Town Events 2009-13

Christmas lights switch on and market

(November 20, 2009)

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First row: The Old Bell's colonnades were once used by corn merchants but today it was burgers; Children's entertainment at the western end of Market Place; town crier Trevor Heeks takes a breather on a busy day; George Jolley - minus broom - on his way to help out on the information stand; the grotto was very busy as children queued up to see Father Christmas; Tim and Richard Steer played through the twilight; Tim Steer in full song.

Middle row: Richard Steer warms up before going on stage; Kingdown School pupil and cake maker Lucy Waters raising funds for a charity trip to Tanzania to help build a new school; Sanchia Jessup is also off to Tanzania and needs to raise more than three thousand pounds; Holly Deacon collecting for the Rose Charity; Children's entertainment from Jennings' fair; Chris March explains a detailed point to Pat Jones on the information stall.

Bottom row: Children from New Close School singing in the stage; The street scene from the steps of the Royal Mail building; Nicky from Pewsey on the Chrystal Clear stall; Minster C of E School children sang 'There's a whole lot of Shopping going on' 'Jingle Bells' and 'Silent Night'; The street scene from the Old Bell; As darkness falls the excitement builds; The umbrellas go up, the rain falls and the lights go on; A closer look at the lights.

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