Macdonald has revealed how many young people have never voted ... [MORE]
VFW really is stimulating debate May 22, 2009
THERE is growing admiration in the town of Warminster for the way two independent minded residents have stood up to challenge the status quo by p... [MORE]
Political parties are in for quite a shock on 4 June May 22, 2009
A LARGE number of leaflets were delivered in Warminster West this evening and local candidate Steve Dancey says he was amazed by the response.
“E... [MORE]
Job Centre closure was 'a huge mistake' May 21, 2009
THE closure of the job centre in Warminster increasingly looks like a huge mistake canvassing during the local elections is revealing.
"I am ... [MORE]
Busy weekend of delivery in Warminster West May 21, 2009
Promoted & published by Steve Dancey, 21 Newport, Warmi... [MORE]
Election 'fever'gets opposition sweating May 20, 2009
AFTER three weeks daily activity Independent candidate for the local election in Warminster East Paul Macdonald found his time very limited by appoint... [MORE]
An easy answer to the Town Hall pigeon problem May 19, 2009
WE’VE all no doubt been appalled by the problems caused by the pigeons at the civic loft (town hall) in the middle of the town.
Any mention ... [MORE]
Knock-Knock - Independent of Sleaze May 18, 2009
THE initial response to Independent council candidate Paul Macdonald and co-author of canvassing the public will not be... [MORE]
Tories' 'local action' - let's go to printers in Bristol May 17, 2009
CONSERVATIVES have just started to deliver their main election leaflet promising LOCAL action, LOCAL issues - but how about LOCAL PRINTING.
The pag... [MORE]
Lib-Dems - nothing at all to say about Warminster May 17, 2009
SUNDAY it seems is the day the political parties like to deliver their leaflets - this time it is the Lib-Dems.
They have popped two leaflets throu... [MORE]
Lib Dems' misleading statistics don't fool us May 17, 2009
FAR be it from us to defend the Conservatives but the countywide leaflet produced ... [MORE]
Did Town Hall work endanger public health? May 16, 2009
COUNCIL workers engaged on cleaning up pigeon poo outside the Town Hall in the early hours of Friday morning could have been exposing hundreds to da... [MORE]
MP predicts bigger role for town - we agree May 16, 2009
WARMINSTER’S MP Dr Andrew Murrison was at the Civic Trust AGM held in Dewey House on Friday evening and spoke at the end of the meeting.
He touch... [MORE]
Lose a stone and win an election? May 16, 2009
VISIONFORWARMINSTER bumped into Warminster Copheap’s busy Independent candidate Christopher Newbury in The Cornmarket on Saturday.
Chris is putti... [MORE]
Mounting interest in vision campaign May 16, 2009
IT has been a week of firsts for two residents of Warminster who have dared to challenge the status quo with their innovative website and their determ... [MORE]
Constructive relationship wanted with town council May 15, 2009
WARMINSTER may well have a new mayor come Monday as the town council holds its annual meeting on that day.
One item of interest on the agenda will ... [MORE]
1,000 new visitors since 15 March - thank you May 15, 2009
VISIONFORWARMINSTER has jus attracted its 1,000th new visitor since 15 March when the authors decided to go public about its success.
Two ind... [MORE]
Run down play area highlighted by Paul May 15, 2009
THE state of a children's play area is the latest issue to be taken up by Paul Macdonald, the Independent candidate for the East ward of Warminst... [MORE]
Stonehenge plan fails to deliver yet again May 14, 2009
THE Government has come up with yet another plan for a visitor centre at Stonehenge.
This time the idea is to have the centre about a mile west of ... [MORE]
Strategy needed to get tourists into town May 14, 2009
News that the government have agreed to a new multi-million pound visitor centre at Stonehenge has been challenged by Independent visionforwarmin... [MORE]
Bus stop is fully operational at Boreham Field May 12, 2009
THE final repair to a much used Warminster bus shelter has been carried out and has literally thrown light on what can be achieved by a comm... [MORE]
Nine days of celebrating the visual arts begins soon May 12, 2009
THE Wylye Valley Arts Trail which begins nine days of 'celebrating the visual arts in South and West Wiltshire' on the last Saturday in May ... [MORE]
Paul gives 'In touch' and 'focused' pledge May 10, 2009
IN Warminster you have to give credit where credit is due as a resident who took the plunge to run as an Independent candidate for the Wiltshire Counc... [MORE]
Twenty is plenty in residential streets May 10, 2009
"WHAT on earth is twenty is plenty," said a resident of the Boreham area of town as Independent candidate Paul Macdonald handed the latest version of ... [MORE]
Politicians' snouts in the trough - a scandal May 10, 2009
FEW people who take an interest in our affairs can be anything other than very disturbed about the stories coming out of the House of Commons about ... [MORE]
The merry mayor making month of May - but who? May 09, 2009
MAY is traditionally a month of merry-making and in most communities of mayor-making.
Warminster will be changing its mayor on 18 May at the annual... [MORE]
Famous names on ballot paper May 09, 2009
RESIDENTS of one Wiltshire community will have some very famous names on their ballot paper when they come to vote on 4 June.
In Calne north the si... [MORE]
Lib-Dems good in parts but miss the big picture May 07, 2009
LIB-DEMS have put their manifesto for Wiltshire on line and at first sight it seems inoffensive enough but contains little to fire up an apathetic e... [MORE]
How to confuse a candidate Warminster style. May 06, 2009
NOMINATIONS are in and the month-long election campaign in Warminster is under way.
In visionforwarminster we have been trying to raise the issues ... [MORE]
How to get the tills ringing again in empty shops May 03, 2009
IT TOOK just four days after being suggested at a very low key town seminar, a tiny leaflet drop, and a brief mention on an innovative local webs... [MORE]
We're glad you're standing say residents May 03, 2009
STEVE Dancey spent a couple of hours out and about this evening gathering nominations for the elections.
He managed to collect the... [MORE]
All gas and gapers - but where's the workmen? May 02, 2009
It was bank holiday Friday afternoon traffic chaos not on the trunk road that runs around Warminster but in the town centre itself.
&n... [MORE]
Correction re appeal for help May 01, 2009
This was added on 23 April with the incorrect e-mail contact
VISIONFORWARMINSTERcandidates who are set are to challenge the political&nb... [MORE]
High time for a dispersal order in Warminster? April 30, 2009
WE have been fairly critical of the current government which seems to think it is possible to spend or legislate away all of society’s problems.
