Out of towners to push through discredited plan?
(November 16, 2009)ONE of the most important meetings about the future of Warminster
for a decade or more will be held in Trowbridge on Wednesday night
starting at 6pm.
But the decisions are likely to be taken by out of towners as no Warminster resident sits on the planning committee.
But the decisions are likely to be taken by out of towners as no Warminster resident sits on the planning committee.
The western area planning committee meets at the former district
council offices in Bradley Road with time allocated to an idea that has
the Mayor of Warminster Tony Nicklin 'spitting feathers.'
"The good news is that Cllr. Andrew Davis has requested that the
decision to give permission recommended by officers for a huge change
to the future of our town centre proposed by the owners of the Three
Horseshoes Walk will now be debated," said former planning councillor
Paul Macdonald.
"The fly in the ointment is that none of the regular councillors on that committee live in Warminster."
The new (Tory) Wiltshire Council allows public participation but
it is restricted to three speakers in favour and three against.
"I hope that does not put anyone against going," added Paul. "If a
lot of people register by the 5.30pm cut-off point to speak against
then that will send a clear message."
The Town Council debated the issue on Monday and came out against
it. However it appears that the officers report was produced prior to
that meeting.
"We as a community should not object to Stockland wanting to
improve shopping in their mall but there has to be more constructive
talks," argues Paul.
"The 'shopping loop' idea must include the Market Place where we still have hopes that it will become vibrant again."
The proposals come after a meeting in the Assembly Hall on Tuesday
revealed that the Wiltshire Council do not have the cash to improve the
town library.
This major proposal would see the demolition of that building (and
the replacement of the TIC/CAB building) as well as a new car parking
system (another item on the 'core strategy wish list).