Hopes rising over Victoria Fields shop
(March 23, 2011)HOPES are rising that a local
convenience store will appear at the controversial
Persimmon Wessex development at Victoria Fields in Warminster.
Persimmon has been challenged by local residents,
councillors past and present, and the MP to 'get its house in order'.

The firm has infuriated many in the community by failing to deliver on
promises regarding local schools, road safety, local shopping and their move
this year to destroy Albion House leading to a 'Don't Buy Here'
campaign (see other hot topics).
"It may be a coincidence that we have highlighted the blight and
blot on the landscape in Victoria Road where a developer has not
delivered those promised shops," says former planning councillor Paul
Macdonald. "I hope this is a sign that Persimmon are now going to
honour all their pledges"
"It really is time that they get their house in order, look at what they promised, and respond by honouring all their pledges.
"Their slogan 'Together we make a home' up until now leaves off the rider 'but not a community' locals now believe."
The shop with flats above was agreed as part of the official go-ahead to build 197 homes to the north of Victoria Road.
Those pledges were made at meetings attended by many witnesses in
their attempts to get planning permission which was delivered to them
in 2008.
They include contributions to the local primary and
comprehensive schools, traffic calming in Grovelands Way, and the
provision of local amenities.
There was nothing in their original plans to bulldoze Albion House
at the entrance to Victoria Fields as it would widely understood that
the street scene should not be destroyed.
The promised 'signalised' pedestrian crossing and mini roundabout on Victoria Road have been provided.