... [MORE]
Town centre on a one way ticket to disruption April 30, 2009
THE warning signs have been there for weeks and the signs have also been there for years as a beleaguered town centre economy is coping with another s... [MORE]
Imaginative start for town initiative April 29, 2009
A TOWN council initiative made an imaginative start towards addressing the sight of empty and decaying shops at a private seminar for specially i... [MORE]
April showers in Fairfield Road April 28, 2009
YET another month goes by without there seeming to be a solution to a serious and long-running inconvenience to people trying to go about their busine... [MORE]
In praise of the Air Ambulance YOUTUBE April 26, 2009
THE website having added a new dimension through You Tube are now adding a community politics feel to the ethernet.
... [MORE]
Placid lercher on the loose in Boreham Field April 25, 2009
A WANDERING dog without a collar or tag has been picked up by the dog warden service after several hours were spent trying find the owner.
 ... [MORE]
VFW's environmentally friendly campaign April 25, 2009
THIS website is just about to notch up a fresh milestone in its popularity when it reaches 30,000 page impression.
Our web pages, especially ... [MORE]
Broadway shop decision likely to be overturned April 25, 2009
PLANNERS who have rejected a scheme for further development at the Broadway shopping centre in Warminster have shown good sense, says Steve Dancey.
... [MORE]
Famous five log off - but why, as others haven't? April 25, 2009
MYSTERY surrounds the demise of a special website set up to promote the five candidates from the blue party who are standing for election in the War... [MORE]
Gas workers on song as rat run given the bird April 24, 2009
GAS workers were seen today (Friday) surveying East Street as the effects of the forthcoming four weeks of one-way traffic were already having an effe... [MORE]
Help us restore pride in the town April 23, 2009
VISIONFORWARMINSTERcandidates who are set are to challenge the political elite by standing for election are drawing offers of support f... [MORE]
One-way scheme in East St could reveal positives April 22, 2009
ROARDWORKS will once again return to the town centre of a town that has already been subjected to one of the longest running disruptions in livin... [MORE]
£2.5 million up for grabs from local quango April 21, 2009
MORE than £2.5million is up for grabs in the form of grants and a panel of the great and the good has already been appointed to decide who should rec... [MORE]
VFW's useful meeting with town councillor April 20, 2009
AN informal get together with the co-authors of was held at the weekend after a town councillor of two years' standing... [MORE]
Hot snippets: Victoriana/highwaywork/election April 19, 2009
A PIECE of Victoriana is set to make a welcome return to Warminster High Street if a jewellery shop wins permission for the idea.
The Warminster Je... [MORE]
Transport a priority for youth says Emma April 18, 2009
TWO months ago Warminster's Emma Batchelor became a very young MP winning a seat in an exciting election to the United Kingdom Youth Parliam... [MORE]
VFW calls for action on bus shelters YOUTUBE April 17, 2009
VISION for Warminster is keen to secure a better deal for bus passengers by improving waiting facilities at bus stops around the town.
Some stops... [MORE]
A market in the Market Place YOUTUBE April 17, 2009
WARMINSTER has been a market town for generations and each Friday the tradition is continued in the town.
The current market which was establishe... [MORE]
Free up space on low use days to help carers April 17, 2009
WARMINSTER'S 1,500 carers are still waiting for extra help and support as outlined in our vision for older people chapter published last ye... [MORE]
Keeping track of the police on line is easy April 16, 2009
The work of the local police in not just tackling anti-social behaviour but providing an alternative to it has been praised by former councillor Paul ... [MORE]
Christopher Newbury to stand in local seat April 15, 2009
ANOTHER experienced civic leader has declared his intention to stand in a Warminster division as an independent and has desc... [MORE]
Locals to take on the political party establishment April 15, 2009
TWO concerned residents, anxious about the decline in the fortunes of the town, are among the first to challenge the political status quo by declari... [MORE]
Steve and Paul go down the Tube April 15, 2009
REGULAR visitors to this website will notice some big changes over the next few weeks as we lead up to the unitary council elections.
Now that both... [MORE]
Hippo paving the way for a cracking headache April 13, 2009
OUR new town centre pavements will take 30 months to install but possibly just 30 minutes to destroy.
The new specially ordered and l... [MORE]
First bad buns - now a run on Easter eggs April 12, 2009
SATURDAY in Warminster saw a sudden great egg hunt with people going round and round in circles the afternoon before Easter Sund... [MORE]
More support for town hall proposals April 12, 2009
OUR campaign to restore civic pride in Warminster and the town hall is building up a head of steam.
"I agree that something needs to be done ... [MORE]
Poetic meeting in Trowbridge store April 10, 2009
Leslie Rocker, who has been working out of the limelight to help improve the town in a variety of ways, is now revealed as a thought-provoking po... [MORE]
No hot cross buns worthy of the name in our town April 10, 2009
GOOD Friday has highlighted the lack of choice offered to Warminster shoppers who would like to buy decent hot cross buns.
“I don’t k... [MORE]
Potentially life-saving improvement suggested April 09, 2009
The success that the co-authors of are having in getting things done for the town is earning the increasing trust of the p... [MORE]
Board must look at Black Dog Hill trouble spot April 09, 2009
IF there was a place locally where several people had lost their lives on separate occasions over the past 30 years you would expect something to be... [MORE]
Time for the market to return to its right place? April 08, 2009
A VISION for the future of the Warminster economy is being updated now on the website by two... [MORE]
Wiltshire Council's new website is dreadful April 08, 2009
WILTSHIRE Council has claimed that its metamorphosis into a unitary council has gone smoothly but there is one important area where it has failed di... [MORE]
The X factor - why we had to update it April 07, 2009
THE scene of a council spending more valuable 'prime time' discussing headed notepaper than the future of the community has ... [MORE]
Hot snippets: stats/repairs/next day count April 06, 2009 traffic statists reveal a massive leap forward in March.
The total number of hits was 17,963 from 1,616 visits by 5... [MORE]
Cheques, polls and old town halls - quality stuff April 06, 2009
TONIGHT’S annual parish meeting of the town council was partly given over to a hand-over of cheques to local organisations.
“It was a bit unusu... [MORE]
Green debate called for - with on-site polls April 05, 2009
THE penultimate chapter of has now been written, drafted, re-written, redrafted and published on the site.
It looks at the... [MORE]
Town hall is the litmus test for town's future April 05, 2009
THE elections on 4 June are to be a choice between those who have aspirations for the town and those who don’t.
