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Wake Up Again Warminster Message

(April 21, 2021)

Warminster Town Coucncil are holding an extraordinary new meeting outside those that are normally held that a former councillor feels should be challenged.

Town council meetings are normally held on a Monday every two months but during these extraordinary times these councillors who are up for re-election cannot wait and have to hold an emergency meeting tomorrow.

Paul 001b"I am deeply distrurbed by this as once again while I am an ordinary member of the public I did not know this was happening or why?" said Paul Macdonald.

Paul has written to the local weekly newspapers to alert their readers about what is going on and hopes others will wake up to this.

'Dear Editor,

These are extraordinary times so what does Warminster Town Council do?
During a period when local elections are being held it calls an extraordinary meeting.
This is generally regarded as not good form in my long experience of local government as there is almost always a period where 'purdah' exists.

This means councils do not hold meetings except, as an example, a controversial planning application which needs a decision.
This particularly applies to town and parish councils as they have very few duties that need to be fulfilled urgently.
I am a candidate in the local elections and if successful I would hope to have a say on future decisions of our council but are now outside my reach.

What is so urgent and cannot wait until after the results on the first Thursday in May?
Another £10,000 for a local organisation, the Athenaeum Theatre, that is no doubt worthy in some eyes but no longer mine after the huge sums received in the past but why the urgency?
Then another £10,000 will start up again the hugely opposed central car park regeneration project abandoned by Wiltshire Council.
It saw successful opposition to plans for a major link road from Portway past the Avenue School to Station Road (which also talked about the Library and Princess Anne building) led not by me but a plucky resident Tracey Scott.
Again, we the public have no time to have a proper say on this, and other plucky residents to campaign, as the meeting is held just hours after the local papers went to press this week.
Yours faithfully
Paul Macdonald

144 Boreham Field, Warminster BA12 9EF'

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