Dual-hatted councillors - conflict of interest anyone?
(December 11, 2010)UNTIL last year different councils were responsible for unique services and there was little or very few minor conflicts of interest for local politicians who served on two or three different levels of local government
'The complaint relates to a "dual hatted" member.'
Warminster town councillors are now responsible for taking decisions about car parking charges which conflict with Wiltshire Council and also whether or not to accept a bid from Wiltshire Council to take over part of the Assembly Hall are two major examples.
On other minor issues Wiltshire Council has minuted two more:
Chapel of St. Lawrence
Councillor Davis left the room for discussion and consideration of
this item.
Councillor Pip Ridout declared a prejudicial interest in Item 11,
specifically in relation to the Community Area Grant application
from the Warminster Christmas Lights Committee. Councillor
Ridout would leave the room for consideration of this item.
Is it time to ask whether three into two does not go?