Those who are content to do nothi... [MORE]
That's another fine mess sorted out by Paul April 05, 2009
ANOTHER step forward was taken this week in restoring Lord Bath's family donated town hall in a world famous market town as the campaign by web... [MORE]
Alpha Whiskey to visionforwarmister - comments April 04, 2009
THE views of two former councillors in Warminster about the future policing of the town are being updated now on
&nbs... [MORE]
Road to Heytesbury gets a spring clean April 04, 2009
WITH all the litter swilling around our streets it is all too easy to think that nobody cares and little is being done.
Of course we see our solita... [MORE]
2nd & 3rd ex-mayors speak out over town hall April 03, 2009
TWO more former Warminster mayors have spoken out about the town hall.
Richard Phillips, said: "I would be very happy to see the ... [MORE]
VFW still prepared to work with those who listen April 03, 2009
THERE are many issues that are being put forward for debate by that are gathering more and more public comment as the lette... [MORE]
Paul does councillors' work for them, again April 02, 2009
IT WAS difficult to tell today whether the damaged panes of perspex had been simply taken away or replaced today at a much used bus shelter in Warmi... [MORE]
Wiltshire - where everybody mutters LOL April 02, 2009
HIGH marks must go to cllr Trevor Carbin, the Lib-Dems prospective parliamentary candidate for this area, for his website piece on the bir... [MORE]
Street cleaning litter peckers on song April 01, 2009
A SQUAD of specially trained French crows has been drafted into Frome in a bid to keep the town’s streets litter free and cut counci... [MORE]
Ex- mayor wants town hall returned to the people March 31, 2009
SUPPORT is growing for the Town Hall to be restored to its former glory and role as the centrepiece of civic and public activity.
"I feel the owner... [MORE]
Warminster wilts while Frome flourishes March 29, 2009
ONCE again Saturday saw plenty of open spaces in Warminster’s formerly busy shopping streets and car parks. (See photo)
By contrast Frome town, j... [MORE]
Double trouble at junction pinch-point March 29, 2009
NEW woes have afflicted the controversial road narrowing/pavement widening scheme in the town centre following the switching on of the new crossing ... [MORE]
Hot snippets: anthology/students/induction March 29, 2009
'The Devil and Mrs Brown' have been brought together after six decades by local poet Leslie Rocker who says his experiences of life inspired him to ... [MORE]
Now is the time for Warminster to milk its malt! March 28, 2009
AN IDEA which could fix Warminster on the brewing industry and tourism map has attracted supportive comments from a well-placed civic lead... [MORE]
Hot snippets: woolies/United services/policing March 28, 2009
A LAST trip down memory lane is on offer as Woolworths has returned to Warminster but not to the High Street.
A visit to the Poundstret... [MORE]
Library net service up to speed after upgrade March 28, 2009
A VISIT to the town library has been transformed this week as the latest improvement adds to speed with which information can be gleaned, writes Pau... [MORE]
Clarence team promises shelter action Monday March 28, 2009
THREE weeks ago former councillor Paul Macdonald sent a request to county council hot-line 'clarence' to get the bus shelter at Boreham Field by the... [MORE]
Last gasp action by WWDC over town hall mess March 27, 2009
THE detritus that has built up including the fly-tipping of mattresses in and around the old toilets behind the sorry looking Town Hall i... [MORE]
A once in a year opportunity coming up on 6 April March 26, 2009
ANYONE interested in the well-being of the town should be prepared to attend the annual parish meeting of Warminster Town Council on Monday 6 April.... [MORE]
On the trail of art through Wiltshire March 26, 2009
THE term 'art noueau' could take on a whole new meaning as plans to run the fifth Wylye Valley Art Trail can now be previewed on the Internet, write... [MORE]
Mall doesn't fancy a pigeon problem March 25, 2009
A major matter of concern that may appear to have been pigeonholed by local councillors after they pledged thousands to the owner of the town hall s... [MORE]
United Services Club goes under the hammer March 25, 2009
A once popular social club comes under the hammer tomorrow (Thursday) but it will not be builder wielding it, not yet anyway, as an auction takes pl... [MORE]
Some answers to the town's litter problem? March 24, 2009
THOSE disgusted at the state of Warminster’s litter strewn streets must wonder whether there is an answer to the problem or if it can ever be tack... [MORE]
Clear choice over the future of the Town Hall March 24, 2009
IT is becoming increasingly clear that those politically in charge of Warminster are not going to accept responsibility for what should be its mo... [MORE]
Hot snippets: library/£5paint/earthhour/helicopter March 23, 2009
Any notion that the town library in Warminster is just a provider of books on loan can quickly be shelved.
On the first Saturday ... [MORE]
Clean Britain Award given to 30 not 12 (out of 63) March 23, 2009
NEWS that West Wiltshire was one ‘of just 12 councils across England to have received a 5 star grade from the 2009 Clean Britain Awards‘ has bee... [MORE]
Go-kart crazy kids are lapping up new idea March 22, 2009
AN idea floated on this website by Paul Macdonald is capturing the imagination of the town's go-kart crazy kids.
"Hey! Are you t... [MORE]
Hot snippets: Morrisons/area board/police March 22, 2009
IT was a case of 'surprise, surprise' on the planning committee at West Wiltshire when councillors as predicted turned down a superma... [MORE]
Imber Road rat run call for action from mother March 22, 2009
A CONCERNED mum has experienced first hand the danger and damage caused by misjudgments of motorists using a 'rat run' and is c... [MORE]
Nick flags up Market Place fun for St George March 22, 2009
The patron of a licensed premises is looking for a different sort of licence so the patron saint of England can have his day celebrated very publicl... [MORE]
The great game for Warminster's shopping crown March 21, 2009
WARMINSTER town councillors have heard more about the proposals to redevelop parts of the centre of the town..
Stockland, an Australian owned firm ... [MORE]
Ten days left to vote in town hall online poll March 21, 2009
THERE’S only 10 days left to take part in our online poll into the future of the town hall.
At the moment over 90 per cent of those who have take... [MORE]
Hot snippets: elections/flag count/flowers March 21, 2009
WRITING on an increasingly informative and well read website former county councillor Steve Dancey has turned political pundit on the new elections ... [MORE]
Mattress shame adds to town hall woes (picture) March 21, 2009
THE problems besetting our neglected town hall are growing month by month, writes Paul Macdonald.
A scourge of modern society is ... [MORE]
Salisbury Guildhall dilemma mirrors town hall March 19, 2009
SALISBURY will once again have its own city council in June after a break of 35 years - although it won’t be called City of New Sarum.
Stra... [MORE]
Firm chosen to produce Warminster town plan March 18, 2009
TOWN councillors have decided that a Home Counties firm of consultants will be paid £48,000 to deliver a town plan for Warminster.
