OXFAM wins in St George's shop window competition
(May 01, 2010)A WARMINSTER SHOP window competition with a St George's Day theme has been won by Oxfam.
"I liked the idea of a classical window - the royal family - and
using things that come from around the shop," explained manager Anita
"We dressed one manikin in an outfit like the Queen."
The staff were all 'thrilled' when they opened the letter from the town council saying they had won.
"There were nearly tears," said Anita. "We were ecstatic.

"We dressed one manikin in an outfit like the Queen."
The staff were all 'thrilled' when they opened the letter from the town council saying they had won.
"There were nearly tears," said Anita. "We were ecstatic.
"I have to admit that was the one that caught my eye with its
flags, manikins, and photographs of the royal family," said Paul
"I marked it down as a contender for first place straight away
after my initial walk round looking for a couple of photos to
illustrate the competition although several others came close."

The runner up was Top to Toe in George Street.
"I thought that this was brilliant as it has such a small window
but with a lifelike girls hairstyle as its centrepiece it looked very
good," explains Paul
"They added to it by using a small outside table display with a
hairdresser's block to create a red and white hairstyle to match the
girl's dummy head."
In the Market Place Town Pets just pipped Lindsay's Linens in The Cornmarket to third place.
"My surprise was that the Warminster Antique Centre did not get
more votes as I liked the way they had used their furniture framed by
the red and white flags in the window to create a St. George's day
banquet scene," added Paul.
"It was also a shame that Coates and Parker were handicapped by scaffolding."