Rock (Lane) of Ages - still waiting for the painting!!
(July 28, 2012)A local campaign that
got off to a flying start two years ago has now become a marathon after
the hurdles that have to be jumped have now even seen the Olympics come
into play.
In June 2010 community campaigner Paul Macdonald
raised a Boreham Road road safety issue with Wiltshire Council (see hot
topics 20th JUne 2010).
"There was a quick response from the area board team
which impressed me," said Paul. "Then the hurdles started to appear.
Rock Lane yellow lines have still not appeared."
A review was being undertaken which dragged on and then all the legal paperwork had to be done.
"They are promised but it is almost leaves on the lines time again!"
Once again within 24 hours of Paul chasing this up the
area board team were on the case (and had asked Cllr. Andrew Davis to
get in touch with Paul).
They got a response from the traffic engineers that the wet weather had delayed the work.
"I did not hear from him so this morning I went round to see Andrew," said Paul.
"I know that there has been a problem with the
weather," explained Andrew. "I also believe that the painting of yellow
lines for the Olympics got in the way as well.
"We had to make sure that everything looked good for the torchbearers on their route through the county."
The problem of getting out of Rock Lane into Boreham
Road is no longer a twice daily five days a week problem at the moment
as St. John's School has started its summer holidays.
"I now believe we should demand that the work is done
before the school goes back and as area board chairman Andrew gets
Warminster to the top of the waiting list," adds Paul.
"And if it is raining on the day scheduled I am sure I
can get a couple of dozen residents to stand there with umbrellas
keeping this short stretch of road dry!"