The firm in que... [MORE]
Health and well-being at Assembly Hall March 18, 2009
Local representatives of a national charity held their first health and well-being morning in the Assembly hall today for the over seventi... [MORE]
Hot snippets: library/counter March 18, 2009
WARMINSTER library's free internet service will not be available on Tuesday 24 March 2009 as new computers are being installed.
O... [MORE]
Which way for East Street? March 18, 2009
ONE way or another something of interest may come out of the next meeting of the town council writes Paul Macdonald.
A very parochial agend... [MORE]
4 Play woodwind recital Upton Scudamore March 17, 2009
4Play Woodwind Quartet
Recital at St Marys Church, Upton Scudamore
Saturday 28th March 2009
at 7.30pm
The 4Play Woodwind Quartet comp... [MORE]
Hot snippets: roadworks/police/adverts March 17, 2009
THOSE responsible for the roadworks in the town centre of Warminster have been holding occasional mid-week afternoon meetings which are open to... [MORE]
England, St George and Merrie Warminster March 16, 2009
FOR England St George and Merrie Warminster was the message given to town councillors on Monday evening when local landlord Nick Pitcher of the Pres... [MORE]
Urgent action requested at Sambourne School March 16, 2009
A CONCERNED mother collected hundreds of signatures on a road safety petition in just a few days in order to meet a deadline, w... [MORE]
Ideas with vroom revealed tonight on WCR March 15, 2009
SPEAKING on WCR's Sunday Showcase co-author of Paul Macdonald will reveal more of the ideas that are becoming the foc... [MORE]
THIS filthy mess is festering in the toilet block at the rear of Warminster town hall we can reveal - more evidence of the lack of acti... [MORE]
Newspaper ad sparks broadcasting career March 14, 2009
"THERE was an ad in the Warminster Journal which my wife spotted that started this all off," explained WCR presenter David Cox recalling his first yea... [MORE]
Town centre: who forgot to order the asphalt? March 14, 2009
THERE’S a general feeling of disappointment regarding the latest phase 2 section of the Warminster town centre enhancement - mainly beca... [MORE]
Seats confirmed with a small important change March 13, 2009
THE Electoral Commission has made some very small changes to the plans for Wiltshire’s new electoral divisions - and one of the small changes incl... [MORE]
Hot snippets - spuds/boards/police March 12, 2009
LAST week we revealed that the Wiltshire Constabulary is changing the number and size of the neighbourhood police teams across the county - in ... [MORE]
Carers' special day in Warminster Library March 12, 2009
Warminster Library was the venue for an event to support carers this week. As well as techniques to help carers relax experts were availab... [MORE]
Town tops teeny tooth decay league shock March 11, 2009
SMILE for the camera took on a new special meaning as mothers discovered in Warminster today as the 'happy little teeth campaign' was launched ... [MORE]
Radio station bound for Kingdown March 11, 2009
COUNCILLORS have signalled a huge boost to a local volunteer community radio station that has ambitious plans, writes Paul Macdonald.
"It's... [MORE]
Hot snippets - spuds/boards/police March 11, 2009
LAST week we revealed that the Wiltshire Constabulary was changing the number and size of the neighbourhood police teams across the county - in... [MORE]
Britain's litter shame reflected in Warminster March 09, 2009
A FRESH report Litterbugs highlighting the blight of littering in Britain which could equally be about Warminster has been published toda... [MORE]
Anti Social Behaviour at first hand in the Avenue March 09, 2009
TONIGHT’S planning advisory committee was a well attended affair - but it is what happened on my way home which is the subject of this report.
As... [MORE]
Grovelands: Town council should run play areas March 08, 2009
Visionforwarminster's play strategy calls for play areas to be controlled, owned and run locally from Warminster along with other service... [MORE]
Silly claim - plastic pedal tubs are not boats March 08, 2009
ON the front page of their ’In Touch’ glossy election leaflet local Conservatives have claimed to have 'brought back the boats' to Wa... [MORE]
Take three as would be film stars fluff their lines March 08, 2009
Warminster's newest film-makers have been out and about over the weekend to shoot a short DVD for use on YouTube.
Here's where they went ... [MORE]
Paul does councillors' work for them March 08, 2009
A MONTH ago town councillors were asked by their clerk to get out around their wards and find work for the county council to do writes Paul Mac... [MORE]
New funds for us to tap into March 07, 2009
VISIONFORWARMINSTER.CO.UK has learnt that a new organisation designed to improve life on Salisbury Plain will spring into life in April.
The ‘Pla... [MORE]
Tory team revealed & their 'local' website March 07, 2009
LOCAL Conservatives have announced their team standing for election to the unitary authority on 4 June.
The four are Michael Mounde for the Warmins... [MORE]
A Positive start for two new businesses March 07, 2009
A BUSTLING look to Warminster attracted two new businesses to the town's most modern shopping arcade this time last year.
The innovative... [MORE]
Council plans road mayhem after election respite March 07, 2009
A HUGE sigh of relief was almost audible from the business community as two way traffic returned to the town centrewrites Paul Macdonald.
... [MORE]
Three town councillors eye unitary posts but ...... March 07, 2009
LOCAL Conservatives seem to be at a loss to bring in fresh blood to contest the unitary elections and have chosen three sitting town councillors... [MORE]
A DVD is in production for visionforwarminster March 06, 2009
IF you see people out and about armed with a film camera and large tripod this weekend don’t be alarmed - it is only us. [MORE]
Keep tabs on council on line March 06, 2009
Warminster Town Council has modernised its appearance with more than a headed notepaper that brings a bit more colour, writes Paul Macdona... [MORE]
A good way of saving £200,000 a year March 05, 2009
Tory leader Jane Scott says she isn't prepared to splash out £200,000 to join the London based Local Government Association. Sounds like ... [MORE]
Seventies sign saved from the skip March 04, 2009
A visit to the website has saved a piece of seventies street scene memorabilia from the tip.
"I thought 'oh de... [MORE]
Corporate drones dream up £35K library uniforms March 04, 2009
WILTSHIRE Council is thinking of spending £35,000 on uniforms for library staff.
But do they need them - and is it all about desir... [MORE]
Every which way but Warminster - Signs fail us March 02, 2009
So called information signs around Warminster do little to bring people into the town and some direct tourists to other attractions. Even... [MORE]
Council to ration grant aid to local good causes March 01, 2009
Town councillors are meeting on Monday evening to decide who should benefit from council grants.
