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Hot snippets - spuds/boards/police

(March 11, 2009)

LAST week we revealed that the Wiltshire Constabulary was changing the number and size of the neighbourhood police teams across the county - in line with a suggestion we made in September.

While it was clear to us that the existing arrangements were not working at all well we don’t claim it was our advice that chief constable Brian Moore took.

But we can reveal, thanks to a well informed police source, that the changes were recommended by Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabularies.

NEWS that the quorum for the area boards has been raised from two to three makes it even more imperative that councillors don’t sit on town councils and area boards for the same town.

But why the change?

We understand that there were concerns, at a very high level, that a chairman of an area board could effectively do what he or she liked if there were only two members present - given that the chairman has a casting vote.

This was thought to be unacceptable. Almost as unacceptable as discussing council business behind closed doors at political group meetings - which goes on.

IN our section on tourism we suggested that Warminster has an unusual themed activity such as a potato day to attract visitors.

Sadly we are already too late but fair play to Codford which will be holding its Potato Day in the village hall on Saturday.

Mind you, we know from personal experience that the humble spud grows much better in Warminster’s soil than it does in Codford, Heytesbury or Sutton Veny.

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