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Masterplan revealed to the public

(February 17, 2016)

The highly contentious future expansion of Warminster to give houses towards government dictated targets goes public tomorrow.

"Our planning authority Wiltshire Council have been working behind the scenes to knock together a masterplan that covers the future use of the land allocated between the town and the by-pass," said town councillor Paul Macdonald.

"It is now launching a consultation on their work tomorrow about a plan produced by Persimmon, Hannick and Redrow.

"This is of huge importance for the town and I will be very interested in what has emerged as a result of the government approved planning strategy for our town up until 2026."

The consultation materials can be viewed at the town council offices and will close at 5pm on Friday 11th March 2016.

They will also be available on-line.

"My first reaction to this date is that it is only three weeks for such an important consultation but hopefully when I read it tomorrow it will be easy to read in layman's terms and easy to comment on.

"There are key issues in my mind including the number of houses proposed."

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