Local organisations have requested more ... [MORE]
Commuters offered flexible savings on the buses February 28, 2009
A NEW bus timetable comes into operation on Monday (2 March) on the service 24 and a new style bus ticket offers exceptional savings for someone wor... [MORE]
Town or unitary councillor - but you can't be both February 28, 2009
SOME last minute changes being made to the handbook of rules governing area boards has made it even more essential for unitary councillors not to se... [MORE]
10,000 hits and help for businesses on the way February 28, 2009
Visionforwarminster is pleased to report continued success and will soon be announcing practical help for local pubs and shops to help them fight th... [MORE]
Litter shame of our historic town hall February 27, 2009
WARMINSTER people are still shaking their heads in dismay at the state of the Town Hall - just days after it was cleaned up writes Paul Macdonald.
... [MORE]
Play strategy 'I wish I knew what was happening' February 27, 2009
NO doubt many people will have seen the lead story in this week’s Warminster Journal about the confusion surrounding the status of a play area on ... [MORE]
Councillor reveals that 'Cilla Black' feeling February 26, 2009
COUNTY policymakers heard the authentic voice of the public speak at Kingdown School on Tuesday night, writes Paul Macdonald.
Microphone wiel... [MORE]
Police agree change we called for in September February 26, 2009
A SIGNIFICANT change in policing, which was advocated on this website six months ago, has been taken up by Wiltshire Constabulary.
Back in Sep... [MORE]
Time for billing and cooing to stop at Town Hall February 25, 2009
WORKMEN have at last started cleaning up our filthy Town Hall, writes Paul Macdonald.
A campaign was launched on the innovative v... [MORE]
Board is short changed but our cllrs not aware of it February 24, 2009
TUESDAY’S area board meeting in Warminster was a well attended affair and there was some interesting new information - but no proper answer about ... [MORE]
Roadworks: not out of cash just a year behind February 24, 2009
THOSE attending the Warminster Area Board were assured that the budget for the work on the enhancement of the town centre had not run out.
Councill... [MORE]
Town moved to new economic partnership zone February 24, 2009
ONE item of note which emerged at Warminster’s area board was that the Warminster area will not now be part of the south Wiltshire economic partne... [MORE]
Youngsters tread the (area) boards ..(with picture) February 24, 2009
'THINGS that go bump in the night' was the first item on the agenda of the latest meeting of the pilot Wiltshire Council area board meeting hel... [MORE]
Knock down price for West Street homes plan February 22, 2009
THREE decades and more of car repairs and servicing could come to an end in a residential area if changes are supported by councillors in Warmi... [MORE]
Local station's world service February 22, 2009
THIRTEEN years ago a dedicated team of volunteers established a community radio station to serve the local hospital they now have a brand new lookin... [MORE]
Cement works mothballing leads to more job cuts February 20, 2009
THE fallout from the Westbury cement works owner's decision to suspend all operations has now spread to cause lorry drivers to lose their ... [MORE]
Highways chief makes potholes a priority February 19, 2009
A FORMER town councillor who discovered a dangerous pothole on his regular route to work and reported it was amazed at... [MORE]
The Warminster wobble will be in June February 19, 2009
AS PART of Bike Week, the Warminster Cycle Group is organising a one-day community event to promote cycling, particularly in and around Wa... [MORE]
School & radio station on the same wavelength February 18, 2009
ONE of the biggest local media ideas for decades is waiting to see if it can count on the support of the town council on Monday, writes Pa... [MORE]
Mauduit crusader gets the colour treatment. February 18, 2009
IT TOOK meeting after meeting and even made the agenda of full council but at last the Crusader can rest easy as it once again takes pride of p... [MORE]
Tory leader to speak at town's Cons Club in May February 18, 2009
WARMINSTER Conservative Club should be packed on 1 May for a keynote speech from the leader of the Conservative Party in Wiltshire Jane Scott.
The ... [MORE]
Young people's needs in the spotlight at board February 17, 2009
THE next meeting of the Warminster pilot area board will be held at Kingdown School on Tuesday 24 February when the main topic will be the needs of ... [MORE]
Sad news sparks happy memories February 17, 2009
COUNCIL minutes do not often stir the emotions but news that two long serving and highly regarded former councillors had died late last year stopped... [MORE]
Old sign rekindles fresh memories in town centre February 17, 2009
AN EMPTY shop that is being refurbished in the Market Place has this week revealed some of its history - bringing memories flooding back f... [MORE]
Cobwebs brushed off garage housing plan February 16, 2009
AN idea for more houses at Alcock Crest that has been gathering dust in a filing cabinet in council offices at Trowbridge has suddenly resurfaced, w... [MORE]
400 town shoppers take on university challenge February 15, 2009
MORE than 400 Warminster shoppers took up the challenge of being quizzed by members of Southampton University’s School of Geography about th... [MORE]
Golden opportunities in Silver Street? February 15, 2009
Antiques could soon be a thing of the past as one street in Warminster is steadily undergoing a transformation, writes Paul Macdonald
A&nbs... [MORE]
Bike man peddles democracy among the books February 14, 2009
DROPPING into the town library most weeks brings a surprise or new discovery each time, writes Paul Macdonald.
A Friday visit on the w... [MORE]
Third time lucky for Broadway development ? February 14, 2009
A new stage is set to be reached on Broadway if developers get their latest play past councillors over the coming weeks, writes Paul Macdonald.
&nb... [MORE]
Market Place danger to cyclists UPDATED February 14, 2009
WE tackled county councillor Andrew Davis about the narrowness of the new carriageway in the Market Place, which is in his electoral division.
Mr Dav... [MORE]
Taking a shower along Fairfield Road UPDATE February 13, 2009
UPDATE: Town councillors have been informed that the problem is due to an illegal connection from a foul sewer into a storm water collection drain.
... [MORE]
Don't forget to vote in our town hall poll February 13, 2009
Don't forget to vote in our first on line poll. It's easy and totally anonymous - although you are only able to vote once. The results will be declare... [MORE]
Urgent plea over town's road chaos conflict February 13, 2009
A FORMER civic leader is calling for local authorities to take immediate practical action as a council sponsored town centre improvem... [MORE]
West Wilts wakes up to dog dirt - about time February 12, 2009
AFTER months of complaints and many people carrying dog poo into their front rooms on their shoes, West Wiltshire District Council enforcement offic... [MORE]
More thoughts on the £50,000 town plan February 12, 2009
TOWN councillors have agreed to press on with their plans to spend £50,000 on a new town plan - with the help of a big contribution from County Hal... [MORE]
Town centre - work will be left half finished shock February 12, 2009
WARMINSTER is to be the laughing stock of the area as it will soon be left with a half-completed town centre improvement as the council appears to hav... [MORE]
Town's puffin crossing - dangerous confusion February 11, 2009
PEDESTRIANS are still huffin' and puffin' at the new crossing arrangements for the town centre of Warminster as change is proving difficult to ... [MORE]
Consultants to get £50,000 of our money February 10, 2009
COUNCILLORS in Warminster are pressing ahead with their proposal to spend £50,000 of public money on consultants to help them develop a town plan.
