Warminster Rugby Club - new clubhouse
(September 13, 2009)
THREE months' hard work were summed up by the words 'for the club, built by the club' proudly spoken at the ribbon cutting opening of a new clubhouse in Warminster, writes Paul Macdonald.
The town's rugby club have pulled off an amazing project involving members, players, parents of the very popular youth teams, and local businesses.
In just less than 13 weeks the half-million pound valued home to four changing rooms (and one for the match day officials), a social club area that includes a home for skittlers with a bar, and kitchen is now open.
It has been completed at a fraction of the real cost thanks to donations of materials and the unpaid work of supporters.
Hundreds were on hand on Saturday to watch the Mayor of Warminster Tony
Nicklin hand over the scissors for the ribbon cutting to two people who represent all that is good about the club.

The youngest player on the books, Ben Cook, was joined by he oldest player-member Malcolm Bryant at the front door to cut the ribbon.
Then there was a light-hearted moment after that ceremony was completed when Malcolm (pictured) tried to open the door to find it was locked and appealled for the keys.
The Folly Lane home to the rugby club has an amazing view of the pitches from the clubhouse balcony to watch the first team.
It was enjoyed by those who could also entertain themselves on the day at the BBQ and bouncy castle.
The first social event booking was an evening of live music with 'The Forgery'.