Not a Council Meeting But The Important Meeting
(May 08, 2021)The Annual Town Meeting is not a council meeting but it is a meeting of the Town electors taking place between 1st March and 1st June and can play an important role in holding councillors to account.
Electors can contribute to the agenda and in practice these meetings often debate current issues in the community.
"We have two choices about the issues that can be considered," said Paul Macdonald who is waiting to hear whether he has been elected as a town councillor.
"The town council have decided to hold this meeting on Friday 21st May quite rightly well in advance but we now have to ask for a choice.
"On that day we will hopefully hear about the latest relaxation of the covid restrictions.
"We can ask that this meeting should be delayed for two weeks which is my view.
"Current council meetings on the internet are very unsatisfactory to say the least"
The town council currently holds its meetings using their choice of modern technology which leaves so many residents uninformed.
"I have watched these and they are not fit for purpose when our residents should be able to have a proper say about local issues," said Paul.
"If anyone agrees with me that this is not the right way to go ahead with this important part of local democracy.
"The annual meeting We have two choices."
The home of Warminster Town Council is at the Civic Centre with a huge car park outside.
"I am going to ask the question on Monday," explained Paul. "Should this important meeting be used within the huge space that is the home of the town council safely distanced apart and the public space outside.
"Polllng stations were made safe for the electors to be used so why have the town council dragged their feet on this about their meetings," said John Syme,
"Sometimes facing up to people eye to eye is a very important part of hearing what local poeple are conncerned about.
"In the recent past this meeting has been not used for the purpose intended." said John.
"I hope that the whole new team of councillors will be given a hard cross examination about what they will do to address our concerns," added Paul.
"The other choice we have is not acceptable. The council working behind closed doors."