Warminster Town Council: The Incredibles, a shambolic resignation!
(August 28, 2011)THE credibility of Warminster Town Council has been thrown into
further doubt after the shambles of a resignation of one of its
councillors who has not been missed.
It appears like an internal feud brought about by political incompetence which may see the constituency MP brought in.
Evidence is being produced almost every week that the
political party has no control over its members and is completely out
of touch with the public and its own membership.

Conservative Steve Wheeler says 'I resign' at his first meeting in
six months over five weeks ago and the Tory Mayor is forced to repeat
that she has heard nothing to inquiries and cause a flurry of agitated
"The news of the resignation quickly spread as there are many who
believe that this council which is in its fifth year without the
infusion of new blood are well beyond their sell-by date," says
a former active east ward councillor Paul Macdonald have been responding to public concerns with
enquiring e-mails about the the Dewey House problems adding to the
difficult times that they already face about their mega-loan 'Ass Hall'
spending and their town hall debacle.
"I can say that I am resigned to the further public disgrace of
local politics to join that of national politics," says Paul who
enjoyed the politics of the last century.
"Quite frankly Steve Wheeler is a member of the Conservative Party
who has left the town and that happens but in our ward he was never
seen campaigning so he has not been missed," adds Paul.
"The fact that the office of the Mayor and Town Clerk may be drawn
into disrepute about what could be alleged as the 'wheeler-dealer'
actions of the Conservative Party must not involve Mayor Pip Ridout or
Town Clerk Heather Abernathie personally.
"What drives me mad as someone who could be interested in serving
our town again in this way is that those who do not know people like me
see us as seeking election for all the wrong reasons."
Steve Wheeler was elected to represent the East Ward of the market town in 2007.
If Warminster had gone against the grain and said they would not
extend their term of office for a further two years he could have quit
with honour in March rather than face possible dishonour and ridicule
"These decisions need an answer," claims Paul. "Where is the
missing resignation, where is the politivcal leadership from the
chairman of Warminster Conservative Association, and why have'nt they
dealt with this honourably?
"Who is in charge of the Tories who run this town and why should a town clerk be drawn into their mess?
"The big mistake that our Mayor made is referring the enquiry to the town clerk rather than her party.
"I have not thought about involving our MP Andrew Murrison in what
is going at incompetent parish pump level of government but I will ask
for advice about this," adds Paul.
"Until this latest episode I have just been presenting our concerns about the wider economic future of the town.
"It shows that there needs to be quickly established a clear
independence of the council staff from the machinations of the
politically elected councillors!"
*Steve Wheeler made his 'would-be -resignation' announcement
at the full council meeting on the 18th July reported by Warminster Web
at which the Mayor also minuted an apology 'with reference to the
minutes of the full council meeting held on the 17th January 2011.item
421, Mr. Simon Burn (WW editor) has asked me to point out that he did
not misquote me and asks that this be recorded in the minutes tonight.'