That's another fine mess sorted out by Paul
(April 05, 2009)ANOTHER step forward was taken this week in restoring Lord Bath's family donated town hall in a world famous market town as the campaign by website co-authors succeeded in removing one of its blights.
"I am so pleased that we have taken this first step forward," said former Warminster deputy mayor Paul Macdonald.

"It was quite frankly unbelievable that nobody but the ordinary person on the street noticed the disgusting state of affairs.
"Thanks to them reinforcing what we are saying we can move forward.
"Ever since we made the town hall a symbol of our desire to say enough is enough about the way the town is heading the public have been brilliant."
Paul and his co-author Steve Dancey have quickly got back into the swing of things as they introduce 'community politics' onto
the agenda this time using the internet as well as being approachable in person.

They launched the website over six months ago.
"In recent weeks my experience is that council staff have been absolutely brilliant," says Paul (pictured today). "There is no problem there."
"I say a big thanks to them for responding to our e-mails so promptly and getting things done.
"It also proves that as a community we can get things achieved and it does not cost a lot of taxpayers money."
There is a rider to that comment though as the whole issue started with the challenge about the future use of the town hall which was subsequently described as 'the most expensive pigeon loft' that by the current mayor.
"The next question to be asked is what has the thousands
of pounds that the town council have put forward thereby accepting responsibility to deal with pigeon problem actually achieved," poses Paul.

Pictured: With some of the documentation used to highlight the problem here. It was his second success this week following the Boreham Field bus stop repair.