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Rock Lane: Will photos prompt action?

(August 07, 2010)

A FEW weeks after highlighting a potential motoring accident blackspot former councillor Paul Macdonald is sending photographs to Wiltshire Council to get action.

"I have been told of two near misses and have been sent a written description of a minor accident since I first reported this," explains former the local councillor.

rock laneAnother e-mail from Paul has stirred the council into action leading to the problem being added to a list of possible yellow lines.

'I have had a response from Highways to say that they are at present reviewing the request for amendments to the parking controls in Warminster and have recently sent an initial draft scheme to the Town council for its comments," says a Wiltshire Council officer. 


'At this stage it is still possible to add additional sites to the programme, ahead of the formal public consultation. 

'Therefore, they will look at the possibility of introducing restrictions at the Rock Lane / Boreham Road junction as requested.'

Paul is responding to complaints when he can by going to photograph the problem. The issue is part of area board Internet reporting scheme awaiting a response from the local councillor Andrew Davis

"I know this is a small number of residents living in Rock Lane who worry about causing an accident and  they are to be commended and supported," says Paul.

"This is a very busy road as we all know," adds Paul.

"I am now able to illustrate the problem with two photographs so far  to show the real danger."

"All the way down Boreham Road towards Salisbury until the churchyard at St. John's Church there are safety measures. Chancery Lane has yellow lines.

"Or there white line T-bars painted to protect people leaving their drives but after that at the area where a community speedwatch scheme has been approved because of speeding nothing."

The area board community team have reacted to Paul's latest approach and have forwarded the picture.

''I will send them the photo for their information and as a reminder,"' responded Katharine Dew.  'I will update the system today and will add any new information prompted by the photo.'

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