... [MORE]
Council branches out with town entrance scheme February 10, 2009
ONE of the recommendations made in the visionforwarminster seems likely to appear on the horizon later this year after councillors looked at the pos... [MORE]
Slow snow melt under way (PICTURES) February 10, 2009
DRY weather forecast for the rest of this week should reduce the risk of flooding in Warminster even though there is still considerable snow lying i... [MORE]
Online poll launched after coffee morning February 09, 2009 has introduced a new feature - an online poll - as a direct response to our coffee morning held at the Baptist Church ... [MORE]
University challenge for Warminster shoppers February 08, 2009
RESEARCHERS from the University of Southampton’s School of Geography have been on the streets of Warminster today to quiz shoppers about the... [MORE]
Is £50,000 of public money about to be wasted? February 08, 2009
TOWN councillors will be asked to spend a further £13,000 of local taxpayers’ money on supporting the next step of the town plan - to which they ... [MORE]
Rubbish piles up as more snow forecast February 08, 2009
HEAVY snow all week has led to the dustmen being unable to get out and collect either of their fortnightly general waste or recycling bins... [MORE]
Icy Saturday morning - but where was the grit? February 07, 2009
SATURDAY morning saw motorists playing Russian roulette with their lives as ice and compacted snow led to dangerous driving conditions which closed ... [MORE]
Shops closed but the return of traditional policing February 07, 2009
THE bitter February winter continued well into Friday which became a day when businesses in Warminster took sensible decisions t... [MORE]
Play time as schools closed yet again February 06, 2009
A new phrase came to life in Warminster as the arctic conditions once again caused big changes to family life writes Paul Macdonald.
&nb... [MORE]
Warminster snow - the rest of world cut off February 06, 2009
IT IS nine in the morning on an arctic Friday and local motorists are facing impossible journeys left, right and centre writes Paul Macdon... [MORE]
Plenty out there to be done - but who is asking? February 06, 2009
TOWN councillors can talk the talk but do not walk the walk they will be told by the town clerk at their meeting on Monday evening writes ... [MORE]
Warminster Market Place - new danger to cyclists February 06, 2009
WE are all being encouraged to get on our bikes to save ourselves and the environment but doing that is about to become a whole lot more dange... [MORE]
Quiz the roadshow over town's lack of cash February 05, 2009
AN 'awareness' roadshow is coming to Warminster as the countdown to the biggest change in the way local communities are governed shortens writes Pau... [MORE]
Warminster library to welcome novelist February 04, 2009
Popular novelist, Swedish Marika Cobbold will be visiting Warminster library to talk about about her new novel 'Aphrodite's Workshop for Reluctant L... [MORE]
Another day of danger on Warminster roads February 03, 2009
AN early evening accident at Picket Post near Warminster due to sheet ice was just the tip of the iceberg as scores of roads were made impassable by... [MORE]
Chopper squad scrambled after town disorder February 02, 2009
A MAJOR army exercise is under way on Salisbury Plain but the very early hours of Saturday morning in Warminster were not disturbed by military... [MORE]
Snow causes havoc for those on the move February 02, 2009
MOTORISTS faced huge delays in town and outside it on Monday afternoon when snow arrived in quantity.
By 3pm the snow became a lot thic... [MORE]
Getting all steamed up for charity January 31, 2009
THE Warminster & District Model Railway Group are busy planning their layouts and displays for an exhibition in the town for the 34th year running... [MORE]
Small shopkeeper puts multi-nationals to shame January 31, 2009
A SMALL businessman has this week made an improvement to his corner shop that will put many a national institution in the town centre to shame,... [MORE]
Up to eight inches of snow expected - Met Office January 31, 2009
WARMINSTER could be set to see the heaviest snowfall seen in recent times over the next three days.
Winds chilled over the Russian Arctic are expecte... [MORE]
Exciting plans for community broadcaster January 30, 2009
A PROJECT that began life as a hospital radio station has grown to be highly regarded as a community broadcaster and is looking to ta... [MORE]
Traffic chaos hits town - Copheap Lane clogged January 30, 2009
It's 3.15pm on a relatively quiet Friday afternoon but within ten minutes in the rural town of Warminster a major threat to life and limb has explod... [MORE]
Weymouth Street sees Wild West brawl January 29, 2009
ACCORDING to today’s Warminster Journal there was a brawl involving 50 people in Weymouth Street in the early hours of Saturday morning when most ... [MORE]
Job vacancies are almost extinct in Warminster January 28, 2009
Dozens of workers who lost their jobs in the last month in Warminster are facing a tough task in finding a new job, writes Paul Macdonald.
In t... [MORE]
More tax for more waste January 27, 2009
JUST as many Warminster businesses are reeling from the recession and the long-running disruption caused by the town centre improvem... [MORE]
Warminster Area Board dates revealed January 27, 2009
A PROVISIONAL set of dates for council meetings following the Wiltshire Council elections on 4 June is now available.
The first meeting of the full... [MORE]
Portway to get CCTV cover near war memorial January 27, 2009
IT has for a long time been the long arm of the law that criminals and miscreants have had to face up to but now its is also the long lens of t... [MORE]
Coffee morning, 10,000 pages, radio & YouTube January 25, 2009
SINCE its launch has become increasingly popular with the local public and the amount of traffic generated has grown stead... [MORE]
Information point with (almost) nil information January 25, 2009
IT might not be the height of the tourist season but with Center Parcs claiming it has very high rates of occupancy all year round civic leader... [MORE]
Ambulances delayed at town centre traffic lights January 24, 2009
HUNDREDS of people are moaning about the road works in the centre of Warminster but the emergency services must be finding them a real pain and curs... [MORE]
Refurbishment for award-winning eatery January 23, 2009
THE owners of an award winning business in Warminster have shown they still have a sense of humour as their part of the town lurches ... [MORE]
Shoppers desert town centre car park & shops January 23, 2009
FRIDAY has lost its magic for shoppers as Warminster faces the recession, loss of shops, less than half the usual market stalls, ... [MORE]
Sure Start survey under way January 22, 2009
PARENTS of children who attend the Avenue School's 'Sure Start' classes in Warminster are being invited to take part in a survey abo... [MORE]
Library on borrowed time with mall owner's plan January 21, 2009
TOWN councillors in Warminster have been told that the owners of the Three Horseshoes Mall are offering to build a new town library as part of their... [MORE]
Carnival inspires new Warminster twirlers' group January 21, 2009
Warminster has a new challenging, energetic, skilful and fun activity on offer to its youngsters as a new group of baton twirlers have begun trainin... [MORE]
Who will get the £200,000 a year top job? January 21, 2009
ONE of the most important decisions the new unitary Wiltshire Council will have to take concerns the identity of the new chief executive.
