Lib Dems' misleading statistics don't fool us
(May 17, 2009)
It has used a cut out from a local newspaper showing that council taxes rose by 6.5 per cent juxtaposed with the headline that 'Conservatives’ tax hike is above inflation and above the national average'.
“While their headline is correct it gives a false impression that Wiltshire council tax rates rose generally in April by 6.5 per cent,” said Steve Dancey, who is an expert on local government finance.
“The big jump of 6.5 per cent was only in Salisbury City area where the figures were inflated because of the introduction of a new city council precept and the gradual harmonisation of taxes across the county between the old district levels.
“Warminster taxes went up by 3.4 per cent - mine went up to £1,484.62 which is too high when you consider that many people have suffered a pay freeze or cuts this year.
“The Lib-Dems also moan about the county’s debts but they should know that county authorities all have debts to pay for long term capital projects - similar to a mortgage.
“The Lib-Dems hope to win a parliamentary seat in Wiltshire at the general election but if they want to be taken seriously they should stop using such sleight of hand and misleading tactics.
“People are totally fed up with this sort of party politics and sneaky behaviour - and we are on the look out for it.