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Dog dirt worries prompt toolkit for Wiltshire?

(August 04, 2010)
COUNCILLORS in Warminster who have a pet hate have convinced a senior Wiltshire Council member to set-up a task group making the town a pilot area to tackle something the public are not whinging about to them.
Four-legged anti-social behaviour being aided and abetted by their two-legged owners will now face the wrath of the local authority in the next six to twelve months.
But their bark and soundbites will be worse than their bite as
"We have had increased complaints of dog-fouling from elected members," Cllr. Keith Humphries told the new group today.
"This is not reflected by calls from the public," Cllr. Humphries championing Health and Well-being added.
The meeting at Dewey House in Warminster had also attracted members from a town tenants and residents association and a member of WOSPS (Warminster Open Spaces Protection Society).
One of those around the table was a dog-owner with their hound keen to curtail the irresponsibility.
The dog was very enthusiastic greeting everyone but after just five minutes of listening to the discussion was gently snoring under the table.
The meeting was told that the way forward was not to make a dog-fight of it but to pilot a scheme that would produce a 'toolkit' could eventually become a model for the whole of Wiltshire.
Creating 'Civic Pride' and encouraging the public based on successful schemes like the 'no-smoking' message will be pursued rather than law enforcement.
One viewpoint was that 'younger people are now getting puppies and they are not getting educated' about the responsibility that goes with having a four-legged friend.
The meeting was told that Wiltshire council has just 'nine guys' covering the whole of the county and that their priority is the pest control service with their 'only mandate' being collecting strays.
The wardens had been up on the (Warminster) common after complaints. Other areas were complained about.
"Primrose Lane is also known as 'Sh**ty' Lane'," confirmed town Clerk Heather Abernathie.
"The problem is worse in the winter," said WOSPS Nigel Linge. "Darkness is a factor. Faeces stay there longer."
One answer could be to enlist the support of the police community support officer team to bolster the nine wardens the meeting was told.
*Warminster Town Council already give away 'poop-scoop' bags free to dog-owners as their part of the effort.

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