What's your pet subject?
(June 03, 2009)IT is the eve of poll for the local elections in Warminster and the Independent candidate for the East ward has spoken to many more electors about their 'pet subject'.

"In all a dozen different subjects were raised more than once on the doorstep."
The coverage in the local papers over the last few weeks about the plans of Morrisons and Stockland who own the Three Horseshoes Mall seem to remain a major talking point.
"The issue took a new twist as I explained that I would like to return to free parking for all sorts of commercial and tourism reasons," said Paul.
"One Weymouth Street resident pointed out his objection to the use of the car park there for housing," said Paul.
"He pointed out how popular it is for people using the park and to shop in the town. The resident who has a birds eye view of what goes on said the town park does not have a car park.
Paul noted the concerns promising to pay careful attention to any plans that may affect car parking in the town especially as the town centre improvements had reduced short term parking there.
Third on the list was the future of the town hall