(March 15, 2009)
THIS filthy mess is festering in the toilet block at the rear of Warminster town hall we can reveal - more evidence of the lack of action and apathy shown by local councillors?
Now another council officer has become involved in the problems that bedevil what should be the jewel in the crown of the town centre.
"I sent an urgent e-mail to the district council reporting a disgraceful amount of litter in and around the old toilets behind the town hall in Warminster (Weymouth Street)," said Paul Macdonald.
Paul sent the following e-mail to the district council in Trowbridge.
'I believe this is a serious problem that could be a real risk to environmental health and is far more than I could deal with as an ordinary member of the public as I do with litter around where I live.
It is an obvious attraction to vermin.'
The e-mail brought two responses from WWDC. This was the first from environmenal health officer Annabel Wilkinson.
'I have received a copy of your e-mail and attached photo today.
'I was very surprised to see the amount of rubbish that has accumulated.
'I have been dealing with the mess made by the pigeons at The Old Town Hall but was not aware of this at all.
'I have today contacted one of the people whom is connected with the company that own the Old Town Hall but have not yet had a response.'
'I need to establish who own the toilets before I can require them to be cleared. I will of course, be resolving this as quickly as I can.'
The day before the cleansing department also responded.
Councillors claimed to have acted in public statements at meeting and in the press all this year but missed such an obvious eyesore and threat to public health.
"It was quite clearly in the public interest for Paul to alert the authorities about this matter," said Steve Dancey.
"Instead of publishing glossy leaflets telling us how wonderful they are and posing for photographs in the Journal, district councillors should get off their backsides and see what is happening in town."