Gas workers on song as rat run given the bird
(April 24, 2009)GAS workers were seen today (Friday) surveying East Street as the effects of the forthcoming four weeks of one-way traffic were already having an effect on another part of the town.
One group of road users, parents of pupils at Kingdown
community college, will have to allow extra time.

A favoured 'rat run' was closed today giving a timely reminder of a campaign that may need to be started.
The popular route through picturesque Henfords Marsh was enlivened not by the noise of car engines today but by the birds chirping anyway in full song.
A very temporary closure allowed road workers to repair a sunken manhole cover.
"It really does make one wonder if an access only order should be extended down the whole length," say former councillor Paul Macdonald.
The residential part of Smallbrook Road already is limited to vehicles going to a specific address there. (Bright yellow 'police enforcement signs' highlight the prohibition).
"It is part of the Wiltshire cycleway, a popular walk for families with their dogs, is the setting for the Smallbrook Nature Reserve, and a much loved spot for holidaymakers from London who come to enjoy the setting of Hunters Moon.
"It is also a route past an old people's nursing home who would enjoy their visits by relatives sitting out in the gardens all the more, or even the occasional walk along the lanes."
"All too often this is spoilt by motorists one of which sounded his horn at four different spots the last time I walked through there."
The East Street traffic order allows traffic to flow one way into town from the junction with East End Avenue. Officially, traffic heading towards the east is channelled up Station Road and along Fairfield Road.
In practise residents of Portway and Copheap Lane are likely to be witnesses to the 'rat run' being re-established there when the digging starts in earnest on Monday.