Under the... [MORE]
Town council precept tops £400,000 January 20, 2009
WARMINSTER Town Council have voted to add another £54,000 to general reserves even though one councillor admitted they do not know how they are goi... [MORE]
Engineers to start investigation at old gas works January 20, 2009
THE green light has be given for five days of tests on potentially contaminated land at the well-used environmental recycling centre at the end... [MORE]
Paving work shifts into second gear January 20, 2009
WORK on the repaving of the Market Place speeded up during the second week of January - but not by much.
... [MORE]
CCTV volunteers' extra hours to combat burglars January 19, 2009
WARMINSTER police inspector David Minty has nothing but praise for the work of one of the town's unsung heroes and his team of volunteers&... [MORE]
Circular argument stalls halls decision January 19, 2009
Warminster Town Council is 'going round and round in circles' as it once again failed to take a decision over what it wanted to do with its home and... [MORE]
Vestigial Polish link should be left to Trowbridge January 18, 2009
YOU will probably be aware that Warminster has been twinned with the Normandy town of Flers since 1973 but were you aware that we are also twinned (... [MORE]
Council roadworks driving business away January 16, 2009
TOWN centre shoppers in Warminster have tumbled dramatically and it is not over the seemingly everlasting slab and kerb-laying improvements writes P... [MORE]
Wheying up the cost of more local jobs January 15, 2009
PEOPLE walking past Woolworths in Warminster are reminded by photographs in the shop windows of the human face of job losses that are being caused b... [MORE]
Unitary victors will be forced to quit town seats January 15, 2009
ANYONE elected to serve on the new unitary authority will face pressure to give up any seat they may hold on a town or parish council, visionforwarm... [MORE]
Ventriloquist's new year party January 14, 2009
One of the events that sets the cultural year in Warminster off to a good start sees a specialist act take centre stage writes Paul Macdonald.
... [MORE]
Job cuts are starting to build in Warminster January 14, 2009
The closure of Woolworths, Card Market before Christmas, and the loss of jobs at Card Fair has added to the steady drip-drip-drip effect on the... [MORE]
Police undertake new box-ticking survey January 14, 2009
TOWN and parish councils in Wiltshire are currently being consulted about the effectiveness and visibility of the neighbourhood policing teams (NPT)... [MORE]
11 more county care homes promised - not here January 14, 2009
GLOUCESTERSHIRE County Council opened a new care home today at Quedgeley as part of a promised £50million investment to expand care for the elderly... [MORE]
Warminster Orchestra hits all the right notes January 12, 2009
A TOWN based music group founded by 29-year-old Amanda Williams, will celebrate its fifth birthday in July.
Warminster Philharmonic Orchestra... [MORE]
Time to revitalise the road safety committee January 12, 2009
Twenty five years ago this month the government made the wearing of seat belts compulsory as a major road safety effort measure writes Paul Macdonal... [MORE]
Pavement watch (2nd week) January 11, 2009
ONLY a little visible progress has been made this week on the re-slabbing of the High Street in Warminster.
The programme has been going on for mor... [MORE]
Area board rulebook is out of order January 10, 2009
THE RULEBOOK which will guide the work of the new area boards in Wiltshire is under discussion at the moment.
It has been renamed the ‘handbook?... [MORE]
PAVEMENT WATCH historically slow slab laying January 08, 2009
AS THE diggers and levellers return to haunt Warminster Market Place this week we present a new feature on – Pavement Wa... [MORE]
Road closure 'a waste of time' January 07, 2009
A ROAD closure to protect the tranquility of a normally quite country lane that still exists in Warminster has been branded a 'complete waste o... [MORE]
Helicopter spies car thief through thermal image January 07, 2009
THE crime wave that is threatening the Warminster area shows no signs of abating as a thief took a car yesterday and ended up being chased by t... [MORE]
New to the Silver Street mix January 07, 2009
THE continually changing street scene in Warminster could see a new dining opportunity in Silver Street as an already established business seeks to ... [MORE]
Rat run to close at nature reserve January 04, 2009
A NARROW country lane much loved by walkers, riders and cyclists that still exists within the town of Warminster which in danger of being re-na... [MORE]
Next area board meeting January 02, 2009
THE second meeting of the Warminster Area Board (WAB) will take place on Tuesday 13 January starting at 6.30pm.
This time the venue for the gatheri... [MORE]
Lending a new look to the High Street January 02, 2009
Lending a new look to the High Street in Warminster a new business started today (Friday) providing hope that the town centre can still have a vibra... [MORE]
Yet another shop to close in town centre January 02, 2009
IT WAS on the cards but another outlet is departing Warminster as the recession continues to hit local shoppers and workers. It is another blow... [MORE]
Regency elves raise money for charity January 01, 2009
THREE Christmas characters in Warminster brightened up the festive period at a snip and raised money for a good cause at same time, writes Paul Macd... [MORE]
Litter problem swamps new area December 31, 2008
WARMINSTER’S increasingly worrying litter problem is spreading to new areas of the town.
The latest hotspot is the car park at the rear of the Ma... [MORE]
Government needs to act soon - The big freeze December 29, 2008
LONG range weather forecasting is an inexact science but looking at the data on the net it seems that we could well be headed for the coldest winter... [MORE]
Goodbye Woolies - you served us well December 29, 2008
WARMINSTER Woolies will close for business on 5 January but there will be little left in store by then.
