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Town Council's strategy - Bore 'em to death'

(November 07, 2010)
WARMINSTER Town Council is holding another important meeting on Monday evening - but they're hardly trying to attract the crowds in to hear about the latest ruse.
A visit to the website of Warminster Town Council ( reveals that there is a meeting of the finance and assets committee.
They champion it as 'Topics covered: Notice board St Lawrence Chapel, Parish Poll, Opt to tax.'

"They certainly seem to want to make it as interesting as possible or maybe not!" claims former councillor Paul Macdonald. "And why?"
"Noticeboard...yawn for most. Parish Poll...old news. Opt to tax...gobbledygook!" says former councillor Paul who has taken an interest in promoting his home town.
"So what is there to be excited by?"
Steve Dancey is Paul's co-author of and is also another former councillor who will be going to Dewey House to have his say about something that is missing from their headline news.
"We are not promising fireworks but for a Monday night it might prove worth watching as we wait for the brilliant Codford extravaganza next weekend!" adds Paul.
*The Finance and Assets meeting starts at 7pm at Dewey House in North Row. members of the public are allowed to speak for three minutes about any item on the agenda.

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