Carers' special day in Warminster Library
(March 12, 2009)IN BRIEF
Warminster Library was the venue for an event to support carers this week. As well as techniques to help carers relax experts were available to guide people through the complicated minefield of state support.
IT was very much a hands-on approach to unsung carers who look after loved ones on Wednesday writes Paul Macdonald.
"We are absolutely delighted to be involved with Care Support West Wiltshire to provide a day of much deserved rest and relaxation to carers who save the country billions of pounds," explained librarian Richard Violet.
The library had jumped at the chance to help Alison Crangle,
office manager for Care Support, run a Wellbeing Day in the Warminster.

"It is a one off with the support of the county council who funded it," explained Alison.
"It is to show carers that their sometimes stressful lives can be eased by taking part in a relaxation and lifestyle class.
"It helps carers to keep going and then take a break."
Many carers are known to get so caught up with looking after others that it soon has a detrimental effect of themselves.
It was very much hands-on with much more than just words of advice.
Part of the library was made in to a quiet area with space for the sampling of several techniques to try to take the strain out of caring for physically or mentally infirm relatives.
"We've got four different therapies," explained Alison (pictured centre with Richard and Indian head massager Jo Smith).
"Reflexology, Indian head massage, mini manicures and mini face-lifts."
The Semington based organisation also provides a comprehensive confidential service helping carers navigate the bureaucratic minefield that getting state support can become.
"Someone from the DWP county council finance and benefits team is here as well," said Alison.
Carers Support have helped many people through the governement benefits and allowances minefield.
At lunchtime 'because diet can also be an important factor' a mini buffet was served up for those attending.