4,000 hits so far for
(October 29, 2008)
An innovative internet site less than two months old is already attracting hundreds of people to their computer screens in Warminster.

The two Warminster residents are former councillors who believe now is the time to produce a vibrant way forward for the town.
Already the site has four discussion pieces with new sections being added fortnightly.
They have launched the website to promote comment on their ideas for the town with a publication date of the finished 'vision' ready for the launch of the new 'one council for Wiltshire'.
"We felt it absolutely vital for Warminster to be ready for the opportunity that will be offered by the launch of Wiltshire Council," said Paul Macdonald.
Remarkably, the project is proving popular despite it only being promoted by just one advert in the local Warminster Journal, a couple of hundred hand delivered leaflets, some e-mails, and word of mouth.
"I'm very pleased with the response so far as the site has attracted more than 5,000 'hits' so far and interest is building on a daily basis," said Steve Dancey.

"It is important that in these days of the quick fix publicity seeking answers that we steadily build a solid way forward with positive ideas of real substance," explains Paul.
"We are really pleased with the overwhelmingly positive comments to the
chance the town is being offered by Vision for Warminster to have an overall approach to the future free of negative thought or vested interest."