Town centre: who forgot to order the asphalt?
(March 14, 2009)THERE’S a general feeling of disappointment regarding the latest phase 2 section of the Warminster town centre enhancement - mainly because it still isn’t finished despite assurances from local councillors.
While there are some nice touches, such as the sturdy barriers and the
quality finish of the pavement and kerbing, there is one thing which is still not right - the road surface.

“We’ve all heard the expression about spoiling the deck for a ha’peth of tar but this is what has happened here,” said Steve Dancey.
“We’ve been told that the scheme hasn’t run out of money but the road surface and the attendant asphalt is really the sine qua non of any road scheme.
“Not to have it is a bit like building a swimming pool and not filling it with water or opening an airport and not having a runway.
“Even without the new road surface it is easy to see just how tight the constriction of the road is, so imagine what it will be like for cyclists when the scheme is eventually finished along the length of the Market Place.
“I’m a keen cyclist and won’t relish using the street in future but when I asked one of my fellow pedal powered friends he told me ‘there’ll be plenty of pavement to ride on’.”
The road scheme is expected to be finished by December - a mere year late.
Pictured below the situation in the area which clearly show that too little room has been left for cyclists.