Take three as would be film stars fluff their lines
(March 08, 2009)IN BRIEF
Warminster's newest film-makers have been out and about over the weekend to shoot a short DVD for use on YouTube.
Here's where they went and how they got on.
FILMING of the material for our YouTube entry and DVD has now been completed.
The two days spent with the high tech, high definition camera involved what they call in American management speak, a steep learning curve.
The filming started off on Saturday morning when the tripod was set up
along Bath Road to show off some of our historic buildings then it was off to Portway and the war memorial via the Obelisk and past the hospital to Warminster’s central car park.

By 3pm there were only two cars parked in the pay car park and this was highlighted. Then it was off to the Market Place to show some of our independent shops and the delights of the Georgian High Street.
The fact that the road has been narrowed too much was mentioned and then the Town Hall loomed large in the lens - and in the dialogue.
After a quick scoot up Weymouth Street to catch the red and blacks going in at half time it was off to the park where Paul Macdonald did a piece to camera.
On Sunday there was an indoor session in Steve’s home in Newport, near the war memorial, where he spoke about where the vision was going before a trip to Arn Hill for a panoramic view of the town.
Finally it was off to the Cotley Hill roundabout to do a piece about the nice new brown sign that has been erected completely in the wrong place.
“It was an interesting weekend and involved learning a completely new discipline,” said Steve Dancey.
“It only took a few minutes to get used to talking and filming at the same time and we’ll see what my production team thinks of it.
“Hopefully we’ll get some decent feedback when the item goes on YouTube.
“While it was designed to help in our vision campaign we were conscious of the need to promote a positive image as it is probably the only moving item about Warminster on the tube other than steam trains passing through and short snaps of the carnival.”