“I went for a last sad walk around the sh... [MORE]
Roll up for fancy dress December 23, 2008
It is the season to party and the High Street in Warminster is just the place to go for those who want to step out in fancy dress, writes Paul Macdo... [MORE]
No tax rise because of Icelandic bank fiasco December 21, 2008
NEWS buried away in the detail of the provisional local government finance settlement for 2009/10 suggests that Wiltshire council tax payers will... [MORE]
A303 danger: Highways Agency replies December 19, 2008
Sally Cains from the Highways Agency's Bristol office has replied to our concerns over the A303 closure proposal
Dear Mr Danc... [MORE]
Waitrose bid wins support at town council December 17, 2008
MEMBERS of the town council’s planning advisory committee have given their unanimous support to the proposal by the Henry Boot company to build a ... [MORE]
Warminster to suffer funding 'double whammy' December 16, 2008
WARMINSTER is set to miss out on money from the new Wiltshire Council as its area board will be underfunded, visionforwarminster can reveal.
The ar... [MORE]
New outlet for arts and crafts at Chinns Court December 16, 2008
ANOTHER set of good reasons to shop locally have arrived in Warminster from all over Great Britain and southern Ireland with some strong ... [MORE]
The lamb flies down on Boreham (not Broadway) December 14, 2008
IT MAY be a new Warminster thing that will not have people looking skywards but licking their lips as it is freezing and flying ... [MORE]
Town hall pigeon grant is wrong December 14, 2008
NEWS our town council has been looking at two important issues highlighted on this website is to be welcomed.
Perhaps our proposals are already st... [MORE]
Flooding blocks roads December 13, 2008
HEAVY early morning rain caused flooding problems today, writes Paul Macdonald.
The usual Fore Street flooding problem was accompani... [MORE]
Cold front puts Kingdown in the chiller - again December 12, 2008
WINTER brings below freezing weather each year but it also brings another annual phenomenon in Warminster - the early return to home&nb... [MORE]
A303 closure means danger at Black Dog Hill December 10, 2008
STOP Press - on 16 December the Highways Agency announced it had dropped this proposal due to public pressure.
MAJOR disruption can be exp... [MORE]
Windows matter close to resolution December 10, 2008
AN E-Mail was sent to the HQ of the Factory Shop regarding their controversial window style - as was promised to Primrose Kirkland , and others,... [MORE]
Town council holds mystery meeting December 10, 2008
WARMINSTER Town Council held a special meeting on Monday evening but we can’t tell you much about it as it wasn’t given much advance publicity.
... [MORE]
New role for Hillside December 06, 2008
WARMINSTER home hunters look set to have another option next year as a property developer has asked councillors to give the go-... [MORE]
Some more thoughts on boundaries December 06, 2008
This letter has been sent to the Electoral Commission regarding the town council wards outlined in the X factor
Dear Sirs,
&... [MORE]
This site's popularity continues to grow December 06, 2008
WARMINSTER’S newest website is continuing to attract more interest as the weeks go by.The latest visitor stati... [MORE]
Bishopstrow wins again December 05, 2008
Bishopstrow is the tops in keeping up appearances in the eyes of those who should know writes Paul Macdonald.
In ... [MORE]
Flutters and shutters at Newbury November 30, 2008
II HAS been the sport of kings and queens in this country for a century and more but the excitement of being at the races got an additional boo... [MORE]
First snow of the winter November 30, 2008
THE first snow of the winter fell in Warminster this morning (Sunday) and the early snow will have been an unwelcome sight for many.
On top of this... [MORE]
Long queue at Post Office November 29, 2008
THE long queues in W H Smith this morning once again exposes the folly of closing all but one of the town’s post offices.
At one point the line s... [MORE]
Christmas shopping - keep it local November 29, 2008
HIGH Street shopping has a new appeal in Warminster this Christmas as the arts centre re-opens its shop next door to allow local crafts to be displa... [MORE]
Bad news for Warminster High Street November 28, 2008
WARMINSTER High Street trader Woolworths normally makes the local headlines for its charity fundraising but it is yet another major business that is... [MORE]
Warminster area board meets for first time November 28, 2008
WARMINSTER Shadow area board held its first meeting on Thursday in the Christchurch Hall.
The board will be the local link between the... [MORE]
Davis takes a stand November 22, 2008
A TOWN councillor has pleaded with his colleagues for more respect to be shown to the office of Mayor at important meetings, writes Paul M... [MORE]
Some thoughts on the new boundaries November 18, 2008
This letter has been sent to the Electoral Commission following the publication of their latest recommendations.REF: New arrangements for Wiltshire&nb... [MORE]
Five missing police officers November 18, 2008
A town councillor who challenged the Warminster police inspector to justify spending tens of thousands of pounds on PCSOs was told that they are ... [MORE]
Hello Warminster Broadway November 17, 2008
WARMINSTER is to have 'three and a bit' unitary councillors to replace the eight current county and district councillors from next year followi... [MORE]
Warminster court must re-open November 14, 2008
NEWS, in The Wiltshire Times today, that there has been 22 incidents of criminal damage over a two week period in Warminster will come as no surp... [MORE]
A Pressing engagement November 07, 2008
TWO of the three well-known Warminster printing businesses have successfully completed a merger under the new ownership of a Midlan... [MORE]
4,000 hits so far for October 29, 2008
An innovative internet site less than two months old is already attracting hundreds of people to their computer screen... [MORE]
Return of city council for Salisbury October 23, 2008
IN what could be a real boost to local communities currently fearing the development of a big remote Wiltshire Council next year it has been re... [MORE]
£8 million loss =failure of cabinet & leader system October 16, 2008
THE revelation that the county council risks losing more than £8 million after investing our money with a stricken Icelandic bank has left peopl... [MORE]
Lord Bath one of our first visitors October 03, 2008
THE Warminster area's most famous citizen, Lord Bath, has been one of the first to visit the site and has promised to return.
In a message the Longl... [MORE]
Problem on back burner after election November 26, 2003
A MAJOR road safety issue has been put back on the agenda by the
local authority after a former councillor reminded the public that the
publi... [MORE]
Sambourne road safety - forgotten after election but not by us November 25, 2003
A MAJOR road safety issue has been put back on the agenda by the local authority after a former councillor reminded the pub... [MORE]
Where next for Stockland? November 20, 2003
NEWS is filtering out among Warminster people that councillors
have rejected a plan to radically alter the look of the area behind the
Market... [MORE]
Where next for Stockland?? November 19, 2003
News is filtering out amongst Warminster people that councillors have rejected a plan to radically alter the look of the area behind the M... [MORE]
Steve presses MP to seek out help for Warminster poor
VISION for Warminster's Steve Dancey has urged local MP Andrew Murrison to press for a better deal for some of the town's most hard-pressed individu... [MORE]
Rubbish policy is hitting residents
HUNDREDS of people a day are being inconvenienced by Wiltshire Council's decision to close recycling centres.
The changes, which came in last ... [MORE]