Faiirview 'Fair View' Approach Needed
(November 10, 2014)A galvanised local community in Warminster living within a stone's throw of a former TB hospital seeing more of its land facing development for high density housing united with all four ward town councillors again on Monday.
"Having listened to the words said tonight from the representatives of Selwood Housing that bungalows come later as part of their program then I stand by my proposal for refusal of the current plan," said Cllr. Paul Macdonald.
"Combined with talking with local residents I say that this is the wrong plan for the wrong site."
Cllr. Andrew Davis spoke strongly about the concern of the traffic hazard caused by the pavement that ends within the site where it meets Gypsy Lane.
Local residents living in Gypsy Lane and Plants Green turned out in their droves for the third time to 'respectfully' but more stridently demand that Selwood Housing Association think again.
Gypsy Lane resident Malcolm Irons used his three minutes speaking at the start of the town council 'planning advisory' meeting 'respectfully' to emphasise the 'ethos of the area'.
Town councillors listened to arguments about this plan that had put forward twice before 'that even the reduction from 14 to 12 homes' not including the apartment block' would not alleviate their concerns. His words drew applause.
Another resident Andy Jelly described the plan as a 'vision that is entirely wrong'. His words drew applause.
Rev. Denis Brett, who lives at a corner of Gypsy Lane that leads to the development sit, drew yet more applause for his words for his appeal for commonsense.
Plants Green resident Glenda Knight spoke increasingly stridently and passionately 'we care for our area'.
Cllr. Steve Dancey added his support for the local residents speaking from the public seats reminding Selwood Housing of their roots and their special role as 'social landlords' working within the community.
Two representatives of Selwood Housing spoke about the need for homes in Wiltshire and the waiting list of those with connections to the town on that list.
They also brought their architect to stand up and speak about the design and layout.
Bungalows The Answer
"I have listened and once again I propose we recommend refusal to Wiltshire Council," said Cllr. Paul Macdonald.
"It is the same reasons as before but I will remove my objection to cars reversing. I am only concerned about the two between the apartment block and homes nearest Gypsy Lane."
"However, I am increasingly now not happy," added Cllr. Macdonald.
"Why is it that the Avon Mental Health Trust built Fairview house for their residents with the grassed area for their residents to enjoy and Selwood will not do the same for the children that could live here.
"They will have to play in the street or be boxed in their homes."
He then supported the earlier words of Cllr. Dancey who had talked about the need to cter for the growing elderly population.
"In my ward there is a clear example of what should happen here," claimed Paul. "Look at St. George's Close which has a lot traffic problems but there is Corner Ground bungalows which adds very little to them.
Cllr. Rob Fryer (Warminster West) asked for an amendment their response about design and layout of the plan after having visited a Plants Green resident.
It was accepted by Cllr. Macdonald seeing the town council unanimous vote once again united the residents.