Currys quits town after decades on the high street
(June 25, 2011)Currys leaves Warminster
ELECTRICAL firm Currys has left Warminster Market Place - ending a half century association with the town.
All members of staff are transferring to the Trowbridge

The company, part of the struggling DRG which includes PC World, has been hard hit by the recession and the rise in competition from online suppliers.
In addition the shop in Warminster has suffered from the drop in trade and footfall in Warminster caused by the Wiltshire Council's twin barmy policies of constricting the highway and charging for parking in struggling market towns.
''When people ask who is to blame - our councillors should all shout 'Mia Culpa' but though they are guilty it would be unfair to point all the blame and guilt in their direction,'' said Steve Dancey, who has lived in the town since the 1950s.
''The sad fact is that the Warminster store really was no longer fit for its purpose as something much larger was required. Back in the 1960s, when the store was on the other side of the road near the traffic lights, when you bought a new TV you had a simple choice of size and a couple of brands.
''Today if you are brave enough to buy a new TV set you will have to choose between HD, 3D, plasma, Sky packages and an endless list of specifications and types.
''At its closure the Warminster store had just four televisions on display whereas Currys' Trowbridge warehouse has 151 sets on display and Chippenham has 55.
"The Warminster store was simply unable to compete."
Still the closure will mean some extra business for the town's computer shop in High Street and Double M Electics in Silver street.
Below The Trowbridge store where the Warminster workers will now sell - taking more young people out of the town during the day.