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Dr Murrison's (Warminster) casebook

(April 18, 2010)
GENERAL election campaigning arrived in the centre of Warminster on Saturday and it was blue rosetted candidate Andrew Murrison who glad-handing passers-by.
Shoppers enjoying a sunny stroll through the Three Horseshoes mur2Walk in what is increasingly looking like a three horse race nationally put the Conservative candidate for the new S W Wilts constituency through his paces.
The public response was mostly indifferent to the offer of a leaflet from supporters or a few words with the candidate but Dr. Murrison did spend most of the two hours in conversation with voters.
"I stopped to thank him helping me with a housing issue," explained Samantha Larmour (pictured with her young family).
Robert Ham (pictured) raised education for special needs 'post 19' while Paul Macdonald reminded him that just after he was elected he had raised the issue of the dangerous A36 between mur1Heytesbury and Codford 'and nothing has been done'.
John Lindsay talked about tax avoidance and wanted a 'self-employed licence' to tackle tradesmen working in the black economy.
The scrapping of the Science and Technology Committee was an important subject for Elaine Orchard who asked if 'it would be re-established by a conservative government'.
"It is a really important part of our future to encourage and provide opportunites for young people," said Elaine explaining why she queued to talk to the candidate.
mur3The blue balloons proved a hit but will not add to the votes as the children in pushchairs are too young to vote.
They will no doubt be looking forward to something from yellow and red rosette wearers in the coming weeks as well.

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