Persimmon wants to destroy old stone farmhouse in Warminster
(June 16, 2010)HOUSING Firm Persimmon is intent on destroying a piece of the town's
Edwardian history by demolishing Albion House in Victoria Road and
replacing it by two of their modern 'homes'.
The building, a former farmhouse, dates from 1904 and is stone built
and one of the most imposing houses on the road into town from Frome.
Although the Civic Trust and Town Council have objected Persimmon, Charleschurch and the local agents Cooper and Tanner's whose names all appear at the entrance to the new housing estate, are linked to this site.
Curiously our local planners, who are supposed to protect our heritage, seem intent on destroying it and have recommended that Persimmon be given permission to destroy this perfectly viable building.
They give the fact that it has UPVC windows as a reason!
The Civic Trust describe this proposed demolition as a 'tragedy and great loss' but our so called professional planners failed to take any heed (these are the same people who wanted a supermarket built next to the Avenue School!).
What can you do if you want to save Albion House for future generations?
Contact Persimmon by clicking here to tell them you will actively fight their plans and urge people to boycott their homes and click here to contact Cooper and Tanner to say you will use other estate agents if you decide to sell your home and never Cooper and Tanner.
Persimmon has already won permission for 197 homes in this site - haven't they screwed enough money out of the town already?
* While the building is only Edwardian it seems we have lost too many imposing buildings in the town from this period including the doctors' surgery in Portway and Highbury House, the former home of West Wilts Water Board and, later Numark.

Although the Civic Trust and Town Council have objected Persimmon, Charleschurch and the local agents Cooper and Tanner's whose names all appear at the entrance to the new housing estate, are linked to this site.
Curiously our local planners, who are supposed to protect our heritage, seem intent on destroying it and have recommended that Persimmon be given permission to destroy this perfectly viable building.
They give the fact that it has UPVC windows as a reason!
The Civic Trust describe this proposed demolition as a 'tragedy and great loss' but our so called professional planners failed to take any heed (these are the same people who wanted a supermarket built next to the Avenue School!).
What can you do if you want to save Albion House for future generations?
Contact Persimmon by clicking here to tell them you will actively fight their plans and urge people to boycott their homes and click here to contact Cooper and Tanner to say you will use other estate agents if you decide to sell your home and never Cooper and Tanner.
Persimmon has already won permission for 197 homes in this site - haven't they screwed enough money out of the town already?
* While the building is only Edwardian it seems we have lost too many imposing buildings in the town from this period including the doctors' surgery in Portway and Highbury House, the former home of West Wilts Water Board and, later Numark.