A market in the Market Place YOUTUBE
(April 17, 2009)The current market which was established in 1976, 11 years after the demise of the old cattle market, used to take place on the western car park until the early 1990s.
“The traders' view was mildly positive from the majority, providing a couple of issues could be overcome, with only one stall-holder voicing outright objection,” said Steve Dancey.
“My colleague spoke to a representative of the farmers’ market and the view seemed even more positive in that direction.
“Since the Market Place lost the General Post Office and Paynes it seems to have lost its dynamism and if the stalls, perhaps only the three weekly farmers’ market, used the area it might help the town and the market.
“If Waitrose does come to town we will need something to draw people into the centre.”
Consultations will continue and we will be contacting those involved with the enhancement work to suggest a slight amendment to the plans which could help the public make greater use of the area in future.